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Everything posted by Minhosa

  1. Was a key member of the '80%er' club today and that was before he limped off with acute embarrasitis.
  2. Sounds as thick as fuck in that interview. Makes Saylor looks marginally intelligent and that takes some doing. Fucking hell.
  3. The amount of half arsed attempts at tackles/general effort from our lot today was shameful btw. We should call them the 80%er club. Founded by Sissoko with Janmaat as Vice Captain of this fucknut club. Fucking bunch of bottling bastards.
  4. That would be pertinent Kaiz if our cunts gave a shit. They don't.
  5. Why o why would you do that to yourself? I've made a concerted effort this season in trying to convince my 9 year old son that he should support NUFC by experiencing various atmospheres (the derby, away games etc). At 3-0 down today he wanted to leave. It feels like I'm doing entirely the wrong thing tbf but I'm from Newcastle and all of my family bleed B&W even though we don't live in the NE anymore. Not sure I'm doing the right thing but, if Ashley goes, you never know. It's the hope that kills you.
  6. Minhosa


    They'll get something tomorrow. Maybe even a win.
  7. He's not let us down all season when you add the context that's a relatively young centre half plying his trade at a higher level than previously. Him and Mbemba have potential. Shame the Chancellor will fuck off when we go down.
  8. On about 84 minutes, Anita got the ball and fucked up, miscontrolled and it ran out of play. Rafa went fucking mental at his mates on the bench. He's clearly tearing his hair out with this fucking rabble.
  9. I was there today and haven't read the thread but, all I can say, is that if this contest was a boxing match then the towel would've been chucked in after the first 20 minutes. Midfield was completely missing. Central players were absolutely abysmal.
  10. Statistically atrocious for us. He's a fundamental reason we're fucked and he'll blitz off into the sunset as soon as we're gone. Wherever he goes, I'll happily drive the cunt. And that includes China, Russia, Qatar, Turkey. Which is inevitably where this sackless shite will end up plying his trade.
  11. Was at the game today. This cunt has been on the beach since before Xmas. Can't believe the lack of stick he's getting from our fans.
  12. Good article from Hope that.
  13. Missed last week's so getting in early with this one: West Ham 2 v 2 Arsenal Aston Villa 1 v 3 Bournemouth Crystal Palace 2 v 1 Norwich Southampton 3 v 1 Newcastle Swansea 1 v 2 Chelsea Watford 1 v 1 Everton Man City 4 v 0 West Brom Sunderland 1 v 1 Leicester Liverpool 2 v 1 Stoke Spurs 3 v 2 Man Utd Crystal Palace 1 v 1 Everton
  14. It's a big ask to expect Mitro/Mbemba to go from Champions League to Championship in one season and stick around. I've suggested previosuly that I think Mitro will stick around, mainly cos he's mental, but can't see Mbemba. Saivet will be off as soon as his agent's phone has rung.
  15. Of course he will and the fat cunts little outburst a couple of weeks ago would have been recieved by Rafa's people as a warning shot of life under the fucking dictatorship. Like fucking North Korea with marginally better haircuts.
  16. Not bringing him early enough smacks of the 'trying to get by/not invest any money' mentality that Ashley has brainwashed through the club. The difference a month would have made would have been immense and, in financial terms, it would only have a been a few hundred grand, max. Shameful. His inevitable departure is the biggest missed opportunity of the Ashley era. Incredibly, we've snatched a defeat from the jaws of victory in a way only NUFC and our feckless players can. I think the fact that so many managers/coaches have failed to get a response from these cunts says so much about the fundamental cultural problems at the club. In particular that these knackers have been sold the dream of 'come to NUFC and be like Yohan Cabaye, he went to a proper club' is so fucking screwed up, it's untrue. That strikes at the heart of Ashley's ownership, that these chancers, bluffers and mercenaries are 'convinced' to come here on the basis of leaving. They're all coming with the wrong mentality. At least under FFS/SJH the signings were all signing up to men who had a pride in the club/region and wanted to compete. If you can only talk to these new players about how much money they'll all make when they leave it's no wonder they're so fucking half hearted on the pitch. They win, either way. They achieve their ends. They go, we stay. They benefit, we suffer. It's the most one sided relationship in sport this NUFC.
  17. Would be staggered if Everton sacked him. They stuck with Moyes through much worse imho.
  18. Exactly right. No chance whatsoever.
  19. None of those clubs had the same amount of mercenaries as us though. We've been sold to all of them as a stepping stone. Even QPR had the old 'London Airports' excuse.
  20. Minhosa

    Papiss Cissé

    When he first signed literally everything he touched turned to gold. Now it all turns to shit. Clearly doesn't want to be here.
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