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Everything posted by Minhosa

  1. Rather Brighton than Huddersfield personally if one of them had to get a winner Can't disagree with that.
  2. Waiting for the inevitable Brighton winner now. Probably another fucking pen the jammy bastards.
  3. 71.1% That's turd if true. It's abysmal considering he plays "safe" sideways and backward passes. Can you imagine losing three balls in every ten attempts FFS. You're a professional footballer not a bloke player in his workmates five a side league.
  4. Would love to know this pricks pass percentage tonight.
  5. difference is Fergie was winning the league right to the end Wenger is nowhere near winning the league. I hear that but surely nobody can argue his overall legacy is a hugely positive one? This, to me at least, buys him the opportunity to call it a day rather than be shuffled off to the French FA or wherever. How long do you give him though? Do you allow him to keep working at Arsenal into his 70s because of the good work he did at the club yet haven't won a league title for over a decade? Tough one. I'd say it has to be mutually agreed to allow for his successor to be found and then headhunted. As has been said, I thought Klopp would've been a great appointment for them, given the type of football etc but there's no guarantee that anybody would do any better than him. It's not hard to do worse than him though. For all of the obvious frustrations, if he was a new foreign manager appointed last summer, I'd say most Arsenal fans would say he was progressing well as mad as that sounds. It's easy to let these, latter-year, complaints tarnish what's been a wonderful career and a fantastic part of premier league history.
  6. difference is Fergie was winning the league right to the end Wenger is nowhere near winning the league. I hear that but surely nobody can argue his overall legacy is a hugely positive one? This, to me at least, buys him the opportunity to call it a day rather than be shuffled off to the French FA or wherever.
  7. As Man Utd found when replacing Fergie, continuing a dynasty isn't easy. I think he'd take a helluva lot of replacing personally. Even with these so called 'super-coaches' such as Klopp and Pep, they haven't found it easy in our football to date. I think he's earned the right to leave on his terms given what he's done for that club.
  8. Sounds like a cash and carry flogging rice.
  9. Said it last week in a different thread but Mendyl from Lille (Morocco's young LB) will be at a big club soon. Flying full back.
  10. Yup - I'd happily put money on him going too, so if anyone wants to take that bet then I'm in.
  11. One million percent this. Rafa and KK were the only appointments that weren't from the 'Grateful Dead' file.
  12. Mike Ashley incentivises virtually every employee to make himself more money. Even the kids on the counter get 50p for every SD Mag they sell, so it's hardly a stretch to think Carr (and Pardew previously) were incentivised in the same manner tbh. I'm convinced thats why AP stuck it out so long.
  13. Fundamentally disagree. Rafa's been around the block so many times and he's hardly taking our job on expecting a Real Madrid budget. He's clearly had assurances around the club's ability to do business otherwise he wouldn't be here. He's told the club what we need to gain/ensure promotion and the club have failed to deliver it. I can't imagine a situation where he's saying 'I don't give a fuck what Townsend costs, pay £26m if you have to'. He just strikes me as way more intelligent than that. The issue here is that, as usual, there is no communication to the manager. Which, in reality, means Ashley has an inner circle dealing with this shite which, I'd hazard a guess, is exactly what Rafa has tried to protect himself from during the negotiatations back last summer. Things go fine when Ashley is out of the way. As soon as he turns back up, everything goes to shit because he undermines the very people he's paying to run his business.
  14. Basically. Even that is assuming that Ashley can put aside the inevitable ego clash and internal politics which will be rife from now on through to the summer. He'll not be able to btw. My feeling is that Ashley has taken the advice of Carr and Rafa will be pissed off. Carr doesn't even need to be there. Charnley should run it in accordance with Ashley's wishes. Everyone should then report into Charnley. Nobody should have a direct line to Ashley because that undermines the whole hierarchy. Corporate structure 101. Ashley can't fucking help himself though, the fat cunt is always angling for the next deal, next bit of profit and when he's in 'interested' mode, he'll make contact with Carr and find out who can buy to flog on which undermines Rafa (and Charnley tbf) completely. Carr might as well be an external advisor for the all of the good he does Rafa (and, probably, tin hat moment here.........Charnley). My gut feel is that if Charnley and Rafa were left to just get on with it, they'd probably run along just fine. It's this third party influence that's the problem..................Along with the heinous personality of our esteemed Owner who just can't leave well alone, the fat fuck.
  15. Minhosa

    Lee Charnley

    He'll be in a right predicament come the summer . Mr Popular (in Rafa) chuck's it because of Mr Unpopular (Ashley) and Charnley has to pick up the pieces with an Ashley Mouthpiece in the post. Enjoy the next few months Mr Charnley because your existence is going to be a thoroughly miserable one when Rafa leaves.
  16. He'll still be off in the summer btw. Ashley doesn't take kindly to being challenged. Love the man. He's fantastic and there's nobody I'd rather have in his position. Such class and dignity.
  17. He'll be on some measly percentage of profit I should imagine. Amazing how money can colour your judgement.
  18. Charnley just does what he's told man. He did an absolute fuck load of transfers in the summer. It's not like significant scientific research he's doing, it's a transaction. Yup.
  19. He's not getting the boot. He's following orders.
  20. There's no way this is a Charnley fuck up. I honestly can't grasp the mentality of some people clutching at 'Charnley this, Carr that, Pardew the other'. The root cause of the years of misery is Mike fucking Ashley FFS. Can't you put together the reemergence of this fucktard (see stories of 3 weeks ago) and a shameful transfer window? The big fat cunt was nowhere to be seen in the summer and business got done, so let's not pull the Charnley card.
  21. Exactly. You can tell he's played this game before. Quality.
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