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Everything posted by Minhosa

  1. He'll get plenty of assists if we put an effective wide man in front of him and give him someone to aim for in the box. Wilson will love him.
  2. 99.9% is constructive imho.
  3. Exactly the same thought crossed my mind. New brush, sweeping clean, new players all earning miles more than them..............are the no hopers now just calling it in until they leave? Feels that way.
  4. Minhosa


    Great that this fella has turned up for the last month or so but, fuck me, how can a professional player not generate any fucking power in their shots?!!?
  5. As they should be tbh as we all need to be pulling in the same direction but, fuck me, he's had a mare today.
  6. Minhosa

    Joe Willock

    Absolute dogshit.
  7. I don't see what Howe can do with him when ASM doesn't know what he's going to do next 99% of the time. How do you coach an absolute wildcard into an effective team player? As I said earlier, Trippier will hate making runs for him and never seeing a pass and Wilson has already indicated he finds him frustrating because he cannot rely on ASM's service.
  8. What, asking for him to be sacked?
  9. Agreed but don't forget they were coached by an utter buffoon. They all looked competent under Rafa.
  10. I'm judging him based on what I'm seeing him deliver at NUFC, I'm not interested in his time at Bournemouth. I'm not in any way suggesting he gets the bullet, btw, but what I am saying is that he's had very very limited material impact since Bruce left.
  11. And todays was worse against a team of no marks?!? I don't agree about the defence either. I just don't see any significant impact tbh. I don't deny he 'gets it' and his PR is better than Bruces (hard to be worse) but I've seen nothing from him yet to think we're in the hands of a managerial genius.
  12. I don't think the squad is as bad as everyone makes out tbh. Certainly capable of survival before the new owners go and throw £100m at it. If we go down now, after huge spend, it's just as much on Howe as Bruce for me tbh.
  13. Yeah same but I see very little discernable improvements since his appointment. Overall, he's been underwhelming imho.
  14. Him and Trippier are nailed on to fall out btw. Trippier won't pussyfoot around him and will tell him straight. I predict ASM gone by next season.
  15. Totally agree. Howe seems to get a very easy ride, particularly with his post match quotes, in comparison to Bruce. You have to judge them equally.
  16. Have we? All I've seen is the upturn in Joelinton which is, in some way, offset by the massive downturn in ASM.
  17. Zero 'New Manager Bounce' effect so far. If he doesn't have the best February ever after he gets his signings, the owners may well apply some serious pressure to him.
  18. Oh fuck off with that shite again Eddie. You say that every time we play shit.
  19. If Bruce had of delivered that shite today, there'd be a new 'Wor Flag' outside the ground by 9pm. He needs to deliver and fast.
  20. As I said a few months ago, he's too unpredictable and too unreliable to form any part of a cohesive 11. He's a wildcard option off the bench when you're chasing a game or when the game's won. Needs changing out in the medium term.
  21. A fucking joke mate. He's let some of them off with GBH at times!!!!!!!!
  22. What a strike and save that is. Wow.
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