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Everything posted by danswan

  1. I think Sam needs a geography lesson.
  2. And even if he didn't fix them, he wouldn't have massively exacerbated them as our scottish friend did. I agree that Robson had pretty much reached the end of the line, I don't think sacking him was necessarily a mistake, although the timing and the manner of it lacked class. As others have said, it was the choice for his successor that was the big mistake
  3. It was the promotion season of 92-93 - we had just come off an 11 game winning run, finishing with the win at Joker Park the previous week...ironically, it was AT Grimsby, in May the following year, that we clinched promotion with a 2-0 win ; Andy Cole got the first, just after half-time and Ned Kelly clinched it on around 85 mins - one of the best nights supporting NUFC I've ever had ; was lucky enough to get into the Directors' Box at Blundell Park, we were all going berserk when Ned scored. KK had a bucket of water chucked over him by Ned afterwards - always wondered if that was why he let Ned go to Wolves after the season ended(just joking !). Aye what a night that was. Cleethorpes was like little newcastle that evening. The following night I shook David Kelly's hand in the bogs of the Shahenshah in Whitley. Funny that the hygene implications of that have only just registered :-[
  4. Settle down man, thats the last thing everybody wants. I was just passing on info. Tho i dont recall me ever saying wor lass was ambassador, @i'm sure i said she stands more of a chance than me or thee. Well why didn't you put that he was in your lasses building in the title?? Bobby Robson is in...................... Take you pick. Isn't it obvious? He can't say too much
  5. Tho i dont recall me ever saying wor lass was ambassador, @i'm sure i said she stands more of a chance than me or thee. Oh ok. I get it.
  6. There's only a select few know about it.
  7. Well what with your lass being an NUFC ambassador and all, I suppose it would be easy for her to swing this
  8. that quote is wrong. di canio said "im not going to hang around here and look at your ugly penis face anymore" to capello. I read that Capello said Di Canio was an ugly Cunt and his face looked like a Penis.
  9. Would stiffle development imo in the 'lesser' nations. It's funny though - before Keegan resigned, I don't think a foreigner had ever been really considered for the England job. I think post-Keegan was the time that it really hit home what a lack of decent English managers we had/have. Whether that is due to clubs bringing in foreign managers because it became 'fashionable' to do so, or because the english managers really are that shite is the point for debate. IMO it's a bit of both.
  10. danswan

    Al Bangura

    I agree with both Wullie and indi.
  11. Capello will take no shit from the players. I can't wait until one one of ours tries to have a word with him, and he retorts that they are an ugly cunt and their face looks like a penis (what he said to Di Canio when he was whinging on about being subbed).
  12. Aye, I did add him. We had that Gudjohnson too didn't we? The shit one?
  13. I'm a lot more confident about people who have played in Scandinavia settling well in this country. Dunno why like (Tommason... Pingel....Andersson.. sure there's a few more)
  14. Sailed? It will be lying next to the Titanic. A submarine then?
  15. The guy has a clause in his contract that he can leave if England come knocking (allegedly). You dont have a clause like that and then say 'no' when they ask.
  16. I said the same thing to wor lass on Sunday night. What has your lass done to deserve an ambassadorial role at the toon gimpy?
  17. I may now be able to afford to push my kids through the turnstiles, wait outside for 2 hours and collect them afterwards.
  18. Heard the name, don't recall seeing him play. Any good?
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