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Everything posted by ScottishMagpie

  1. So we're going to play like we did on Saturday night? Wow!!! Can't wait!!!! He's watched his xmas movies and is on to the sequels.... lightning can strike twice!
  2. Oh I'm definitely watching. Can't think of a better way to end xmas than seeing bruce squirm on the touchline as they score their 8th. Hope he cries a la pardew.
  3. Seconded. Hope everyone has a happy Christmas and new year. 2020 has been shite but this place has become a refuge of sorts. Thank you all!
  4. It's alright Steve, it will just be pathetic "keyboard warriors".
  5. I want him hung by his bollocks off the Tyne bridge. I celebrated that full time whistle. That's what this cunt has turned me to.
  6. I just can't wait to hear his post match interview. gonna be pure gold!
  7. So what you're saying is watching this shite is turning you on? "uncomfortably turgid" would be an excellent way to describe circumstances right now. I'll switch on some La Liga to get things under wraps if needed. mis-read that at first.... thought you said "rigid"!!
  8. So what you're saying is watching this shite is turning you on?
  9. Just thinking about his quote there... I know, shows how much this bastard is getting under my skin. That's a pop at the fans is it not? If Sourface and Dogleash say the job is "tough" what exactly is the 'tough' bit referring to? Can't be the owners, they were both under Shepard/Hall. Obviously can't be the players being 'tough' to manage due to obvious reasons.... that only leaves the fans as being the explanatory factor of what is 'tough' about the job? (either that or it's something to do with the geographical location?!). How are we as fanbase causing a job to be 'tougher' than at any other club in the land? Fucking cowards hiding behind their own failings by blaming us. Maybe it's cos the 3 of them couldn't handle following successful (relatively) managers and fucked it up.
  10. Oh for fucks sake!!!! What a complete cabbage heid full of knob cheese this guy is!!! Magic wand? Aye, cos the squad and they we were playing before you arrived was in need of a magic wand? Prick!! He's certainly worked his "magic" on this group.... positivity has definitely done a copperfield. Bet he's asked Santa for one of those magic trick boxes for bairns. Hope he decides to try and cut himself in half.
  11. Big Mike ain't gonna lift a finger unless the league position starts to impact the "pending" (hopefully!) transaction of selling the club to the Saudi's. Hopefully he's had a look at the fixtures, ASM/Lascelles 'rumours', maybe even popped on to the worlds best forum to gauge fans thoughts on the matter and realises that he'll be better off pulling the trigger now.
  12. Played a few games in the u23s been awful even at that level Has he? Shows you how much I've been paying attention to the steve bruce circus.
  13. I'm sure Dummett hasn't been rushed back and will get through 90mins unscathed.
  14. This. There's a small part of me that wishes he hated us and left under some kind of "bad" circumstances. Wouldn't hurt as much. ?
  15. Was longstaff one of them that had covid? his performance suggests he should maybe get himself tested afterwards.
  16. just to echo what a lot of folk have been saying but this is the first time I've properly watched Leeds under Bielsa. Gotta say I like what I see very much.
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