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Everything posted by Minhosa

  1. My thoughts with Luke Edwards (@imtts) at this difficult time.
  2. Ha ha - Keef would say that man. Not like him to take credit now is it?!? I'll always remember him saying at the start how he was a 'normal' fan who didn't want the limelight and, when this was all over, he'd fuck off into the background. Let's hope he's true to his word tbh.
  3. Has to be Mandy by Manilow, surely? 'ohhhhh Mandy, you came and you saved us from Ashley and that sets you apart, oh Mandy..............'
  4. @GregSuperb there on Newsnight batting away the interviewers agenda. GET IN!
  5. Don't see the Gerrard thing at all tbh. Even if he was superb (and let's face it, we don't know that yet), he's nailed on to follow Klopp at Liverpool over the next few years.
  6. Fulham away under Rafa (his last game). Next one: ASAP. Can’t wait to take my kids.
  7. Would be the best 'fuck you' to Qatar also. Which, I'll be honest, I'd enjoy.
  8. Loved your earlier post @LFEE- a thing of absolute beauty.
  9. Couldn't give two fucks if we never hear about the cunt again. Get this chat to fuck Stiff.
  10. Yeah fuck off Luke. You’re still a cretin.
  11. Really? I'd say it's about as militant as you can get if 40000 folks would down tools until it was sold. Just a shame it's a pipedream with folks like Hurst influencing the fanbase and yet funding Ashley's regime at the same time.
  12. Well said @Yorkie- Mike Ashley has literally one of the thinnest skins going. How else do have the fans garnered a reaction out of him previously? Certainly not from sitting on their hands, flogging jigsaws or worrying about sanitary wear in the loo's. Bruce is also mega thin-skinned, so he's ripe for targetting. So, for all these people that think it won't work, it will but you've got to be prepared to do something else on a Saturday afternoon for a few months. Not hard, is it?
  13. I've said it for fucking years. When you've got a club that DO NOT want to offer engagment, the very idea of a Trust that does not protest or lead the representation of Fan's dissatisfaction, is about as much use as an inflatable dart board. There is only one issue within the club that matters now and saving for thirty years to offer to buy 1% of the club, only to be likely rejected, is so misguided, so badly concieved it's untrue. I've heard the 'ego's' thing for a long time and always avoided the discussion but, fuck me, that Hurst prick has absolutely shamed himself these last couple of days. Finally, why the fuck are True Faith even tweeting about the NUST? Like they fucking own it? The whole thing should be mothballed until there's a new owner. Or, better still, turned into a protest group which is the only street worth driving down for as long as Mike Ashley owns us.
  14. For sure. Fucking bizarre way for a grown man to behave.
  15. According to him, he was. Probably Chief Executive of W. Mitty & Co.
  16. God, there's some right cunts come out of the woodwork around this takeover attempt. Attention seeking shithouses. Prick's wanting their five minutes of youtube fame, arseholes pretending to be ITK and then commentators regurgitating their shite on forums. Bleurgh. Can't wait til it's all over. Pack of wankers, to a man.
  17. Totally agree @KaKa - he's got Doucoure looking like prime Diame.
  18. You cannot constantly antagonise people and then cry wolf when they bite back. He’s a fucking cretin that deserves a slap tbh. Might not be so mouthy online if someone brings the cunt down a peg or two.
  19. Doesn't sit easy with him either cos he's got a FUCKING MASSIVE arse, the fat cunt. Rafa, on the other hand, was cuddly, friendly and professional. A nice man.
  20. Just following up on @middsearlier post too. The empty seats have previously hugely embarrassed him into giving away his product for fuck all to save the shame. Following covid and the impact of empty stadiums, we're now told in all areas of the press, of the financial consequences - we're told to expect NUFC's book to demonstrate the damage of such stadia cashflow gaps. And yet still the militant mild remain unmoved in their selfishness of attending and fucking moaning about it. One fucking season. Nine fucking months. Bail out for a short term hiatus. Not much to ask, you pricks.
  21. That's them stinking out the league for the next four years then!
  22. I find it hilarious how he continuosly talks himself into riddles, contradictions or just sheer guilt. Remember when the daft cunt talked pre-season about Jones taking the attackers and him and the Steve's taking the defensive players? He literally gets nothing right.
  23. Hope we get royally rogered without lube. Fuck the whole lot of them.
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