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Everything posted by Raconteur

  1. Raconteur

    Amsterdam Tourno

    You mean apart from money, prestige and top quality opponents leading up to the season...?
  2. I'm thinking the large Shearer vote might be influenced by those Toon fans who want him to get some training ground experience before Freddy installs him My vote was for Tony Adams, nothing more than a feeling, but I believe he's got real potential - played under Wenger (and adapted his game towards the end, always the sign of a good professional), wise enough to realise that learning overseas is a good string to add to his bow, and even his boozy past might be a plus in that it will give him some perspective on the important things in life (and perhaps limit the drinking of his players - I can't stand athlete's who drink excessively...)
  3. Raconteur

    Cocky Glenn

    That's exactly my problem though - I can see clearly that they are soundbites (in fact, I'm pretty sure I used the word ) Things aren't going very well at the moment, I want some brutal honesty, not the warm and fuzzy version!
  4. Raconteur

    Cocky Glenn

    You know, I think I've posted half a dozen times tonight pouring scorn on Roeder's public comments (in fact I refrained from adding to the Hunty thread because I became conscious about it!) However, it's not that he speaks shite, just that it seems every time he opens his mouth shite flows from it. You're right, every manager does it, but I think what really gets my goat is that he tees off on the "vocal minority" while virtually every comment seems to have no purpose other than placating the silent majority who want to believe the warm and fuzzy sentiments he comes up with. And I can appreciate he can't be too honest regarding transfer targets, and must take care not to upset his players by firing rockets publically, but surely the fans deserve something more than soundbites written by a PR guru? A fair proportion of fans are upset with both the progress of our season and the prospects for the future, and yet the only time I can remember a cross word coming out of his mouth was after the AZ defeat. I used the word ruthless in another thread, and ventured that it is a virtue successful managers have but Glenn does not - for instance as NE5 states he can't decide between Parker and Butt, for me that demonstrates he isn't ruthless enough to drop his captain (or any of the other under-performing players at his disposal) So for these reasons, you might have to forgive the vocal minority for sounding off on his talking shite routine...
  5. Raconteur


    Without basing this on anything other than speculation, but perhaps he was told he didn't have a future at Chelsea and his agent was instructed to find him a new club? The relatively low fee (for a seasoned international who cost Chelsea a fortune) seems to indicate this was a possibility...?
  6. What's that proverb about words and action, and one being louder than the other? Yes, he talks sense, but his interviews are too rarely matched by his deeds. When Roeder opens his mouth expect well-meaning soundbites, when Roeder acts, expect very little. One positive from the AZ match was that he was moved enough to drop Bramble - it was about the first time he has acted with any ruthlessness, which is the mark of all successful managers
  7. I have to disagree with the bold bit - he hasn't explained what went wrong at all, just fobbing us off with "for a variety of reasons". I know he's not going to come out and say something like "I really like Jorge Andrade but he didn't want to come to the north-east" or "Giles Barnes looks really good but Derby want daft money" but to suggest he has provided valid reasons just isn't the case. More useless platitudes from Glenn, but what do I know - I'm part of the know-nothing vocal minority
  8. That Caulkin piece is Roeder's media game to a tea - well-meaning shite that sounds good to the unwashed but has zero basis in reality and no credibility with the "vocal minority" who, cantrary to what Roeder says, actually give some thought to matters at St James' Park... The "four years contract" bit is ridiculous - you know Glenn, it is the club that offers the contract! You can offer a prospective player a one or two year contract with options to extend!!! The one star here, one star there part also makes good sense on first reading, but does anyone believe he has the gumption to tell Freddy that? "Yes boss, no boss, three bags full boss" is surely how he speaks to Shepherd. Telling us "big-hitters" like... Parker want a winning team here suggests he is still deluded enough to think our captain is a central plank in our side, which will bring groans to many Toon fans - yes, he is a decent player and has admirable qualities but is in no way a player to build a team around. And the last one about past their shelf life - surely he can only be referring to Campbell, which means he's not paying particular attention to the other clubs in the EPL, or else he would know that Campbell has been fantastic at Pompey... More clever soundbites that don't reflect reality...
  9. Raconteur

    David Edgar

    Is that really the case - I understood that we recalled him after flogging Boumsong to Juve...?
  10. Raconteur

    Wages crisis?

    That's a good answer!
  11. Raconteur

    Wages crisis?

    No doubt you can spot the irony of the two bolded comments - or can provide evidence of your assertion?
  12. Raconteur


  13. I wonder if Oliver will continue his campaign against Oba until he has run our Nigerian talisman out of town...?
  14. I went for 03/04 - because that was the season Uncle Bobby started losing it, and all the momentum he had built up disippated. Losing to Partizan was a kick in the guts, and the moment, for me, when any title winning aspirations faded and we slipped back into the pack. I fear we'll never have it as good as we did then, with a world class manager and a terrific squad capable of challenging Man Utd and Arsenal in what was (at the time) essentially a two-horse race
  15. Would be interesting to know if there was any truth to this... Has anyone else heard anything similar?
  16. Considering we seem to only go for British managers, what about Mark Hughes? (Assuming he would come - but hey, it's as likely as many other suggestions here!)
  17. Aye he does good stuff, but fact is, he is a prima donna. Football is a team game, and he never plays his part in the team, instead just living off his own individual moments of brilliance, which is why we'll never win anything while he is between the sticks. In my eyes, there is no difference between Shay Given and Laurent Robert. Most Improved Poster 2006. Just how fucking bad were you prior to that? And this is exactly why there is a "Gemmill Appreciation Thread" in GC
  18. Like I said, I'm not ITK but there's based on what I see and read too much of a 'laddish' atmosphere at the club. What's do you think of when you hear the names Ferguson, Mourinho, Wenger and Benitez? They're all demanding taskmasters (NB not fucking OTT 'disciplinarians' like Souness!), they have the respect of their players and those players know if they don't do the job they're on their asses... When you think Roeder, the first thing everyone thinks is "nice guy" - why the fuck would anyone would want a nice guy as a coach? He's supposed to be pushing his players to excel, driving and inspiring them. And before anyone says "Uncle Bobby was a nice guy", yes he was - and look where it got him! His tactical acumen and transfer dealings got him some good results, but his "niceness" ended up costing him his job because his players ran roughshod over him and he couldn't stand up to Shepherd. That's why I (tounge-in-cheek) suggested Newell - he'll take no shit from anyone! But that's me being facetious...
  19. I have no evidence whatsoever to base this on, but this is a distinct impression I have too. Mike Newell for manager, Shearer to assist him
  20. Empty. I couldn't watch the game - I woke up this morning (just after fulltime here) and saw the banner headline on soccernet "Heartache for Toon". Didn't even read the story, felt hollow inside. That said, my missus dumped me on Tuesday so I've been pretty fucking numb all week!
  21. Fair point - but I still contend none of the players on my (English) list can touch any of the players on your (European) one...
  22. Rooney is not fit to tie Bergkamp's laces. Some might think that's hyperbole, but I genuinely believe that. Come back in ten years though, after Rooney has walked the walk for more than a decade, and I might change my opinion... Obviously, but Rooney is a similar type of player, ie a creative forward rather than an out and out scorer. No arguments there, and looking back you weren't comparing Bergkamp to Rooney which was what got my back up, more making the point that there is more than goals to Rooney's game... I have this little hobby - imagining what a particular player's reputation might be if he weren't English. The likes of Gerrard, Lampard, Terry, Ashley Cole, Rooney, even wor Mickey Owen are so hyped up by a nation desperate to see themselves as a world power. Where does the European media rank Rooney? With the likes of Ronaldinho, Messi and Kaka? Perhaps the level of Raul or Ballack? Maybe Jon Dahl Tomasson?
  23. Rooney is not fit to tie Bergkamp's laces. Some might think that's hyperbole, but I genuinely believe that. Come back in ten years though, after Rooney has walked the walk for more than a decade, and I might change my opinion...
  24. Raconteur

    Adriano Bid?

    Recently turned 25 says the gospel according to wikipedia...
  25. Raconteur

    Adriano Bid?

    It's a curious one - not so long ago he was an absolute animal but as KaKa says in the initial post he seems to have vanished from the 'scene'. I know he went through a lengthy spell of poor form and has at times tested Mancini's patience... He's certainly got the quality to improve our squad - would give Roeder selection nightmares every week, but those that raise questions make good points too: he's a renowned party animal and questions have been raised about his dressing-room attitude too... Can't see the top four going for him - sure he's got the quality but there are players of similar skill but less baggage. As for whether or not we should chase him, well, it all depends on the size of the transfer pot. (ie learn the lessons of last summer)
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