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Everything posted by Minhosa

  1. A high press and yet we didn't create one good chance, didn't dominate possession in their half and managed on 3 first half attempts. I wouldn't consider that in any way effective. No question, the pen didn't help but they completely downed tools on a new manager and that's a huge concern imho. Genuinely, I cannot see that he's made much impact yet tbh. Aye Joelinton is playing better but he's not gonna keep us up. A top manager (imho) would've implemented a style and/or system by now even if those players trying to implement it are shit. I honestly cannot see what the fuck he's trying to get them to do.
  2. I don’t think they turned up at all. Think back to when Rafa took us to better teams and shut up shop. It wasn’t pretty but there was a clear game plan. What was today’s?
  3. Maybe this shit flies in Bournemouth but he’ll find the NUFC fans far more intrusive in respect of his post match comments. Today, they’re just shite imho. Like he’s convincing himself.
  4. Fundamentally disagree. We turned up in our pyjamas.
  5. I’m sorry like but if Bruce said this he’d be getting pelters ;
  6. I’ve said it all season, he’d keep us up from here imho.
  7. Wonder if Rafa fancies another spin the championship
  8. There needs to be some apologies after this. Fucking embarrassing.
  9. He needs to bring Hayden in ASAP. He’s no world beater but at least he tries. He has to bring some legs. Willock and Shelvey nothing short of disgraceful.
  10. Minhosa

    Joe Willock

    Gutless cunt. Give him back to Arsenal tbh.
  11. Willock will be a very lucky boy to get through this season without the crowd turning on him tbh. Fucking got his signing on fee and then became Mr Invisible. Utter shithouse.
  12. Fuck me. The only way we’ve looked like scoring today was a complete out of the blue fuck up. Fucking terrible this.
  13. In the circumstances, this a very poor result and an even worse performance tbh. Killing any momentum. fucki g terrible.
  14. Utter utter horseshit. Any possible momentum lost. Fucking woeful.
  15. They’ve got a patched up defence, a centre midfielder playing at CB and a full back on a booking and we managed 3 fucking goal attempts. This midfield needs a drastic overhaul.
  16. Maddison has bought that but Lascelles let’s him.
  17. I’d rather we didn’t sign him tbh. Smacks of a Nicky Butt/Joe Willock combo I.e: Man Utd reject and a bit vein of form last year masking what he’ll actually end up being for us, week in/week out. Definitely a no for me.
  18. He wasn't even getting games by the time Rafa was ending his reign though was he? I got the distinct impression that he'd have been binned off in that pre-season along with Ritchie if Rafa had of stayed.
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