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Everything posted by abcdefg

  1. abcdefg


    An endless round of 'one Kevin Keegan' would do me. Hey why not do Sir Bobby as well, maybe Shearer for a bit of variation. It's positive and yet still a protest. I sound like some hippy here don't I?
  2. abcdefg


    Yeah, too right. We all know that the football will be just a sideshow yes? Not saying that's right, just stating the obvious.
  3. abcdefg

    Soccer Aid

    Aww lass, I caaan't be bothered to shag you tonight, me cock's nearly bleeding.
  4. abcdefg

    Soccer Aid

    He was proper Bo. Someone had to say it.
  5. abcdefg

    Soccer Aid

    "the only difference is this time the cross came from McFly's guitarist" heh, nice touch.
  6. Brought a tear to my eye. Probably because I'm still drunk but whatever. I just wish he wouldn't write for the hatemail.
  7. I'm a right cynical bastard, but I'm holding back the tears now.
  8. Looks like I picked the wrong day to quit shooting heroin
  9. Add Bob Moncur and Sir Les to the former players being bothered by Setanta. It's sort of irrelevant what they say, as they know nothing.
  10. John Beresford just now on Setanta (paraphrasing) 'if this is true there's only one replacement who could appease people...Shearer.. ..'
  11. Very little other than 'rumours' and a few people have apparently been chanting Ashley Out! Looks just like a few bored people having a rubberneck during their lunchtime to me. I dare say that'll change when the schools kick out. They're back aren't they.
  12. Toast. Bread rather than a celebratory drink, but either will work.
  13. hmm, 'you're not singing', 'who are you', 'are you Tottenham in disguise?'....clearly some of their support still see NUFC as a threat, either that or the Emirates is stocked high with morons, which can it be?
  14. This match also re-affirmed that this forum is full of mongs. (not directed at you) This match also re-affirmed that this forum is full of mongs. (not directed at you) Well durrr.
  15. http://learningat.ke7.org.uk/ictafricaproject/HS/Carl%20W/shops_files/greggs%20logo.gif
  16. What argument it was outside the box the replay clearly shows that Dude, I was drunk in a pub, reality is meaningless.
  17. In the word of a Dutch man, unbelievable. Arguments over the penalty aside, come on, any of you would have taken a draw there. We didn't look like amateurs, that's what I take from it.
  18. abcdefg


    Yes, that's exactly what they said. If you want to boo, go to a fucking pantomime, if you going to leave early maybe just don't turn up at all, nobody will miss you. Did I say I would EVER boo a Newcastle player? No. You're the one who needs to learn to fucking read. Pardon me for simply pointing out the slight hypocrisy in them proclaiming they have no agenda and then having the temerity to say people should support Smith. I would never boo a Newcastle player, it's obviously counter productive but nufc.com have no place telling anyone what to do. And neither do you. I'm sure plenty of people would miss you but I'd happily upgrade their sniper rifles for them. Except they didn't, they expressed the opinion that booing him was idiotic. My comprehension is fine thanks. Kill yourself by the way, you know, if we're going to talk macho bullshit let's go the whole hog.
  19. Still funny http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=NzenXcVjNFs
  20. Come on now, let's remember Chris Waddle as he should be remembered, as an extremely silly joke in The Fast Show.
  21. abcdefg


    I doubt Bobby Robson could care less about the name of a stand, he looked rather sheepish when they unveiled that bust of him, it's just not important, statues and naming, it's all sentimental crap /cynic
  22. Nice one, I'm prepared to be a blind optimist myself
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