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Everything posted by danswan

  1. danswan

    Oh No

    Spooky Pre-cog
  2. danswan

    Now what Toon?

    Well I thought this was a tremendous thread, the most entertaining I have read for a few days anyway.
  3. You are walking from Wallsend into town??
  4. In the 1980s, Nottingham Forest were one of the most successful clubs in the world.
  5. I wouldn't. In fact, I'd try my best to sabotage my team's performance by misplacing passes and hoofing the ball out whenever possible for a ... corner, thus putting my entire career in jeopardy and ruining any future chances I might have at any club. Think Big Sam might sign him up if he does that, fits right into the recent tactical masterplan
  6. That's not the question Would you be confident Sam is the man to spend it? Personally, I am slightly less confident than I would have been in August. I'm trying to stop my knee jerking though.
  7. Now we seem to have established we have no qualms about buying the title, maybe the question should be: "Are you confident that Big Sam is the man to buy the title with Brewsters Ashley's millions?
  8. Of course I would be fucking happy. Why not start another thread "Would you be happy if you won the lottery" Obviously I would prefer to win it with homegrown kids taking teams apart with cavalier football, but any way we win it, I'd be over the fucking moon.
  9. Why is it so mental to have a target of winning the league in 5 years? A lot can happen in that time. We are a little short of where Chelsea were when Roman took over (with an incumbent manager he soon shipped out) but he bought the title in what, 2 years? IMO we now have a better infrastructure than Chelsea did back then, so what's the problem with targeting the league?
  10. He's the bloke who slips stuff into people's bags in Asda.
  11. About right. He is banned from games for life too.
  12. I still like the idea of finishing the bowl. That picture is magic.
  13. But that STILL won't stop the assorted braindead mongs still calling for the demolition of Leazes Terrace. Roger that! Smash the fuckers
  14. I also like the architecture of Leazes terrace, and agree that Eldon Square isn't a looker. Would still knock them houses down though.
  15. That's kind of what I was inferring in the original post, although I doubt we could get the government to pay for it in entirety if it will cost that much to deal with those houses. Even a small percentage would be better than nothing though. I suppose I was just thinking if this is ever going to happen, this is the opportunity.
  16. If the cost of moving the houses is that much, I agree that's not practical. What about other options, is a listed building always listed etc?
  17. Im no economist either, but I know they have vastly different ticketing structures in places like Germany. If they get X amount of money from ticket sales, is it not better to have say 10000 more people in the ground paying that same total amount? Catering sales would bring in more, and the atmosphere would hopefully be better. Also having ticket availability is opening the door to the new generation of fans who currently can't get in, cementing future revenues. Not saying this would happen, but wouldn't it make sense?
  18. As to the ground being big enough already, if we get the success we all want, (keep the faith) then I don't think it would be. Unlikely as it might seem, maybe one day we will have consistent success. Also, I was in Sports Direct the other day and it looks as though Ashley favours a 'Pile 'em high, sell 'em cheap' business model. If he applied this to seats then the more the merrier.
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