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Everything posted by Minhosa

  1. Got to keep this fella, even if we bring in a new exciting LB, he can bed in gradually whilst learning the PL from Targett.
  2. Was right at it when he came on. Clattered a couple and burst Lacazette's swede.
  3. I love that he's also a right shithouse. That blocking of Ramsdale's distribution, winding up their centre backs etc but the funniest thing, if you watch the second goal back, is he goes down looking for a pen and acting hurt. When the ball hits the net, he's up like lightning and celebrating. Our shithouse.
  4. Minhosa


    Sweepstake on when the ban hammer lands? I'll go 1830hrs.
  5. Let me know if you see it again (or similar) for next season....
  6. Great odds those. Which bookie?
  7. Minhosa


    More chance of signing Lynda Bellingham tbh.
  8. Waiting list for these now too!
  9. Nah, we get him to keep the car running every match day.
  10. A grand each, give or take. I don't think they're badly priced tbh.
  11. For further context, I'd promised my kids we'd get tickets whenever a takeover happened. I knew we'd struggle to get them in the area we wanted so I took out adverts in 4 x local newspapers suggesting I was looking to buy bonds as I knew they would be a guaranteed route to a ST. I did this back in January as the process is not quick to agree the deal and then process the paperwork with the club and existing bond holders. FYI, The Bonds were for 100 years and issued between 1993 and 1994. Most of them were bought back then for circa £3k. I got fairly limited interest but a few Bond Holders were open to discussing deals. I managed to agree a figure with a couple of them and bought the bonds. The adverts were taken out in the Journal, Chronicle, Sunday Sun and Gazette. I also put an ad on Gumtree where I nearly got cyber-scammed from a very convincing con artist (sending photos' from the 'bond seats' etc so be very careful if you do that!). I do find the scoffing from some folks quite amusing tbh. Plenty of folks on here speak to me regularly off the forum and have seen proof of the purchase.
  12. No - but they can be resold by the private individuals who hold them.
  13. Don't know context, I'm just quoting verbatim based on the conversation I had.
  14. You'd have to buy them off an existing bond holder. If you can find a bond holder willing to sell you their bonds, then there is a 'transfer of ownership' form to complete, send back to the club with a £25 admin fee. The club then reissues the bond in your name and you're then entitled to the accompanying season ticket as well as free domestic cup tickets for the balance of bond (about 60-70 years).
  15. He's right up there with Wraith levels of blight tbh. Fucking attention seeking cretin. All about him.
  16. I called 08443721892. I'd tried it the day before and it was literally 'off', didn't even dial. I tried it again yesterday AM and the same. Tried it on the off chance yesterday PM and was placed in position 97 in the queue. Waited 3 hours almost and got through to an operator who said they'd been absolutely rammed and that there was a huge queue in the physical box office too. I paid £5275.00 for the 5 ST's. 4 seats together in the Platinum Club and 1 on its own.
  17. Sorry - I should have been clearer. I specifically wanted seats in the Milburn and didn't think I'd have a chance to get them on general sale so I bought 5 x Platinum Club Bonds which entitles the holder to first option on season tickets in the seats. I then took that option out yesterday and 'renewed' all 5 ST's. The conditions of the bond are that the club are not allowed to sell ST's in those seats to anyone but the bond holder however, if the bond holder doesn't renew, then the club can sell the seats on a game by game basis. So yes, a renewal of sorts, and not a 'new' ST even though we've never had them there before if that makes sense. And the girl on the phone 100% said they do not think they'll get to general sale....
  18. Managed to sort 5 x ST's for next year. Was on the phone for over 3 hours in the queue. The box office staff member said they are predicting 'no general sale'. She also said the queue is around the block at the main box office.
  19. Just seen on NUFC.COM that Aaron Spear is still playing professionally in Iceland. Thought he'd be a scaffolder by now tbh.
  20. Minhosa

    Fabian Schär

    Very happy with this news.
  21. Is everyone just happy to forget the awful coverage and total weakness from the football journos during the Ashley era? That we were failed by so many journos, near and far, is never far from my mind tbh and I'm struggling to keep a straight face when you have articles like that one this morning in the Athletic talking about Howe's revolutionary changes, how bad the squad was he inherited (in terms of morale, condition, disunity etc) and yet Caulkin, Waugh et al went out of their ways not to criticise Bruce. It's great we've fundamentally changed as a club. Wonderful. I'm still wandering around in a daze at the whole thing. It's like a dream. Do these bunch of cretins deserve the indirect benefits? Of more readership? Of more positive engaged fan interactions? Of more appetite for their products when very very few of them can look themselves in the mirror given their conduct during the Ashley era? Not for me. Edwards will always be a cunt. Obviously. But it's the so called local journos who, for me, majorly bottled any real negative coverage of Ashley for fear of expulsion that shouldn't be able to enjoy what we are now. And there's plenty of them. I'm surprised how many people seemingly don't care about it. I wish I didn't TBH but it does majorly fuck me off that their role in representing fan opinion/sentiment was so weak/passive it was verging on complicit. I could add the NUFC Trust to this argument too and seeing that prick Hurst sat a few rows from the owners also resulted in a little sick in my mouth but that's a different story, a different moan for a different time/thread.
  22. Looks like Klopp will choose to extend his Liverpool deal longer than they originally thought. His contract expires in 2024 and it was widely reported he'd be off. He's done a great job so I'd be very happy to see the back of him now tbh.
  23. I have a feeling EH might rest him/bring him off the bench.
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