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Everything posted by LooneyToonArmy

  1. Olivier Bernard : From now is looking for another team to support !!!! Disgrace 37 minutes ago via iPhone
  2. why would he leave Ajax and come here anyway? Can`t see it happening....
  3. Mike Ashley, go home you fat southern prick...
  4. the players will be devastated Hughton has been thrown out the club. He had a great rapport and mutual respect with the players and this will just make things worse.
  5. Marcelo Bielsa :: the potential candidates are fking depressing to see....but not surprising.
  6. was going to mention that too..... http://www.specialistauctions.com/cache/cache_500_1__a1067881_mainpicJPG.img?188
  7. not sure if it's been posted before but...... --- Top 10 Reasons why it wouldn’t be a disaster if England lost the 2018 World Cup D-Day turned into disaster day for England as FIFA confirmed the 2018 World Cup will take place in Russia. Don't be glum, though - here's 10 reasons why this is actually a GOOD thing: 1) The only joy England get from major tournaments is our false sense of security-inducing romp through the qualifiers. A series of meaningless friendlies just wouldn’t have been the same. 2) We won’t have to sit through a boring Panorama programme on the eve of the event explaining how our facilities aren’t up to scratch (or, rather, how they weren’t up to scratch in 2014). 3) The Queen won’t have to pretend to care about the beautiful game when she’s handing out medals at the final. 4) We’ll be spared the horrors of an official World Cup 2018 song caterwauled by the winner of the previous year’s X Factor show… 5) And also the official mascots: a lion in a gaudy shell-suit kicking a football through his neighbour’s window. 6) You’ll be able to buy your groceries for the week without having to fight through mountains of ‘limited edition’ football-related tat: 'Make sure YOU score tonight with our limited edition World Cup condoms!' etc 7) We won’t have to suffer supposedly topical mentions of the tournament being crowbarred incongruously into Coronation Street and EastEnders: ‘Oi, Minty! Come quick! The Vic’s on fire… again!’ ‘Not now, Billy – I’ve got to catch a train to Milton Keynes to see Nigeria vs Paraguay!’ 8) We won’t be severely delayed getting to work every day by a police roadblock set-up solely to allow Sepp Blatter to zoom past in a solid gold Mercedes converted to run on orphans’ tears and that comes complete with seal-skin seat covers hand-stitched together by blind Burmese children working for a penny an day. 9) The Premier League’s impoverished football scouts can continue to rack up the air miles filing reports on which mediocre Scandinavians would be best suited to fighting relegation in 2019. 10) We won’t have to put up with legions of German fans celebrating in the fountains of Trafalgar Square following our inevitable last 16 drubbing. (Mirror)
  8. not sure what this means......3m for the loan deal or 3m for Kranjcar outright? I assume it`s the latter ,3m is a steal but Everton can`t afford it. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-1335742/Everton-wont-Niko-Kranjcar-loan-Tottenham-man-eyes-permanent-switch.html#ixzz17BjL913d Piere Webo who WBA are after looks a really good player too for 2m. I know it`s speculation though. http://www.people.co.uk/sport/football/football-hotline/2010/12/05/roberto-di-matteo-wants-cameroon-star-pierre-webo-at-the-hawthorns-102039-22761645/
  9. not quite sure which one it is but the one who played in Serie A for a bit looked decent.... Edit: both of them did So not sure which one I was watching at the time
  10. 3 or 4 years would have been sufficient but fairly happy we have him here longer. A decent steady defender/backup.
  11. It's not only Qatar... http://www.sport24.co.za/Soccer/FIFA-to-be-exempt-from-taxes-20100416 http://2010-world-cup.co.cc/soccer-buzz-does-fifa-ask-for-too-much-legal-power-in-world-cup Brazil is giving a FIFA a tax break (no taxes at all) and changed their laws to accommodate FIFA. Russia is going to lift visa requirements for visitors during the world cup. Who knows what else past hosts had to do to meet FIFA's demands?
  12. Yeah.... that's what some people thought about Japan/Korea. I've been to J-league and K-league games prior to the 2002 World Cup and the atmosphere at those games were good actually. I guess it was ignorance/lack of knowledge about those countries that brought them to that 'conclusion'.
  13. I hope Israel qualify and win the world cup in Qatar . Let's just say their relations aren't the greatest
  14. no women at he world cup 2022_ I've heard women are not allowed to attend sporting events in many Arab societies, is Qatar one of these? i guess they "forgot" to mention it in their presentation
  15. Thanks Panorama. hope Panorama rips open and tears apart FIFA now, as so many of them are corrupt.
  16. awww. poor Shay eh -- Celtic’s decision to extend the loan of Newcastle United goalkeeper Fraser Forster is likely to ruin Shay Given’s chances of joining the Scottish giants. Given wants out at Manchester City and was hoping to complete a dream move to Parkhead in January but news has emerged that the Hoops will keep Forster, who has impressed in his 13 league appearances. Given cannot dislodge City number one Joe Hart and is far too good a goalkeeper to be sitting on the bench hence his want for a shift away from Eastlands but this latest occurrence looks to deny him a chance to return to the club where he developed during his youth days.
  17. never knew about this ------- How Holden fought back to resurrect broken dream Five years after his eye socket was smashed in a street attack, the Bolton midfielder tells Ian Herbert of his tough journey to the top It wasn't just Stuart Holden's face that was smashed up on the night he was attacked so brutally in a Newcastle taxi rank that his eyeball socket was left fractured in four places. His hopes of a career in English football were left in a similar, desperate state. http://www.independent.co.uk/sport/football/news-and-comment/how-holden-fought-back-to-resurrect-broken-dream-2144832.html?
  18. Has he had many coaching positions in the past? I remember him mainly for his co commentary on Football Italia with Peter Brackley in the good old days on Channel 4
  19. yeah that's how I remember him during his Porto days, as an attacking midfielder. Fergie seems to have converted him into a more defensive minded player and coached the flair out of him...a bit like Park Ji Sung too (seemed to have a lot more flair during his PSV days)
  20. it was a clever stuff, but I don't agree with that method. I would be fuming if I were an Ajax fan. Though I have to say, it was so fking funny. It was so deliberate, the referee was hesitating a lot, perhaps didn't want to give a red card at the end of a 4-0 game, but Alonso seemed a bit lost, and was just waiting.
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