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Everything posted by Dogmatix

  1. Dogmatix


    Actually, I dont even think it was 90mins. Im sure I read somewhere that the game was abandoned, but more than 75mins was played. (Needs to be verified)
  2. Dogmatix


    Why do they boycott soap, when soap doesnt sponsor us ??
  3. Dogmatix


    God I love RTG. It has to be the funniest football forum going. Now they are all going to bring SD plastic bags to the game to wind us up. I think they are going to throw them on the pitch with greggs bags, to make themselves feel at home Oh, and SD towels as well. (wonder how they ever found out about towels - foreign concept to them you would have thought)
  4. Dogmatix


    I did consider a CUNT of Mackems but it was pointed out to me that they have neither the depth or the warmth to be thought of as cunts
  5. Dogmatix


    The collective term for mackems is an ENVY or SQUALID. Both terms can apply. Groups of three and under are sometimes refered to as a TURD or a DUMP
  6. Dogmatix


    The mackems have true concern here tho... A large group of magpies is called a "parliment" So technically in a mackems mind the houses of parliment are full of mag kernts! FTM LERL Its a parliament of owls. Magpies is a TIDING or a CHARM or even a MURDER (same as crows)
  7. Dogmatix


    Now the tossers are whining because a question was asked in parliament.
  8. Yes he has probably saved the club from financial meltdown and the team is doing well, but strokes like this only serve to show what an utter cunt he is. I noticed that the signage is well out of the way. To stop the inevertable vandalism that would have taken place, do you think ?
  9. Dogmatix


    What a handsome trio.
  10. RANDY VANWARMER - Just When I Needed You Most
  11. Dogmatix

    Shola Ameobi

    Hope its the last time we see him play.
  12. Dogmatix


    Check this out -- the 'classy' club spreading their hatred http://www.readytogo.net/smb/showthread.php?t=665181
  13. What will the children say? But its the truth
  14. Dogmatix


    The Sad bastards are busy rigging Yahoos goal of the week, advising each other how to multi vote. Childish wankers
  15. Dogmatix

    Leon Best

    Hasn't been playing very well atm, but having said that, he never stops trying, never hides, and atleast he can trap a ball and play it off. He has helped us out when we needed him. No need to slag the guy off at all.
  16. Dogmatix


    Smash up cars in Newcastle and apologise to people in Sunderland
  17. Was Bentner having a good giggle during Speeds tribute today
  18. Hope you are right and Im wrong.
  19. His new club, dont want him injured, before they sign him. havent we seen this before ?
  20. Rest in Peace, Gary. You will be missed by many.
  21. Always thought of Bobby Moncur as an adopted Geordie, until today. Now fuck off on your yacht.
  22. Shit --- just google SDA and see what you get. Well done you fat bastard!!!
  23. Tune :- Those were the Days This is St James's Park This is St James's Park No matter what .... This is St James's park how fat man cant you see That this will ALWAYS be ST JAMES'S PARK THIS IS ST JAMES'S PARK. na na na na nana etc.
  24. Is it just me or does Davy Proven annoy anyone else with his constant droning on about, how this guy should have done this or that guy is out of position because of that We seem to be saddled with him for every Newcastle match on Sky!!! His (supposed)tactial nous has to be rammed down the throat of the viewer. This from a bloke who never even got near playing in the Premier
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