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Everything posted by ScottishMagpie

  1. If you're on the frontlines and you've got a baldrick throwing hand grenades "too many times" at your own troops then surely you remove the thick kunt doing the throwing?
  2. Aye - Said he's thinking about it as he's already being paid Ta! Can't believe I'm actually sitting here giving that some serious thought.
  3. I'm guessing this tweet implied Shola would be interim manager should the kunt get the bullet?
  4. I tell you know.... I would have more believe in us stopping up even if we swapped managers and league position with last night opponents.
  5. Been thinking about this quote. Obvious thing that jumps out is that the sending off was a death blow that no team can recover from, which of course is absolute bullshit. But it's more the first sentence..... I recall seeing another quote where he said the first half "wasn't good enough" or something to that effect.... my train of thought is a) why on nearly every game he says we needed to change things at half time, suggests to any sane person that he's getting it wrong from the start, repeatedly! but main point is: b) why does he think he needs to wait until half time to change things? Does he think this is a law written in the rule book? After 10 mins it was obvious it (whatever IT was) wasn't working.... change formation, make a sub, fuck, even just haul your captain over to the side lines and give him an earful of instructions to convey to the others. This shit stain on our club really boils my piss. Steve, for the sake of the club you supposedly support, please.... just please...... FUCK OFF!!!
  6. Should have sent him after Osama.... he wouldn't have seen him coming.
  7. turns out the bookies had it right... who'd of thunk it?
  8. ... or Mike Ashley tbh unless you mean that it was Ashley that hired the fat sack of shit in the dugout then can kinda see your point but not having it.... this is all on Bruce.
  9. whole evening can be blamed on one man. Step forward Mr Steve Bruce.
  10. Not quite Ruud vs the Mackem type of suicide note but not far off it.
  11. Some people are just sick in the head.
  12. "Response" or "Reaction" Same broken record with this bastard. Would love to do a count on how many times he's used one of those words in post match pressers since he became manager. Surely if you're looking for a reaction from your players every other week (and that's being generous) then does that not start some sort of alarm bells ringing as to why that is? Some small bit of self reflection and all that?
  13. Can Twitter ban him from being our manager please!?
  14. Personally I'm in two minds. Like KaKa, I'm sick of seeing/hearing his fucking rubbish plus the really optimistic part of me says wouldn't it be great if football was shut down for a period of time, and during that time the takeover was agreed and he was sacked before games resumed. To think in that scenario he would have managed his last game as NUFC manager fills me with a warm tingly feeling. On the flip side keep football going cos I like seeing him squirm and hopefully more people waken up and see what we're seeing.
  15. please change title to Matt Ritchie sucks Bruce's bell-end.
  16. lasted 3 mins in to that and had turn it off. Whining little bitch.
  17. This has given me a bit of a shot in the arm tbh. It doesn't win the day but it proves what's always green speculated: external bodies have tried to influence the process. Presumably the onus is on the Premier League to prove that it had no effect and, if they can't, surely that opens the door to a decision being made? Here's praying! The 'fact' that Liam claims that not all pl clubs received it is daming.
  18. Just my personal viewpoint but a lot more optimistic when i see evidence that our side has (like that bein letter) than emotional letters to boris. Maybe im just being thick and its all carefully plotted two pronged attack.
  19. Emmmm... nope, sorry, you're going to have to explain what that is? I recognise the words but don't know what they mean in that order.
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