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Everything posted by abcdefg

  1. abcdefg

    Alan Smith

    How do you think a player feels when he is going on the pitch & fans start singing "You don't know what your doing" it must make that player feel like shite as much as being booed. How did the team feel when they herd the much vaunted away support sing "We’re shit, and we’re sick of it” got to rock there confidence. All them morons who thought making paper planes at the match was fun rather than watching the game, must have been soul destroying for the team. I am not down with the booing, I just dont get this booing the players is wrong but managers & chairmen/boards are fair game & singing songs against the team is fine compared to booing. I don't boo or generally abuse players or managers myself, even Souness, as someone said earlier, I'd feel pretty ashamed to do so as an adult. Kids doing it, fine, you judge them by different standards. Some make the point that it's a way of perhaps letting the manager/chairman/owner know what 'the fans' think. Personally I don't want NUFC to be some sort of democracy, because there is no one view, and most of the louder-mouthed supporters spout shite and are utterly fickle depending on a lucky strike or an embarrassing fall. As if Keegan will suddenly realise 'oh yeah, Smith's a bag of balls really isn't he? I suppose we'll get rid of him'. I think knee-jerking is a major problem at this club, appease the fans with a signing/sacking/new manager, then they'll be happy for a few months.
  2. abcdefg

    Alan Smith

    BOOOOO BOOOOOO Fucking grow up, adults, some of them with children behaving like big bairns spitting their dummies out. You're a tosser if you do this. Entitled to? Yeah, of course, just as you're entitled to walk out half an hour early, that's fine, I don't mind having to get out of your way every few seconds because you're having a sulk. If you hate it that much then fuck off, stay in the pub. This annoys me as you can probably tell.
  3. abcdefg

    Alan Smith

    Drunk as you were, you're still bang on the money. I don't so much mind miserable bastards whining about the game, especially if they do it in an amusing way, but the booing has annoyed me for a long time, and it seems to be getting worse. I'm not sure I'll be able to hold my tongue about it this season
  4. abcdefg


    Yes, that's exactly what they said. If you want to boo, go to a fucking pantomime, if you going to leave early maybe just don't turn up at all, nobody will miss you.
  5. Care to elaborate on the reasons it won't happen? I think Ashley has made it fairly clear that, for the right price, he would sell the club pretty quickly. So, I don't understand why every report of a sale is treated with derision on here It's the NOTW, they don't print the truth ever.
  6. Im just thinking, it wouldnt be much of a chase. If you speed it up it might be quite Benny Hill.
  7. Slightly higher than this year. What I hope for is winning every game, but realistically there'll be lots of very good squads to play.
  8. I take it Ashley's winnings have been mentioned on the board already? http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/sport/football.html?in_article_id=563853&in_page_id=1779
  9. abcdefg

    Booing Chopra

    I'm sure he appreciated that.
  10. I assume they closed the Black Bull today? Statement as question. Coming into town earlier there were 20-30 police outside, just wondered if they were clearing it.
  11. The big dogs scared me quite a bit, which is their purpose. I try to run away from horses, particularly ones who might panic.
  12. To whoever it was. I can't speak for around O'Neils, but people were being pushed back everywhere, including people who had no idea there was a game on today (it is possible, a lot of people don't care). I'm not police-slagging here, they had a plan and it worked. I was getting the run around just trying to go westwards, it wasn't even always clear where they wanted you to go. This may have added to some of the post match tension.
  13. Around, maybe half five the riot police were down by the station. I agree they have to be mad to travel away from the escort. And they stopped me getting a bus.
  14. This video has been removed by the user.
  15. abcdefg

    Booing Chopra

    I didn't do it, but he had to expect it. Banter as I'm sure some have already said.
  16. Nephew was in the station around noon, said there were, I dunno, certainly stand offs. Afterwards the rozzers treated it like it was a riot in advance. An annoyance to those of us who actually wanted to get to Fenham.
  17. Is it too crass to link to childish songs today?
  18. Total non-story from a paper with a history of abusing the north. Ten years it took to get this 'exclusive', and with respect you have to be fairly thick to get your knickers in a twist about it.
  19. abcdefg


    Bank Holiday weekend undoubtedly played a part as well, I don't think there's much reason to expand right now.
  20. Oh NSFW btw, the audio.
  21. I'll stop being off-topic. This Stewart Lee clip is about football http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i91KQs12-q4&feature=related
  22. Outside the Union Rooms last night I met a bloke from Glasgow. Nice enough, he was down on a stag night. Supports Man U. I didn't question this as he was bigger and drunker than me. Mind you, if I lived there I might avoid the local teams. There's a line between rivalry and religious hatred. More Stewart Lee from the same gig http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ltT9dMGiFjI
  23. They were there to see him, and Stewart Lee gets away with a lot just by being funny.
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