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Everything posted by ScottishMagpie

  1. And some people turned their noses up at the thought of potter being in our dugout. Would love to see what a manager like that could do with us.
  2. Almost looks like potter did his homework and a certain bacon muncher was too excited about strictly at the movies being on.
  3. If it's true that they are meant to redo the checks on every club every 12 months then this is how they tackle this potential problem. Approve the deal then in 12 months, if there seems to have been influence from MBS, then do something about it. Not only every year, they can disqualify directors at any time 'upon becoming aware' of any disqualifying event. Agree 100% but that's assuming the PL wanted to find a solution.
  4. I get what you're saying. Just if taking them at their word (I know,I know!) that they are worried about influence of someone not listed on the Test. Just think their 'worried' bit is just bullshit. They want to to pin piracy on to MBS.
  5. "The league are understood to feel that, with legal backing, the Saudi state could exert influence over the football club and would in effect be a ‘shadow director’." Extract form the Gazette article. This has been bubbling away in my head for awhile now.... So fucking what if MBS could control shit going on at NUFC? What is it that he could do that has them worried?
  6. Hang on one bloody second!......... So Fat Mike could end up with £300 million compensation AND still own the club?
  7. Apologies if this is has been posted, got 20 odd pages of pure filth to catch up on...
  8. just thinking out loud here....... Can't see this leading to the decision being overturned no matter what route it goes down. Don't think the PL would reject it without being pretty confident they could defend their decision. Don't subscribe the mad theory that the PL are in cahoots with the club/buyers and this is all part of plan to absolve them of any blowback when it gets approved by appeal board etc. We all know who the pl are in bed with and it's not KSA. Can they lodge an appeal against the decision whilst at the same time go through the courts for restriction of trade or such like? Courts surely can't come in to play whilst an appeal is ongoing and a final FINAL decision is provided. Anyway, who does the actual appealing? Is it the club or the buyers? It's the club that submitted the paperwork to the PL and all comms have gone via the club so logically it would be up to the club to lodge an appeal. If they appeal then they're may be fleeting signs of life in the takeover happening but if they don't and go straight to courts for compo then it really is dead and all just about getting big mike some cash money.
  9. Been trying to catch on last few pages.... Has anything been said about why the pl have rejected it now? Thought this was dying a slow death. Surely in their interest just to ignore it (like they have been) and concentrate on new season, getting some fans back in etc. Why open themsel up to possible legal action?
  10. I'm as desperate as anyone for this takeover to be happening but all evidence right now points to it be as dead as gary glitter's singing career.
  11. Fourthed! The guy is nothing but a complete prick! FWIW I think Caulkin is the best journo that covers NUFC. He was obviously aware of what PCP were up to before this all kicked off due to his 'connection' to the buyers side. The bit in all this where he's got my back up a bit is he kept his powder dry at the start, then jumped in with it's happening soon talk, got us all giddy with anticipation then fuck all happened and then he jokes about 'shortly' and 'imminent' on the podcast. Feck off man! you were one of them spouting that shite!
  12. So does that mean Masters will want to name the chinese government as having to go through the O&D test?
  13. And time to learn the lessons from this - don't believe somebody just because they claim to be buying NUFC and because we all want them to be telling the truth. Staveley's done a fucking number on us here like. Again.
  14. Have I missed something? Are the Trust meeting the PL? ScottishMagpie[/member] Chhers!
  15. Very good point. What % of NUFC does Justin own? What % would MBS own? Well he’s chairman of the company who were aiming to buy us, no? Is he? Shows how much i know. Thought the chairman was that rummayan chap.
  16. You mean like the last 13 years? Exactly like that. The overall point being we need to know where we stand though Agreed. The club cannot be allowed to exist in it's current state. The whole thing is doing my box in. there will be no issues > oops, there a few issues can't comment due to NDA's > all these 'sources' from EPL appear in gutter press articles we have rules to follow > but well throw in all sorts of other shit not contained in our rules send a letter and get a template reply back > we have meetings with other parties about the takeover decision due 'shortly' > 17 weeks later bid withdrawn > not really withdrawn mauriss bid exists > he doesn't exist deal collapses due to fat mike > ashley had nowt to do with it and been top bloke talks are still ongoing > talks have stopped due to bid being withdrawn pressure is working > it's having no affect at all government involved > not getting involved penn is luke > luke isn't penn Fuck it all!! Someone just wake me when it's over.
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