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Everything posted by Dogmatix

  1. Dogmatix


    Record low http://www.readytogo.net/smb/showthread.php?t=731155
  2. F*ck that! Slashed everyone in the bar who was having a quiet drink. It was a really bad incident. I don't think it was that bad, but they definitely slashed a couple of people outside, including a bloke who was waiting to go fishing. It was out side. And as you say the poor bugger who got the worst was outside the fishing shop on the corner.
  3. Dogmatix


    Never said I did have any moral high ground. As I tried to explain to you in my PM the window licker avatar refers to me. I have always assumed most people choose avatars in reference to themselves, I may be wrong. You are right, most people will not know that it applies to me. Having said all that I still can't see why you would defend the use of those type of terms
  4. Dogmatix


    You are the only one associating spastic and mongs with the para-Olympics. Disgraceful iyam. Spastics short for Spastic diplegia otherwise known cerebral palsy, and mongs, short for mongoloidism otherwise known as Down,s syndrome, are competing at the para-olympics. To be honest I am surprised at you and Cajun for seeming to side with the use of these terms. Both of you have stuck me as decent posters.
  5. Dogmatix


    Nice avatar by the way. Its self deprecation.
  6. Dogmatix


    Do any of the people on here who refer to others as 'Spastics' or 'mongs', ever consider that they should think before using terms for the disabled as insults? I can see that the Para-olympics has made a huge difference to your thinking. Anyone using racist terms and language would be pulled to bits but it seems like its O.K. to deride the disabled.
  7. Dogmatix


    Marra is a Geordie word, and like most it comes from the pits. It has fuck all to do with just Shields or the Mackems. At one time was used all over the north east, but is not in popular usage If you require proof google 'Larn yasel Geordie' that should put you right
  8. Dogmatix


    Would love him to sign for us, just to see them go apoplectic.
  9. Because he is so totally different in style to Ba or Cisse, I would have thought he would be great to bring on change the focus of attack. As said by a few others he can bully centre halves and create big holes in a defence. On top of that there is always the satisfaction of knowing that Liverpool paid £13 million for a season loan
  10. Dogmatix


    Well we might both be fools, but I completely agree with you
  11. Dogmatix


    Pardew may be many thing, but at least he is not an I.R.A. apologist.
  12. He was probably just having a dump. No worries.
  13. Dogmatix


    It takes a little decoding to work out what the idiot means. http://www.readytogo.net/smb/showthread.php?t=722605 As if the answer wasn't staring them in the face
  14. Sign Carroll, and play him along side Colo.
  15. Dogmatix

    Craig Bellamy

    Bellamy gets slagged off left right and centre for winding people up. As far as I am concerned there are very few can match him as a humanitarian. http://www.craigbellamyfoundation.org/ bit of a hero really.
  16. Hated them ever since Waddle and Gazza went there. In addition I used to work for a company based in North London. Try spending an afternoon in the company of spurs supporters and the feeling of total enmity never ever leaves you.
  17. Dogmatix


    This thread is sooooo funny. God bless SMB it never fails to cheer me up when Im down
  18. Dogmatix


    There is a bad echo in here.
  19. Dogmatix


    Don't ban him yet, please. Lets just see how grammatically challenged he really is.
  20. Dogmatix


    Why? Becuz i'm realistic? Pull your head out your ass No, because you are an illiterate moron. Its a dead give-away.
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