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Everything posted by ScottishMagpie

  1. Completely forgot we had him in our first team. Suppose this will give Pards ammunition for the 'too many foreigners' idiots in the press room.
  2. Pards to Carver: "What? They can do that?! but no-one is injured?"
  3. Aye...was it the Fulham home game in the relegation season Viduka had goal chopped off too?
  4. That Durham 'article' (if you can call it that) is shocking. Mind you, the mirror story isn't too much better.
  5. This is awful... who do I cheer for?!
  6. mmm...villa a team that have been in the shit for most of the season and one could assume a fair amount of negativity/pressure but can still play football. You watching Pardew?
  7. So we should stick with the fuckwit just in the off chance we get someone worse that Pardew in? Holy smoke!
  8. Why not start with him and sub him at half-time or 60 min mark. Give him clear instructions and the chance to get settled in to a game from the start and make his presence felt. That way, who knows, we could be 2-0 up at half-time (I know, let me dream eh?!) instead of bringing him on in matches when we're up shit creek and need a hero and just send him on to 'do his thang' which results in him trying too much himself.
  9. http://25.media.tumblr.com/b2028892bf3f0a6f35093d3854969543/tumblr_mgle29YzAF1s2sn7wo1_250.gif Aye but the one thing he is more of than a non crowd-pleaser is a hard-headed business man and I'm sure he doesn't need his accountant to do the maths over the possibility of relegation.
  10. This Kunt not been sent packing yet?
  11. Aye but Nolan didn't exactly have glowing words to say about Pardew after he left. Know he wouldn't want to intentionally hurt us fans but I bet he'd love to sock it to Pardew.
  12. Just watched his interview on NUFCTV: "in hindsight team selection didn't work for us" No shit sherlock. A large number of folk on this forum were saying as such an hour before kick off but takes him till after it's gone tits up to realise. "all my teams are organised and on the front foot looking to win the game" which team is that alan? the one you play with on Fifa 13? "need to roll our sleeves up and show our fans we got the fight in us" "need to try and win every game" he's been saying this for the past month at least but his team selection, tactics and subs seem to contradict this statement.
  13. Barton still gives more about this club than some players who have a place in our squad. Really? The same could be aimed at the players when playing under Joe Kinnear but a lot of those same players showed they cared about this club the next season to get us back up. Point I'm trying to make is the right leader can make a hell of a difference. Pardew clearly ain't a leader.
  14. Defo. Crazy for the club not to consider going for Benitez Martinez is a close second for me but my first choice would be Benitez. Not sure if he's feeling any more/less love from the terraces at stamford bridge but he's really impressed me since taking over at that nuthouse.
  15. In the review of the match in the Express it says that a fan ran/walked/raged to the home dugout after the 3rd and threw his scarf at Pards. Pity it wasn't weighted at either end.
  16. Can't believe with the money that's involved in relegation, especially with new tv deal coming etc, that he hasn't been hauled up in front of Big Mike for some serious explaining to be done. Not quite up on this dragons den type jargon but he backed him in the january transfer window and don't think this is the return on his investment he was expecting. Surely Mike's gotta be far from happy with him. Just hope his patience is snapping as I type this! ps. don't get this line of thinking where getting shotting of him right this instant is a bad idea. You find a cancer you remove it pronto.
  17. If for whatever reason we have to go in the last game of the season needing a win then we're fooked. This guy just doesn't have the knowledge or want to try and win games from the start.
  18. This had me chocking on my dinner. How to be hand fed excuse one after the other.
  19. I agree but scared Mike will see that as 'employee power' and back 'his' man instead. Like he did with Hughton? Good point!
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