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Everything posted by danswan

  1. So is Freddy Shepherd going to buy Leeds then?
  2. What do you actually get for your money by joining these things? That you couldn't get for free anyway?
  3. danswan

    Fitness Test?

    Rubber Gloves. Run your fastest. Cough.
  4. danswan

    Fitness Test?

    Rubber gloves. Cough.
  5. Aye lets hope the little mong-faced minstrel can light up St James.
  6. I wish someone would pay me one million pounds just to fuck off
  7. Think he's playing, yeah. Convenient injury if Barton plays I reckon
  8. Is it likely that Dabo will be playing for City?
  9. Let's save the skyscrapers until after the 'boro home game eh?
  10. When I was at school, I went into St James and met Derek as part of my GCSE in PE. I saw him sponging down Billy Askew. Also, in reception, Mick Quinn was on his mobile sorting out some sort of betting scam on horses. Mobiles were rare then.
  11. Why sad? and who said 'part time'? I agree. Kicking balls into goals that's what it's all about. Accountants are generally boring and sad. And rich.
  12. Company debt isn't really an issue for the ceo unless it hits the rocks. As long as he carries confidence in the market and financial instruments hold sway all is fine. But what it does show is that Mike wants to grow bigger. Greggs
  13. danswan

    Old Firm

    I didn't realise there were any football teams in Scotland
  14. danswan

    Euro 2008

    Shola also would have scored that one
  15. danswan

    Euro 2008

    Match fitness is for wimps
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