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Everything posted by LooneyToonArmy

  1. 500k for is nowt really so it wouldn't be too bad as long as we don't give a 5 year contract or something ridiculous like that. Never seen him play but he's a regular with Auxerre by the looks of things and has experience.... http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-1393256/Newcastle-Blackburn-Wigan-eye-Auxerres-Cedric-Hengbart.html?
  2. Would be a decent coup this. But what is this? For how long would he be missing? "[...]he still has to complete military service in his home country unless he wins a medal at the 2012 Olympics." <The "Park Chu-Young National Service Status" summary> Basically, the guy needs to go to the military. He's got three options. (1) He can go back to Korea and play for our Army team for two years. Our Army team plays in the first division so it's still a reasonably high standard of football. Players can only apply for the Army team before their 28th birthday, so he would have to return to Korea for two years after completion of the 2012/2013 season. (2) Alternatively, he could play for the Police Force team for two years instead. The Police Force team accepts players until their 30th birthday, so he could continue his career in Europe up to the 2014/2015 season. However, the Police Force team plays in our second division so once he's released at 32 years of age he's probably done as a top-level player. (3) The final option is to just sit on it and see out his career, and then go enlist as a soldier for two years just like everybody else. Trust me, you do not want to enlist as a soldier in the ROK Armed Forces at 35 years of age. It sucks. Bad. This isn't really an option. (4) Well, I guess he could just go and win a medal at the London Olympics, securing a legal exemption. Good luck with that. And yes, this situation is ridiculous and does suck. Can he not just never return to South Korea? That´s what I would do at least. he could do that but until 36 years old (IIRC) then he's considered too old for military service. Doubt that will happen tbh
  3. 5m euros is a bargain , a far cry than what I read on wiki (I know it's gospel like) During the season, he signed another extension agreeing to a three-year deal until 2013. Included in the extension was a release clause of €75 million. http://actu.football.fr/post/2009/03/27/2318-dossier-yohan-cabaye-le-poumon-du-losc
  4. Barnetta is Swiss, not f***ing Swedish. I wouldn`t say he`s a prodigy either....maybe when he first came onto the scene 5-6 years back.....
  5. Aye, great stuff. fking hell.....did you see Franck Dumas? I know he wasn`t young when he signed for us but he hasn`t aged well:lol:
  6. or unless they can get him a visa under the "outstanding talent" rule.....Man U and the bigger clubs usually have more sway when it comes to this.
  7. LooneyToonArmy


    I agree with this....Jonas was our only real attacking outlet/threat on the wing and he relieved the pressure on the team. I think with someone else on the other wing (anyone with a bit of pace/movement) we'll see more of Jonas (not necessarily goals mind!)......
  8. Evian got promoted to Ligue 1....Cacapa the rock of the defence at the back........ Apparently Lizerazu will run naked through the streets of Evian too • Lizarazu promised nude run if Evian were promoted • 'I'll keep my word,' says former France international http://www.guardian.co.uk/football/2011/may/29/bixente-lizarazu-naked-evian
  9. http://www.readytogo.net/smb/showthread.php?t=596397
  10. Looking forward to oldtype promoting Park over the summer. Our papers are already ing with excitement at the prospects of a move to England. Was looking through their squad earlier at possible recruits.....but I can see why they got relegated. I don't follow the French league that closely but their squad really does looks very weak compared to the previous Monaco sides...
  11. just realised David Rozenhal is with them......I'm sure he had only good things to say about us Wouldn't be surprised if the national/local press comes on here to get their transfer stories tbh.......like the Sunday Sun and their breaking news about Cabaye yesterday when we already knew it. Not really: http://www.newcastle-online.org/nufcforum/index.php/topic,76423.0.html Fair enough
  12. Wouldn't be surprised if the national/local press comes on here to get their transfer stories tbh.......like the Sunday Sun and their breaking news about Cabaye yesterday when we already knew it.
  13. don`t know how he can be classed as a footballer....fucking shite
  14. 5m euros? Is he out of contract of contract next season? Seems a bit low..... 10m roughly for Zoggy and Cabaye? Would be nice
  15. it would be a sacrifice for him to turn down Champions League football to come to us having just won the double (same applies for the Gervinho rumour).....would be a very good signing if we manage it.
  16. http://www.readytogo.net/smb/showpost.php?p=10048344&postcount=6
  17. mostly about Liverpool and their targets so a mention of Enrique.....according to Ballague "there has been interest from clubs but no offers..Liverpool still have doubts about his defending" http://www.talksport.co.uk/radio/kickoff/blog/2011-05-26/balague-liverpool-are-interested-juan-mata-and-jose-enrique-fabio-coentrao-no-go?
  18. 5m is a bit of a joke tbh (like Liverpool's supposed 4m bid for Enrique) and Wigan don't exactly need the money badly either. Upwards of 9m+ easily IMO.
  19. Wouldn`t be surprised tbh....remember we sold Shay Given for next to nowt really (esp in Man City terms) even when he was one of the top keepers in the country at the time.
  20. He is absolutely not dubbed the new Didier Drogba isn`t that Lukaku? Anyway, every physical African striker is dubbed the new Drogba...a bit like every Argie attacking midfielder the "new Maradona" it seems.
  21. Don't know why people go on about Guivarch tbh......he only played 4 games, mostly as sub and he scored 1 goal.....still a better record than Mr Alan Smith
  22. From the inception of the Prem; http://www.transferleague.co.uk/league-tables/1992-to-2011.html From 2006 till now; http://www.transferleague.co.uk/league-tables/2006-2011.html
  23. LooneyToonArmy


    the fans on the Depor forum said that would not likely happen because they wont pay the wages he's on at us (even if they get millions for Guadardo).....especially now that they're in the Segunda division.
  24. So did Carroll but it didn't stop him. But yeah unfortunately I can't see us getting Van Aarnholt unless it's a loan deal.
  25. 2 midgets up front? I suppose we'll play the ball on the deck more.
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