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Everything posted by Minhosa

  1. Nketiah NOT leaving this month. Confirmed by Arteta.
  2. There was talk earlier this week that they'd be prepared to let him leave on loan this window. Seems strange, I'd have thought Rafa would've liked him.
  3. I have a fancy we’ll get Dele Alli in late in the window.
  4. I’m gonna pretend we paid £25m for Trippier and £12m for Wood and make myself feel much better about the whole thing tbh.
  5. Luke Edwards IS a cunt though, right? Surely we can unanimously agree on that?
  6. Given a straight choice between him now for £25m or the kid from Reims for £30m, I’d take Wood every time. He’s not flashy but he knows how to lead a line and he’ll give us a much needed focal point without Wilson. He’s by no means a dream signing but he’s a pragmatic one and one I can fully get behind given the situation we are in.
  7. Minhosa


    And Wigan’s next three games are all against teams in the bottom 4!
  8. Burnley have signed Mbappe for £24m.
  9. Fuck clean off with this shite man.
  10. The second worst thing to have happened to her in the last 45 years.
  11. We have - the Pet Hates thread.
  12. Should've offered them £50m straight cash or £55m + Hendrick.
  13. Sounds like one for the future - Saturday.
  14. Never heard of him. Will take him.
  15. They've got a good few very attractive assets to flog so they're not under pressure per say. A bit like having a big credit card bill in January but you're due a whacking bonus from work in August.
  16. Big shame this. Felt he could be our Kompany tbh.
  17. £17.5m is the rumoured fee.
  18. Bet it’s something to do with the SD image removal or her comments about the SD signs being a blight.
  19. Minhosa

    Joe Willock

    Hard not to think that given he's called it in ever since he got his move tbh.
  20. Minhosa

    Joe Willock

    The scariest thing about this is that they offer fuck all defensively either. Not only do they not contribute in an attacking sense, they leave our defenders exposed every fucking week too.
  21. Totally agree. I honestly thought we'd have enjoyed some new manager bounce. We haven't at all.
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