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Everything posted by abcdefg

  1. Don't they realise how unhealthy most of us are? My chest is tightening up again.
  2. I think we secretly crave these extreme highs and lows, like any junkie.
  3. NUFC: It's no longer pantomime, it's surrealist interpretive dance.
  4. None of it scans well, but I'm sure Sir Cliff will pull it off, well it's his only pleasure.
  5. Dave is future boy, makes it handy for placing bets.
  6. How about whistling the colonel bogey march throughout.
  7. Do we have an acting manager even? Sorry I haven't been following activities.
  8. Gerald Ford, Gerald Ford, Gerald Ford...
  9. We're shit, and we know we are?
  10. abcdefg


    Football Seasonally Affective Disorder.
  11. abcdefg


    I think regardless of what we do it'll make no difference, he probably will sell up soon irrespective of boycotts, turning up late or chanting. Such things might make people feel 'in charge' briefly....that's not the right expression really, just like you're not lying down to it all, just frustration. So long as we don't turn on each other we'll ride it out, I hope we're all ready with the scouse "calm down, calm down" on Saturday.
  12. No. It could happen, but I doubt a football club could exist as a democracy, beyond five-a-side level anyway.
  13. I think we should sign the guitarist from McFly in January.
  14. hehe, I think we're still allowed to be drunk. Mine's whatever looks dangerous in the Union Rooms.
  15. Fair play. Plus Shearer's is a shit pub anyway.
  16. abcdefg


    Unless you have an attachment to the club, would you want to play at Newcastle? No point having a go at Michael Owen, he'd be insane not to go elsewhere.
  17. abcdefg


    Best defence in ages. Bemused players will be the only problem. Some of them won't have a clue what's going on.
  18. Apparently he does a mean nob joke.
  19. abcdefg


    Terrys gone mate Really? I'm not surprised, I just didn't know because the repetitive sports news was getting on my tits.
  20. abcdefg


    Who's going to be acting manager? I realise I might have missed news, it was getting on my nerves. Terry?
  21. abcdefg


    I don't think anyone who's thinking blames the players for anything. It's still NUFC whoever currently holds the purse strings.
  22. abcdefg


    I hope they come up with something inventive to take the piss. I quite enjoy a cutting chant if it's done well.
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