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Everything posted by Minhosa

  1. On an equally positive vibe, I backed us at 12/1 yesterday. It's on Betfair so after we've been humped by Man City, Pardew's whinges about lack of bodies and Kinnears PR fuck ups I'll sell the bet when the odds come down.
  2. Minhosa

    Papiss Cissé

    It's not looking good for Papiss.................but it's make or break time. Banging an infidel: -50pts Banging an infidel who makes a living getting her tits out: -100pts Gambling like a Gillespie: - 50pts Buying an ambulance: +50 pts Making 50000 happy every so often: +50 points Refusing to do the wonga: +100pts at stake!! Now I get it. C'mon Papiss lad. Refuse the Wongarites and bang those blessed virgins.
  3. In the unlikely event Ashley sold the club just how many of the management team would survive the new regime?
  4. Rob Lee was the best of the three of them. What a player.
  5. I've erred on the side of 'better the devil you know' for a good while but just wish this cunt would fuck off now. It's like he's learned nothing.
  6. Mick Fucking Harford. Jesus. Talk about jobs for the boys. There's a reason none of these morons have had any influence on football over the last 20 years.
  7. Minhosa

    Papiss Cissé

    Spot on. Yep - Difficult to argue with that. Zero motivation/enthusiasm for the upcoming campaign.
  8. No In what respect? Not wumming, just don't really know enough about strengths/weaknesses to form conclusion. Always had the impression (perhaps wrongly) that Gignac was the better all-rounder?
  9. Don't know too much about Gignac but presume he would be significantly preferential to Gomis?
  10. Minhosa

    Papiss Cissé

    There's not a player yet who's gone up against the Ashley regime and won. They all end up getting shipped out eventually. The writing is on the wall, be it now or January. I like Cisse. He's capable of the unexpected but I'm not sure how suitable he is with the personnel we have behind him. He doesn't really fit the system AP implemented last year and for as long as Pardews here I can't imagine the guy getting a wealth of chances.
  11. desperately searching for any positive Pardew news. Well it is some, isn't it? Just asking yo. Of course it is . Keep fighting the good fight.
  12. desperately searching for any positive Pardew news.
  13. Essentially saying any of our players that have a decent year will be off to bigger and better. Thanks Al. Might as well not fucking bother then. On that note, glad Cabaye was shit last year, HBA injured half the time and Cisse missing mammals arses with banjo's. Fucking hell, what's the point?
  14. I'm sure there's loads more sources (indeed with more credibility) but I'm not that bothered to look, the one given above was literally a two second job. I've seen plenty of speculation since the season ended about him though and if he's about to (or has) submit a transfer request then that's not something a player would do on the spur of the moment - as it'll cost him money when he does go. As for your point about his value going up if he has a decent season, Luis Suarez (cunt though he is) is far more proven, a far better footballer and valued in the region of £30m. His value could equally go down if he has a shitter. Imagine us being in this position with Cisse (this time last year)............if anyone offered £25m we'd be fucking furious. If anyone offered it now, you'd struggle to find many who could justify turning it down. If you can extract anywhere near £25m for Benteke then you've come out it ok. He could just be at his peak/in the form of his life right at this moment. Let's see what falls out.
  15. That's the point, we don't want to achieve that, we want to keep the player. It is a discouraging price tag, not an attempt to get more money in. There's also a limit to player power in these circumstances. There's a world cup at the end of the season, what's he going to do? Refuse to play? It wouldn't be the first time a player has submitted a transfer request and not got a move. True but he's been angling for a move pretty much since the end of the season and is obviously another Ba in that he'll be touted around Europe/Russia for the rest of his career. Do you want this kind of bullshit every window? He's shown his colours, cash in and move on. It's inevitable. How do you know he's been angling for a move since the end of the season? We wont be expecting this ever transfer window, the plan will doubtless be to hold on to him till the end of this season. Just a quick google finds this: http://arsenalnews.co/benteke-insistence-to-a-move-alerts-arsenal/ Granted not the most credible of sources but if he's prepared to bash in a transfer request then it's clearly not spur of the moment. Hold on to an unhappy player for another year or extract maximum value now. I know what I'd be doing.
  16. That's the point, we don't want to achieve that, we want to keep the player. It is a discouraging price tag, not an attempt to get more money in. There's also a limit to player power in these circumstances. There's a world cup at the end of the season, what's he going to do? Refuse to play? It wouldn't be the first time a player has submitted a transfer request and not got a move. True but he's been angling for a move pretty much since the end of the season and is obviously another Ba in that he'll be touted around Europe/Russia for the rest of his career. Do you want this kind of bullshit every window? He's shown his colours, cash in and move on. It's inevitable.
  17. I would pretty much guarantee you that Lambert has told them he wants far more than that. I'd bet money on it. I know there's been paper talk of £25m plus but I can't see you achieving that (imho). Edit - and ultimately player power will prevail. It's no good this being left til last minute for you to get a million or so more, you'd be better off with a committed replacement through the door in time.
  18. Wouldn't be surprised to see Spurs go up £20-£22m for Benteke. He seems to fit their mould, is the right age and has adapted well to the league. They've had money to spend since last summer and are desperate for a striker and everyone knows this so, even allowing for the Levy factor, they are going to be paying a pretty penny for whoever they get. If they want Benteke that badly, they'll have to shell out.
  19. Minhosa


    I'm better than Freddy Adu. Alright lads............no need to fall out. Just much ado about nothing.
  20. Minhosa

    Alan Pardew

    Better than my job. To be fair, Pardew doesn't get to go home to Mrs Bimpy every night, so swings and roundabouts. Not seeing my swing in there, just my roundabout
  21. Minhosa

    Nile Ranger

    From an unsuspecting waitress who only went to get collect their dishes. Poor lass is chained down there now munching on Nile's manky bell.
  22. Minhosa

    Alan Pardew

    Better than my job. To be fair, Pardew doesn't get to go home to Mrs Bimpy every night, so swings and roundabouts.
  23. Minhosa

    Alan Pardew

    Of course it would be, especially at NUFC where there's a constant thirst for information.
  24. Minhosa

    Alan Pardew

    Easy job? Well paid?That contract? Have you had your eyes and ears closed since MA bought the club? Yes very well paid compared to civilian work because selling double glazing is what he's going to get next. Almost got a team relegated from top flight football, still kept his job. Is that not a cushy job no? He could earn more money sitting on the MOTD Sofa. You can't compare civilian work to football wages FFS. Relative to his peers he'll be on below avg money with one of the worst Owners going and now he's got a fucking dinosaur inbetween them at said Owners behest. He's hardly living the dream.
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