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Everything posted by Minhosa

  1. Well, they can fuck clean off. They can have Hendrick if they like.
  2. Yep - agree with that. No doubt it should be chalked down as a successful first season and, for me, they were the better team last night particularly second half but I've also got a hunch he'll have them in trouble next year. Wouldn't be at all surprised if he's not there at the end of next season. Replacing Gallagher is going to be very tough for them and they also need to ship out all of these nothing strikers and invest in one genuine goalscorer. Someone like Ings would be a good shout for them.
  3. And without wishing to reenergise the fucking athleticism discussion , he's wayyyyy more mobile than Cabaye for me.
  4. I'm not sure this one is particularly realistic given his rise in prominence this season and his international cap but I really liked the look at that Guehi fella last night for Palace. Him, Botman or Badishile for me. Incidentally, that Badiashile fella has been heavily linked with West Ham over the last week.
  5. I'm not at all convinced by Paddy V tbh.
  6. Ah yes! Quite correct. Overlooked him.
  7. Has a lovely knack of nicking the ball....
  8. Minhosa

    Fabian Schär

    MOTM for me last night. Absolutely immense. It's almost like a genuine football coach can recognise and develop players with ability and not stick them on the bench to see out their fucking contracts and leave for fuck all, eh Steve?
  9. I think the only other one people could make an argument for would be the Brentford dude tbh.
  10. Was that the guy from Swansea?
  11. Clocked that. Fucking prick that man. Hate Edwards but LOVE that he'd had to give credit to both Howe (following his favourite ever bloke) and Staveley in getting in Bruno when Edwards was at pains to discredit her throughout the takeover. Man's a cunt. I'd fucking ban him from SJP, Ashley style tbh.
  12. I’m not saying he’s been away too much but he’s got 18000 Benson and Hedges in his garage, a golf handicap of scratch and he’s sporting a gap year tan in April.
  13. Stop right there. Bloke's a cunt and need's reminding of that every time he communicates tbh.
  14. Next to an image of Eddie stood there with the sun shining behind him. Bruce twisting his face in a dark, halloween-esque gurn?
  15. @Heron- How much would I have to pay for a 'Not bad for 'that fella from Bournemouth' next to a fucking massive image of Bruce's wonky gish?
  16. That Tindall will do anything to top up his tan.
  17. Have to say, I’ve loved watching this Leeds team under him. They’ve been pure entertainment. He’s been a breathe of a fresh air imho.
  18. Dunno why but my first thought was Martial.
  19. These new owners have been superb custodians so far imho. How lucky are we?
  20. Can immediately see the logic in bringing him in to protect that left flank from the lack of cover ASM offers. I thought his distribution in the first half was off at times but overall a very solid debut and, you'd imagine, that LB slot is nailed on to be his after the Villa game is out of the way.
  21. How big is middle finger? Like cocking about with a hot dog for a digit.
  22. Watford have signed 3 or 4 I believe. No idea if they're any good or not.
  23. Isn't that more than his nett spend over 14 years?!?
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