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Everything posted by LooneyToonArmy

  1. no surprise his biggest critic also happens to be some mackem c*** (markeyboy)
  2. jpurnalists making up players...hardly surprising http://inbedwithmaradona.com/spurs-and-the-invisible-argentina-whizz-kid/?
  3. how did Viana play for Braga? didn't see the game but I read the Independent match report and it said "Much of Braga's best midfield work was carried out by Hugo Viana, which may have caused a quizzical eyebrow to be raised at Newcastle United"
  4. I welcome you to find all these anti-italian posts that I`ve been making that made you come to that conclusion. If it`s about my previous post, it`s from personal experience of quite a few of my Asian friends who have been over there. On most occasions, it wasn`t meant (or they didn`t view it as) racist....but the Italians thought it was "funny" to do that gesture more than anything else.
  5. f***ing Italians, man. not at all surprised tbh......the pundit seems like a right bell end anyway....
  6. I'd happily take Biglia, Legear and Lukaku off their hands Juhasz is a canny player too....
  7. Mbark Boussoufa signs for Gullit's side....10 million euros. The player will earn 3 million euros per year.
  8. Glad this was top of the agenda instead of corruption, video evidence, goal line technology, standards of reffing, victims of bad tackles having to leave the field, celebrating with fans being condemned, giving your honest opinions being punished in a free society, the world cup selection debacle and much much more. 'cos everyone can't stop talking about those damnable snoods, about time action has been taken!
  9. LooneyToonArmy


    not sure if it's been posted but for those of you dying to see....... a pic of Nani's injury (reached the bone apparently) inflicted on him by Carragher http://plixi.com/p/82070789
  10. Here’s what top referees earn: How Much Officials Earn Per Domestic League Game (€) Country Referee Assistant Referee England 1,170* 375 Spain 6,000 2,000 Germany 3,600 1,800 Italy 3,400 1,700 France 2,751 1,300 Portugal 1,188 594 *EPL referees are paid a retainer of €38,500 per season Referees are inevitably figures that court a great deal of controversy in the game, and although it’s fair to say that some are better than others, every fan would acknowledge that the football simply couldn’t run without the ‘Men In Black’. But how much do these figures of authority earn for spending 90 minutes often receiving a good deal of abuse and certainly coming under the scrutiny of the national, and sometimes worldwide, media? Intuitively, the officials hailing from the top leagues earn the most money, though this is a little skewed for the Premier League, who pay their referees a large retainer over the course of the campaign and therefore a smaller match fee. It’s La Liga where referees are paid most handsomely, with each taking home a €6,000 pay packet, while in Italy, the main official will earn around €3,400 for his 90 minutes work – no Calciopoli jokes, please. Though French officials are amongst the best paid in Europe, earning on average €73,000-per-season, they are presently threatening strike action over the wage level. But referees in l’Hexagone are not the only matchday officials to threaten a strike this term; Scottish whistleblowers did stage a walkout earlier this season, though this was over their treatment in the media rather than over their pay. While some spectators may baulk at these significant sums, it’s worth remembering that even the very best referees will be earning a fraction of what the top players earn each week. With wages for superstars spiralling at an incredible rate, perhaps we should spare a thought for the men in the middle trying to take command of players earning more than 50 times their salary. http://www.goal.com/en/news/1717/editorial/2011/03/04/2378442/revealed-how-much-referees-are-paid-in-each-european-country
  11. A ref set a new record - by flashing 36 red cards in one game. Fuming official Damian Rubino sent off all 22 players PLUS their substitutes and technical staff as a mass brawl erupted. http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/3445465/Referee-shows-36-red-cards-in-a-game.html
  12. Not content with being runaway leaders of the Bundesliga, Borussia Dortmund have made good use of their free time on the club coach by coming up with an outrageous 'trick shot.' As you can see from the video, midfielder Nuri Sahin and goalkeeper Roman Weidenfeller position themselves at either end of the bus with the doors at each end open. With the bus hurtling down a highway, Sahin then kicks the ball out the door and against the wall of an overpass with the ball then bouncing back into the hands of Weidenfeller. http://uk.eurosport.yahoo.com/blogs/world-of-sport/article/37311/
  13. heres a pic of the owl with a broken leg. RIP http://a1.blick.ch/img/gen/A/w/MTAwMDE0MA==_Pxgen_r_600x445.jpg
  14. don`t recall Sinclair making much of an impact when he was at Wigan and Birmingham mind....canny goal record in the Championship though.
  15. Newcastle vs Liverpool 1987 don't remember too much about the game (was 7 years old) and sitting on the concrete stands as a bairn..... EDIT: just noticed the game is on youtube and we lost (0-4)...probably good reason why I don't remember
  16. I've read they're trying to get Momo Sissoko signed up on a free at the end of the season.
  17. Its f***ing Colombia so he probably will. The owl died by the way... "According to Bogota radio station Santa Fe, current animal protection laws allow the player to be jailed for "one to three months and be fined between 5,000 to 50,000 pesos ($2.6 to $26)." Let's see......
  18. what do you think of Max Gradel? Haven`t watched any of Leeds in the Championship but hear his name mentioned a lot in the press....was linked with us a while back.
  19. Deportivo Pereira defender Luis Moreno kicks Atlético Junior's owl mascot during match Panama defender Luis Moreno is facing sanctions after he kicked an injured owl that had landed on the field during a league game for his Colombian club Deportivo Pereira against Atlético Junior. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/football/8353367/Deportivo-Pereira-defender-Luis-Moreno-kicks-Atletico-Juniors-owl-mascot-during-match.html#
  20. something in his mouth? http://d.yimg.com/i//ng/sp/eurosport/20110217/25/3b05ee2c8b9fcde57accabd07671727d.jpg
  21. some quite amusing I posted a one a while back but here's some others....you might find some better examples....a few snippets.... Sunderland http://uncyclopedia.wikia.com/wiki/Sunderland_AFC The Sunderland Association Football Club (SAFC), also known as the North-East Red Stripes, is a sports club based in North-East England (commonly known as Scumderland [pronounced Scum-der-land]), given its name by the infamous Peter Reid, a.k.a. Monkeyheed [pronounced mun-kee-heeeed], in April 13th 1906 after the annual riot of Seaburn where 400 Mackem's faced off against 10 Geordies and managed to survive an impressive 3 minutes against the Geordie hoard [beating the previous record of 12 seconds, set in 1830]. The town changed its name from God's Toilet, (named by God, who is based in London) as the name became no longer relevant due to the fact that God (or any other deity for that matter) stopped visiting Sunderland because the plagues that was being carried by that cesspit of a city would have been fatal even to a God. --------- Joey Barton http://uncyclopedia.wikia.com/wiki/Joey_Barton Josephine Lucifer Adolf Barton (from Hell) is Satan's 7th son, literary critic and successor to Gordon Ramsay as the Daily Mail's 'Biggest w***** who is probably solely responsible for Global warming'. Once evolved he has a HP of 240 - twice that of an average Charizard. Barton was born eight months prematurely after eating his way out of his mother's placenta. Raised by wolves in Afghanistani caves, during his childhood he developed an interest in just generally being an obnoxious t***. However after years of picking on people not his own size, he was left feeling unfulfilled; mainly due to his poor financial status. He has been f***ed over by the FA many a time, in one case for setting the ball aside as he looked as though he were about to take on a midfielder but, ran at a moderate pace and planted his studs into the crotch of Dickson Etuhu ----------------- Cristiano Ronaldo http://uncyclopedia.wikia.com/wiki/Cristiano_Ronaldo Cristina Gaynaldo(pron: "Faggot") born on the 5th February 1755) is a professional diver and actor, who used to plunge to the ground for Manchester United but has now taken his acting talents to Real Madrid. Born Joseph Christine Sharfuddin gaynaldo, his nicknames include 'w*****' due to his compulsive winking . This was caused by a stroke he suffered after having his testicles detached by a vicious Victoria Beckham tackle in a charity football match against the Spice Girls. The Oxford English dictionary now also accept "Cristiano Ronaldo" as a valid definition for an arrogant prick or greasy haired immigrant who is born with the special diving abilities. ---------------------- Wayne Rooney http://uncyclopedia.wikia.com/wiki/Wayne_Rooney Wayne Shrek "Fat, ginger, money grabbing b******" Rooney is an English footballer who currently plays for the football club Manchester Red Sox Ltd.. He was born in Poverty, a picturesque slum near Scouserland and is the first child of Dwayne and Waynetta Rooney. While growing up Wayne had ambitions to become a footballer like his hero Vinnie 'the Nuts Grabber' Jones. Wayne is probably best known for his two-year old tantrums, his portly figure and his girlfriend Coleen who happens to look like a donkey. ------------- John Terry John "Lionheart" Terry is captain of Chel$ki, a thug, a lying cheat, Jose's ex-bum boy and an all around professional c***.
  22. Mou's reaction to Sporting's draw http://store3.up-00.com/Feb11/iL363987.jpg http://store3.up-00.com/Feb11/kAm64065.jpg http://store3.up-00.com/Feb11/m2u64154.jpg http://store3.up-00.com/Feb11/pgB64224.jpg
  23. Jadson has been there for 6 years now...sure he wants to try his luck in a better league ...preferably with us Srna is class too but a diving little prick
  24. I remember we were heavily linked with him in the Sir Bobby era...31 now http://www.mirrorfootball.co.uk/news/Newcastle-Aston-Villa-transfer-news-Magpies-and-Villa-have-been-sounded-out-after-Valencia-put-3m-rated-Portugal-defender-Miguel-up-for-sale-article700131.html
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