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Everything posted by danswan

  1. danswan

    Euro 2008

    Shola would hav scored that one
  2. Michael Owen, he score againo
  3. I would like to have a 20 page drawn out argument about the Shepherd regime please
  4. WTF!! This is surreal news. I hope it's true.
  5. Not if he's injured constantly. Woodgate? ooooooooo rodhamino got merc'd, pure ownage. Nah blad, he got murked. What's this Merced/Murked shit?
  6. I get crap money compared to Zoggy and you are right, I am indeed about to take a piss.
  7. Not if he's injured constantly. Woodgate?
  8. danswan

    Steve Harper

    Simmer! Nobody is saying he has tbh, although there are a few who seem to have it in for Shay. The general concensus seems to be that it sounds unlikely but if it were true, it would be out of order. Speculation.
  9. I used to like the saturday routine. Price to pay for all the £££ though
  10. danswan

    Steve Harper

    Pointless speculation, maybe. But isn't 90% of the content on this forum pointless speculation anyway?
  11. Yes, because both sets of players will be reading this. I'm reading it, and dreading having to re-read all these over confident assumptions that we will walk all over them, away from home. Really hope we do, obviously, but this is tempting fate in the most horrific manner. Why point out how shite they are just before we play them? If we hammer them, then we can relax and take the piss. It's just asking for egg on face tbh. My prediction? 0-8 toon
  12. What a stupid time to make a thread like this.
  13. danswan

    Steve Harper

    Still interesting if it were true though, just to see Sam's reaction. We have been crying out for a strong manager for ever, that was the one facet that SBR was missing.
  14. This thread and the 'Steve Harper as first choice' thread have existed alongside each other on this board, despite having the same subject and similar content since just after 8am this morning. We have anarchy
  15. danswan

    Steve Harper

    Quite. Every other manager has played Given in every game when fit. Would be a good sign of the changes here if Sam is to buck that trend.
  16. danswan

    Steve Harper

    Still the story smells like shit though. Expect Oliver to pick it up tonight
  17. danswan

    Steve Harper

    Sounds like bollocks, but if he is unhappy it will be a good chance to see just how good Big Sam's man-management is, and how strong he can be. I think Given is the better of the two, but it's Harper's shirt to lose and he hasn't done anything to warrant losing it. Given has every right to be unhappy about not being in the side but if he demands to be in the side whenever he is fit then he is showing the wrong attitude, and disrespecting his teammates. In this scenario, he would have to go, better keeper or not
  18. The facial cumshot? One of my mates was best man at a wedding once and switched CDs in the stereo thing. After the vows were exchanged the bride and groom kissed to the sentimental wedding classic that is... 'Donald where's ya troosers'
  19. Thank fuck for that. Time to start the intravenous drug use again. Who wants to share me needle?
  20. It was only about a month ago there was that story on the BBC site that he was off to Fulham or some other no-mark team for a pittance. Glad that was a load of shite then.
  21. If I earned 1% of what these guys were on, the first thing I would do would be to get a load of ho's round for a no holds barred spanking session tbh
  22. As I have already stated, we should come out to a spine tingling tune guaranteed to get everybody in the ground up for the game. Ghostbusters
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