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Everything posted by Minhosa

  1. Cancel it, then you can buy my two for 2 pounds, 50% off Ala Sports Direct
  2. Just sent the cash. Can I have 48 and 91 please?
  3. Minhosa


    Shut up - we'd be 8 nil up by HT. This is the England equivalent of the KK Entertainers at NUFC. Unless there's seven goals in a game, we're not playing properly.
  4. Minhosa


    I'm going all out attack and come home in a blaze of entertainment glory ; Pickford Stones Jones Walker Rose Dier Sterling Rashford Alli Kane Vardy
  5. Minhosa

    U23s & Academy

    If that report in the Daily Mail is anywhere near accurate then he'll have to go.
  6. Minhosa

    Aston Villa

    If that's the case then they'll have a constructive dismissal case to deal with too. Could easily see them going down, mackem style, unless they get outside investment pronto.
  7. The Hamburger Morgenpost missed the word thirty between the words over and three.
  8. If he's any less than £40m then Spurs will be in for him as Alderweireld's replacement I would think. All of these no-mark clubs throwing money around like confetti and we're clinging to the hope we can keep our club captain. Christ. The fat cunt has just sapped the lifeblood from this place. There's literally nobody who'd be surprised that we'd simply cash in.
  9. I got South Korea . Might as well have got North tbf.
  10. Minhosa


    Would've been Bertrand for me. Not even in the squad .
  11. Minhosa


    The History Channel has temporarily turned into the Football History Channel for a couple of weeks and they've been running a belting Italia 90 Programme/Documentary. I was ten at the time and can remember the tournament vividly but I had no clue as to the context surrounding it in terms of the vitriol from the press and the general behavioural issues around the England fans and their conduct. I thought that had been broadly sorted well before '90. A real eye opener and I'd recommend it to any younger people on here who may have even less recollection of the tournament and just think back to the Gazza incident. It was quite shocking in parts.
  12. Is it worth putting the groups/fixtures in the opening post for this now?
  13. No way I would sell him tbh. He'd surely not be on that much money to free up that much of the wage budget.... A potential star and someone surely everyone would happily have in our squad? Very weird - all I can think of is that he's homesick.
  14. Agreed - would take Bryan and Fredericks all day long. Odds are that one of them will end up being a top player and would more than cover the cost of the other, if they didn't work out.
  15. Scousers playing the victim. Wonders never cease.....
  16. Fabinho to Liverpool for circa £40m.
  17. Schadenfreude is what football is all about. I’d forgotten how much I disliked them and John Terry until this week tbh before the whole contract thing reared it’s head. Needlessly arrogant, completely devoid of self awareness and a pack of self indulgent arseholes. 'That's not what football is about. It's about me. Me. Me. Me.' G. Bale, Champions League Winner, MotM and general self-centred prick 26/05/18.
  18. Agree with that but I guess he’s won it before, did seem a bit odd though. Doesn’t speak much Spanish I suppose so probably anything to get away from them. — I’d also like to pay homage to Championship regulars Aston Villa. Since being relegated they’ve spent the below on the following that are still there: McCormack £14m Kojdia £13m Hogan £10.5m Bree £3.5m Lansbury £3.5m Tshibola £5m Whelan £2m plus having well paid veterans like Agbonlahor and Richards in their squad. All still contracted to the club and not one of them started yesterday. Very impressive by the good Dr. Well done. Definitely not in the shite. Yesterday was a disaster for Villa. Do we know how deep the good doctor's pockets are? They're in need a complete overhaul. I suspect Bruce might chuck it given the year he's had personally. There's been a lot of talk about us having the highest ever wage bill in the Championship but I'd say this Villa squad can't be far off at all, especially given Terry will probably be taking home £100k per week on his own.
  19. I understand what you're saying but he did get asked the question by Des Kelly and he was obviously frustrated at being left on the bench. I hate players getting interviewed on the pitch and missing out on celebrations with the fans/teammates. I guess Bale should have saved it for after the celebrations The fact is was right after the whistle, on the pitch showed his true colours imho. He had no time to prep/be briefed by his endless PR folk etc. It's like Usain Bolt breaking the 100m world record and moaning about his tracksuit sponsors next season before he's got his breath back. If thats what it's all about then we're all stuck inside this ridiculous money machine and we might as well find another sport to love cos this is done. Last night, after the whistle, was nothing to do with football. It was business. Who wants to do more business after just landing the deal of their lives? Give me a team who care/are only capable of being grafters who give a shit than self-centred, self-serving cunts like Bale any day. I honestly thought it was shocking.
  20. Also, the post game Bale interview, was about as bad an advert for modern football as you can see. You've literally just won the biggest club competition in the world, the biggest night of many people's careers, the absolute pinnacle of your career, the thing you've worked all those years for and rather than just be in the moment of sheer jubilation, able to overlook self-interest, engage with your team mates and enjoy the moment you make it political, financially motivated and all about next season. Fucking hell man. For one night, that's all completely irrelevant, worry about it tomorrow, next week or whatever. You've literally made the most incredible history and you take your chance to have a dig and play politics. I thought it stunk personally.
  21. That guy will be haunted by last night for the rest of his life. Whatever you think of his performance, the game, result or whatever that seems absolutely brutal imho.
  22. Mbemba should go to Celtic for two years worth of easy games and then he'd move on somewhere for £20m+ imho.
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