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Everything posted by LooneyToonArmy

  1. aye he'll fuck off in a year in a big huff like most of the French players we've had
  2. why don`t you ask him yourself? Pretty sure it`s him...he`s not famous enough to warrant fake profiles of himself yet (?) There`s only 1 profile anyway http://www.facebook.com/search.php?q=mehdi%20abeid&init=quick&tas=0.6726404188666493
  3. No, Sergio Aguero actually http://www.readytogo.net/smb/showthread.php?t=594288
  4. Yes please. And Acuna. Leave Acuna out of it! He was an underrated player for us.
  5. Diego and HBA in the same team...sounds good but not sure if it would work(?). A couple players from the relegated La Liga teams that are very good are Nelson Valdez (not prolific, but quick, skilful and hard worker...) , would be available cheap....Drethe has done very well too.....and Andres Guadardo? In saying that, I guess his position isnt a top priority right now and the Depor chairman would fleece the hell out of us again anyway!
  6. I agree with this.....apart from Jonas we lack pace/movement in the side so looking forward to seeing HBA back to provide some of that. And obviously Jonas' crossing isn't his strongest point but his dangerous runs creates space for others and he drags opposition players out of position.....our problems though has been the lack of mobility/pace/movement in our other attacking positions to make use of any of those dangerous runs he makes. I'm hoping for 2 decent strikers (not Carlton Cole ffs, or a 6'4 target men with no pace/movement)...but not expecting it. .
  7. ex Spurs player Reto Ziegeler has improved alot since leaving, played canny at left back when I saw them play (2 seasons ago when they had the likes of Cassano and Pazzini in the team).....not saying we should go for him mind.
  8. We're fielding too many black style players... f***ing hell "We're fielding too many black style players..."
  9. prolific goal record against the mackems hopefully....
  10. Twente beat Ajax 3-2 AET last week in the cup final too. Ajax 1-0 up
  11. Dutch league is about to be decided in a head to head match between Ajax and Twente. Most exciting finish since 2007 when PSV, AZ and Ajax were all still in it.
  12. 30 years old and probably on ridiculous wages. Would prefer trying for Van Aanholt.
  13. Didn't Mario Jardel end up at Bolton and was s***? Hence me using his case as a cautionary tale. What strikers have successfully moved on from the Portuguese league, by the way? Pauleta did pretty well in La Liga at Salamanca and Deportivo (where he was competing with Tristan/Luque , Makaay).....good records for PSG and Bordeaux in France too. Hugo Almedia had a very good record for Werder Bremen and doing reasonably well at Besiktas.
  14. I`d happily take Pablo Osvaldo off them...if we could just manage to sneak Xisco into any deal too
  15. Is "better than anything we`ve got at the moment" good enough for you though? I see names like Kevin Doyle and Fletcher mentioned but I think they are very average players at best. Yes they are a bit better than Shola and Loven but that`s not difficult is it? they haven`t exactly been that impressive goalwise in the Prem League and I do think think we can aim a *little higher* as we have the money (cough ), of course I`m not expecting a Radomel Falcao, David Villa, Higuain through the door either. Not really in favour of us going for a typical English centre forward/target man....rather someone a bit more mobile/pacey.
  16. Pity Sahin has been sold.....Dortmund play excellent football with him at the heart of many of their moves, and was looking forward to seeing them in the Champions League with a full strength team. Hopefully not too many others are sold off/get out clauses.
  17. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-1384404/Newcastles-Peter-Lovenkrands-talks-Sportsmail.html#ixzz1Lc0muP00
  18. Williamson has been decent this season...I'm happier to have in the side ahead of Taylor anyway.
  19. LooneyToonArmy


    don't think he would have got a chance anyway unfortunately......whether it's down to that "x number of games played" alleged clause or not.
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