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Everything posted by Dogmatix

  1. Read the RTG on the exact same subject -- Fucking UNBELIEVABLE http://www.readytogo.net/smb/showthread.php?t=693474
  2. Dogmatix

    Football pet hates

    The fact that the mackems are not refered to as the jam-rags or the tampons
  3. Dogmatix


    and as predicted by Brummie, substitute on 75ish minute.
  4. My view as well. He worked his bollocks off for the team Cant understand the stick Jonas gets off some people on here! Totally agree Wally. He was asked to play completely out of position, and worked like a trojan (again) No whining or complaining from him. Great performance for the team
  5. Dogmatix


    If, and it is a big IF, Alan Pardew gets the Manager of the Year RTG will go thermo-nuclear.
  6. A bully and a thug, who would destroy the feel-good factor in the squad. With hindsite it was a good move to say byebye. DONT ever want him back
  7. Wouldn't it be nice to see Aston Villa get pulled down into the relegation dog-fight. They have a nice little run in.
  8. Dogmatix


    He looks like Vic Reeves
  9. Dogmatix


    Can someone post the 'Mackem circle of Pain' illustration again please ( I cant find it ) Thanks
  10. Dogmatix


    And to top it all off the Toffees out-sang the mackems through-out. (jaw aching --sides hurting )
  11. Dogmatix


    Man city will steamroller them come the week-end.
  12. Dogmatix


    Full Back Rodney's Avatar Join Date: Feb 2012 Default NUFC's prem league run in much easier than ours and with the points gap i cant see us catching them now, we have fuck all to play for, thanks lads. Read more: http://www.readytogo.net/smb/showthread.php?t=686738#ixzz1qM0BQ7UP Thats on top of the much easier start to the season we had too ( when do we play the big boys anyone )
  13. Dogmatix


    Quote (Guess from where) ' Still, at least we're FA Cup top dogs. Again. ' Read more: http://www.readytogo.net/smb/showthread.php?t=686635&page=79#ixzz1qLwRlTsP hahahahahaha
  14. Dogmatix


    Just heard a distant hissing......... Think it was the mackems balloon deflating Cheeky bitters stealing the Colo song
  15. Dogmatix


    The SMB is going to be soooooo funny tonight if Everton win.
  16. Dogmatix


    End of ? End of what ? The rainbow? The sentence?Your sweeties? or just the English language?
  17. Dogmatix


    Well in the words of the SMB ' tha bubbles borst '
  18. Dogmatix


    You can just see it cant you 'Top of the League' FTM LoL
  19. Dogmatix


    How low can they get ? http://www.readytogo.net/smb/showthread.php?t=681593 Hope the lawyers get involved
  20. I hope I am ok posting this link as it is an offical barclays league Highlights clip available through Yahoo, It shows PERFECTLY how Tiote was assaulted twice http://uk.eurosport.yahoo.com/football/premier-league/video/allvideos-22327918/hot-or-not-28515738
  21. Dogmatix


    O'Neills accusations of ref tampering, surely have to be investigated by the F.A.. If any member of Newcastles staff has tried to influence the referee and assistants, the authorities should slam them. On the other hand if O'Neill has come out with out-right lies at that press conference, he has marred the reputation of the referee the assistants and NUFC. If so the F.A. should come throw the book at him.
  22. The song is quoted from the author's manuscript in Allan's[1] as follows: Aw went to Blaydon Races, 'twas on the ninth of Joon, Eiteen hundred an' sixty-two, on a summer's efternoon; Aw tyuk the 'bus frae Balmbra's, an' she wis heavy laden, Away we went alang Collingwood Street, that's on the road to Blaydon. (chorus) Ah me lads, ye shud only seen us gannin', We pass'd the foaks upon the road just as they wor stannin'; Thor wes lots o' lads an' lasses there, all wi' smiling faces, Gawn alang the Scotswood Road, to see the Blaydon Races. We flew past Airmstrang's factory, and up to the "Robin Adair", Just gannin' doon te the railway bridge, the 'bus wheel flew off there. The lasses lost their crinolines off, an' the veils that hide their faces, An' aw got two black eyes an' a broken nose in gan te Blaydon Races. (chorus) When we gat the wheel put on away we went agyen, But them that had their noses broke they cam back ower hyem; Sum went to the Dispensary an' uthers to Doctor Gibbs, An' sum sought out the Infirmary to mend their broken ribs. (chorus) Noo when we gat to Paradise thor wes bonny gam begun; Thor was fower-an-twenty on the 'bus, man, hoo they danced an' sung; They called on me to sing a sang, aw sung them "Paddy Fagan", Aw danced a jig an' swung my twig that day aw went to Blaydon. (chorus) We flew across the Chain Bridge reet into Blaydon toon, The bellman he was callin' there, they call him Jackie Broon; Aw saw him talkin' to sum cheps, an' them he was pursuadin' To gan an' see Geordy Ridley's concert in the Mechanics' Hall at Blaydon. (chorus) The rain it poor'd aw the day an' myed the groons quite muddy, Coffy Johnny had a white hat on - they war shootin' "Whe stole the cuddy." There wes spice stalls an' munkey shows an' aud wives selling ciders, An' a chep wiv a hapenny roond aboot, shootin' "Noo, me lads, for riders." (chorus) The song is now usually sung with more modern language but retaining the Tyneside dialect. For example the chorus might be sung: Oh! me lads, ye shud a' seen us gannin, Passin' the folks upon the road just as they were stannin'. Thor wis lots o' lads and lasses there, all wi' smiling faces Gannin' alang the Scotswood Road to see the Blaydon Races. [edit] History Ridley sang the song at a concert in Balmbra's Music Hall on 5 June 1862. It is likely that on this occasion the song ended with the exhortation to see Ridley's show on the 9 June, and that the final verse was added for that later performance. Although the account of the trip to Blaydon is a fiction, the heavy rain and missing cuddy (horses) were reported in the local press. The song was adopted as its marching anthem by the fighting men of the Northumberland Fusiliers (a Royal regiment from 1935) of Fenham Barracks, Newcastle upon Tyne. [edit] Places mentioned "Airmstrang's factory" was a large engineering works at Elswick, which made large guns and other firearms. The "Robin Adair" was a pub on Scotswood Road which has since been demolished. Paradise is a suburb of Newcastle. [edit] 150th Anniversary Campaign
  23. NOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooo.........
  24. Longer than Mike Ashley. Its used a fair bit on TV prematch, Ashleys not daft.. well he is but you know what I mean.. Well, actually he is. (Apart from pissing the fans off) If he had the intelligence to look up the definition of the word 'ARENA' he would have found out that it is the 'Playing surface' in the centre of a stadium. So in fact he should have named it the S...D.... Stadium. So he has got that part wrong too. (Unless he plans to put his God ugly logos on the pitch as well.)
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