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Everything posted by ScottishMagpie

  1. Oh fuck....does that mean another contract extension for him?
  2. sorry if I've missed this being mentioned before but seen/heard from a couple of podcasts that I've been listening to today that Jones was in the dressing room during half-time against Leeds? Anyone know if this is true. Might help explain the upturn in the second half?
  3. I'm not having a pop at the bloke, after all he's put his own time/money in to this but what actual effect has he had?
  4. If it pushes Shelvey down the pecking order that I'd welcome the lad. Can't believe they're not letting Ritchie go. FFS!!..... unless the new manager wants him around.
  5. "it can't just be luck I've been here a long time" Fucking lols!!! Just take him round the back of the barn and put a bullet between the eyes. This is just cruel letting him live like this.
  6. Count the votes letters!! Count the letters!!!!
  7. Interesting....so despite the usual BS that's been coming out the powers that be know it's endgame for him. Just a matter of when, not if.
  8. Agree. Very odd comment. What's to say that Bruce is going to listen to his 'neutral opinion'? bearing in mind "I've got 20 years managerial experience you know!" Will be very interesting to see the interaction (if any) between the pair of them at next match on the touchline.
  9. Still can't understand this appointment. What does bringing in a extra coach do? Has it taken him 1.5 seasons to register "I know what I need around here, I need another coach". I know very little about the bloke but doesn't sound like he's going to revolutionise the we we train/play. He's going to come in and work within the Steve's framework, suggest using different coloured cones and that will be it. If he does have a dramatic effect on us then it just shows there was problems needing fixed (despite what Bruce has been saying) and also if one coach can have such an effect then he deserves the head coach position surely? Or is this the board looking at wider picture and putting in place a possible structure should they get to the point of binning cabbage heid? That credits them with a degree of foresight seldom shown previously under this regime.
  10. That PP thing is class! Has Jones started with us yet? Bet we loose and the kunt will use the new coach not being in post yet as some kind of excuse. Just moving the sticks on from the "once I get ASM and Fraser on the pitch at the same time we'll be sorted" kinda pish.
  11. don't know whether to laugh or cry?!!! "....and crossed it the other night." Fuck me!!!!! We crossed the ball in to the box. Declare a regional public holiday in honour of the genius that is S Bruce!!!! Fuck off you fat sack of pus!
  12. So he's coming in to 'help' and Bruce is fully supportive of the move? Any idea whose idea it was? Did Steve go to the board and say "I need another coach please"? Is that not admitting he's got problems which goes against all the bullshit he's come out with? It doesn't sound like he is a coach with a specialty eg. working with the strikers so they can't cover it with the excuse like when Lawro joined briefly. Or did the board head hunt this guy? What does that say about the other coaches and how do they feel about another coach coming in? What if he comes in and tells them they're doing everything all wrong and this is how you should be doing it? If that happens and Bruce goes with his suggestions doesn't it make him look weak? Or..... is he just here to help arrange the cones, then whats the friggin point? Maybe I'm overthinking this but this Jones fella isn't the final missing piece of the jigsaw, i.e. he's not coming in just to fine tune things surely? In my view he's being brought in to fix the problems that are apparent to everyone bar our highly experienced manager..... so if he's got the know how to see where we're going wrong and how to fix then surely he should just be the head coach then? What's the point of the rest of them being there?
  13. lol! need a player to end their goal drought? trust Bruce. Want to move up a place in the league without playing... leave it to agent bruce. fucktard!!!
  14. Impossible when we change every partnership every match. Completely agree. Absolutely ludicrous of him to think he can change that much and not have a detrimental effect, even taking formations and tactics out of the equation. Was watching that show with George Caulkin on it earlier, he said we have changed starting 11's more times than anyone other team in the league. More times than those in europe with 2/3 games a week. Madness!!
  15. Not one functioning partnership in the entire team.
  16. You can have "buyers are confident" and you will bloody well like it. And you're not leaving the table till you've eaten all your cabbage!
  17. Basics: 1. Attend the game 2. Pride 3. Passing 4. Participate Got it. To be fair to him he's 100% correct though.... "forget about tactics....." because you can't think about tactics if you don't "turn up..." What a fucking melon this bloke is!
  18. Just nipped on to .com and read the whole speech in one take rather than piecemeal. Seems even more staggering seen altogether! Reads like he's asking for the sack.
  19. Aye. He's done. Not a question of "if", just "when". Hopefully it won't be too late.
  20. So the reason we're heading towards relegation is not because I've constantly fucked up but because some nasty people were against me from the start. Aye? Fucking bolt, ya fanny!!
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