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Everything posted by ScottishMagpie

  1. He wouldn't be taking the job if he hadn't been give assurances of cash to spend in January. Appointment just stinks... another pfm rotting up the premier league in 2020.
  2. FFS!! Will someone close to him advise him not to open his bacon munchin' flabby chops. Feckin embarrassment every single time words fall out it.
  3. what was 'project zebra' again? can't remember! PL are a sack of spuds? "all hands to the pump"? Going to change the record? i.e. change the narrative PL have been spinning?
  4. is it not time to merge this thread with the non-league one?
  5. Him and Hendricks are two of our players I forgot were on the pitch.
  6. the last 5 or so minutes it's like palace have just realised who they're playing against.
  7. I can hear the newcastle fans singing... that will be the voices that bruce keeps moaning about.
  8. As if they know anything. What? So Wraith isn't Mimms then?
  9. just half listening/watching Wraith's youtube show. One of them saying that he personally has 'seen' the passenger list for the plane going down to London and ASM was named on it up until 15 mins before departure. Edit: Bruce has only won one game in 16 months when ASM hasn't played
  10. Glasses in the pocket after a win.... :'(
  11. Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear.... Steve, Steve, Steve...... Where to begin with that verbal diarrhea?! I'll just leave this nugget: "It is now a big opportunity now (at Palace) and I can do one of two things, change personnel or change the system, which I am looking at, looking at a bit of both.
  12. "We accept that and move on." in other words: "I've accepted it and moved on, why cant the fans (aka grumblers) 'move on' too?" Strange that when he's exposed like the last two games it's quickly 'move on'......
  13. The bit that stood out of that Delaney article: Sources state his entire philosophy is that the team with the better players will win any given game eight times out of 10, so the objective is to have better players than enough other clubs in the league. I know it's nothing that we didn't already know it that as long as we're not in the bottom 3 the club are happy but the manager adopting this way of thinking....fuck no!!
  14. Troubled genius. Hope he's found peace. RIP.
  15. Said in the takeover thread that they're not impressed with him and would want him out asap Cheers! Fingers crossed Christmas comes early this year!
  16. Think I've missed something...where does Mimms say that the new owners want rid of him asap?
  17. I'll wait to see what the Gallowgate Shits pod has to say on it. If they've turned on him you know it's bad.
  18. Get in!! Just seen it's on BT sports (which I don't have any longer) meaning I'll not be tempted to waste 90mins of my life watching a steve bruce shit show.
  19. What’s the significance of 30th October? So money mike is leading the arbitration talks?
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