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Everything posted by danswan

  1. And, of course, the Football rule book. Heh Fixed. Sorry, my dealer is late with my crack today.
  2. The capacity wouldn't be that much more I wouldn't have thought, maybe 70,000. Aesthetically and acoustically it would be much better though. Ashley and Mort seem quite forward thinking, an overhaul of ticket pricing could easily result in sell-outs, near capacity for all home games. Pocket money to Wor Mike though surely?
  3. http://www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/sporteditors/2007/10/which_are_englands_best_ground_1.html Possibly more a question for government/clever legal types Everyone agrees that St James' will host games if we get the world cup. There will be FA and government funding available to improve stadia leading up to the tournament. What a great opportunity to complete the stadium and make it the best in the country, if it wasn't for those damn houses behind the east stand. Is a listed building always listed? Are there any precedents for the de-listing of a building? Is it not possible to dismantle the buildings and resurrect them elsewhere? It is utterly ridiculous that a couple of student residences stop the whole of the city from getting what surely a large percentage of them want.
  4. For me Martins is ideally suited to 4-3-3, he doesnt mind coming deep and going wide, and he can score from outside the box. Probably doesn't offer as much defensively as Sam would like, especially away from home though. Owen's presence is what is preventing the 4-3-3, I have no doubt of that.
  5. I think we need to keep it tight as a unit, tuck in the wide men and congest the middle of the park to stop them playing through us. I think we have it in us to keep a clean sheet, and maybe we can grab one from a free-kick or long throw. Oh hang on, we are at home. 5-0 Toon. Martins 3, Barton 2.
  6. Wenger does what he does for two reasons, get them in young so he can educate and train them to fit into his way of playing, and because it's cheaper than finding the finished article. Other teams try to do this with varying levels of success, it's just Wenger has the most success at it. We managed it with Zog, more by luck than judgement you feel. The problem with this is that it forces up the prices of young players, putting the 'cream' out of reach of many, but there's a huge pot of players to choose from so I don't really see the problem. Supply and demand. for every Fabregas there's a Viana. Wenger shouldn't be criticised just because he is better at it than anyone else.
  7. Beat the Mackems and everything is rosy. Lose and the first (serious) calls for Sam's head begin. I would hate to be a football manager tbh (except for the salary). Walking on a knife edge from game to game. Over the moon! Sick as a Parrot.
  8. Totally agree. Summer conditions always have and always will benefit South American and Medittaranean countries. I reckon the Swedens, Englands, Russians etc. would be much more of a force if we played it in say November-February time. I know it would play havoc with the domestic fixtures but that is what happens in rugby and they just get on with it. They would have to stop the Premier League, certainly, as a huge percentage of players would be unable to play for their clubs. Never happen, but good idea.
  9. You can't fall over if you're sitting down.
  10. Can I be the first to wish the board all the best for the festive season?!
  11. I don't know if that was meant to be funny like. Not really
  12. What is tackles won? I saw Gerrard make 2 excellent sliding tackles. This once again proves why stats are fairly useless. I'd put money on all Arsenal midfielders having a higher pass completion rate than any Arsenal midfielder, seeing as after 2 passes the tactic was too lump it towards Toure so he can skin all the midfielders for the umpteenth time. That post has confused me.
  13. Agreed, this will tell us a hell of a lot more than the Spurs game. This type of game has been a sewn-on loss or if we were lucky, draw in previous years. The ability to pick up wins in games like this will be the difference between 6th-10th and 5th-6th IMO
  14. Knew it. Have pics turned off at work so the forum looks like something passing for what I'm supposed to be doing.
  15. 2 days, 0 replies. Is there a tumbleweed smiley??
  16. Yes, people from London are the real sports enthusiasts in this country. Dullard.
  17. He can say what he likes if he does the business on the park mind. Hasn't earned the right yet.
  18. I doubt he'll get incarcerated, the worst he'll get is prison. Let's hope you're right!
  19. It's not even as if we have played fantastic football consistently since Robson's regime anyway. Given the choice of Souness/Roeder football (shit and losing) or Allardyce football (functional if not exactly total football, winning) what kind of idiot would not see the latter as preferable?
  20. He is nailed-on to score the winner in the return fixture with you this season, if he's not incarcerated
  21. His brother had similar problems. I agree like, let his football do the talking. lol
  22. Hehe. He definitely still has an axe to grind with you like. TBH I'd prefer it if he did his talking on the pitch, does come across as a bit bitter
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