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Paulie Walnuts

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Everything posted by Paulie Walnuts

  1. unbelievably pathetic. Ashley taking the piss again.
  2. Said he was heading home - but what do they know
  3. Sh-ammi http://ichef.bbci.co.uk/onesport/cps/624/cpsprodpb/10CDD/production/_90692886_semenya_getty.jpg
  4. adds a bit of glamour to the game
  5. need some bloody action and quick - this is excruciation.
  6. No words. Proper upsetting. RIP little man.
  7. Aw. Come on toons and all is well with the world. Cheered me up.
  8. TBH it's probably the sort of thing he would do considering his integrity and class- just hope its all BS as reading these things make me feel physically sick.
  9. Is this man really our manager - still can't quite believe it, so classy.
  10. he'll be roasting in that garb - he'll stink like a tramps arse.
  11. Really hope we keep him, generally looked very good since he came back.
  12. That'll come at the end of July when we haven't signed anyone. Stop it!
  13. So I guess there's no second meeting with Ashley
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