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Everything posted by Minhosa

  1. Ornstein confirming bid is in which pretty much seals it imho.
  2. Agreed - if we go, he goes imho.
  3. I guess it's fine but, fuck me, enjoy some positivity for once man . We'll have years to ponder over the things that go wrong, the things they get wrong and whether they're any good as owners. For now, give them their heads and embrace having owners that appear to care.
  4. I certainly share that concern. I think, if the PL were honest, they'd prefer us out of it for a year to bring in all sorts of new rules limiting our potential should we come straight back up.
  5. I'm not sure folks will be delighted with the idea of relegation but I'd hope it's a small pothole on a long journey. I think it depends upon the context of the legitimacy tbh. In fact, this whole argument is probably a context thing and very much about your starting point regarding the new ownership...I think they deserve patience and gratitude. To be critical of them already when they are clearly well intentioned feels incredibly harsh/demanding to me. As for the transfer market struggles......yes perhaps but I think theres context required there too; 1) We're going after players that are far better than Ashley's/Charnleys shortlists and therefore their clubs don't want to sell. Possibly at all but certainly not mid-season. 2) If the new owners first window was a summer window, I think they'd be wowing us with their efficiency imho because they're clearly open to business for good good footballers. 3) Covid is a complication in terms of squad size. 4) The World Cup might also be a factor for players getting game time now, worried about joining a new club with a different style, in a different country and with a manager known to be careful regarding bedding in new players. 5) The whole world thinks we are 'Super Rich' and adds a Saudi tax. 6) We cannot sign players out of contract with big signing on fees which is something we probably would've done with say Lingard if this was a summer window. 7) We don't yet have a DOF/CEO with experience of this shit. 8) The new owners are brand new to this. 9) The end of the window will certainly see more movement for all clubs. It's a shame we desperately needed bodies for Watford and Leeds because they'll have more faces in by the time the window closes. That's nature, supply and demand - everything heats up towards the end of the window. Overall, I'm happy to give the benefit of the doubt.
  6. Really interesting. I've not seen/heard many people going into bat for Kepa so good to see an alternative view. I've probably not seen enough of him to offer much of a useful opinion but from the small bits I've seen, my immediate thought was that he was perhaps a little lightweight for PL football... Henderson I really like.
  7. You really rate him @ManDoon? Over say Dean Henderson?
  8. Is it really reasonable to moan about 'only 2 signings so far'? Compare that to what we've been used to and who we're currently in talks with after signing Trippier... A bit like driving a Y reg fiesta for 14 years and then moaning about your Ferrari's self parking function taking 2.6 seconds too long to reverse park imho.
  9. They've talked all along about this being a 'long term' project, they've also said it came relatively out of the blue in the end and we know they've got the need to engage Saudi with their key appointments plus they've never done this before so you'd imagine they'll be nervous of getting this call wrong. Its 90% likely they'll be after the best of the bunch and that means this person will be in a role already. So you've got to get their agreement to discuss the gig, engage their current employer and then put them through the recruitment process. On top of this, they're in the middle of analysing exactly what they've bought, lifting the bonnet and working out exactly what type of driver they'll need to steer their very expensive vehicle throught the next few years. I honestly don't think many people could cope with the demands being placed upon them right now. I'm happy to trust in the process and wait for them to appoint who they feel is the best person for the role. It's not uncommon for key roles to take a long time to be filled in any organisation, even long established ones, their version of NUFC is brand new making it even harder to move so quickly. My counter argument has nothing to do with 'so you'd rather Ashley?' and all to do with 'have some fucking patience with them, they're brand new to this too and trying their best and generally doing really really well imho'.
  10. I'm not sure it is just Twitter tbh. Even on here there's a tone which seems quite 'demanding' regarding certain subjects (DOF, incoming transfers etc). I think it's really clear the new owners are working their bollocks off. Let's give them the benefit of the doubt.
  11. It's just the best feeling ever man. Honestly, the week it was announced, I drove from the South East back home and spent a fortune with my sons in the club shop knowing it wasn't going to Ashley. I've not let them have jerseys or any NUFC gear since Rafa left. I've felt bloody terrible for years for effectively giving them no option but to be NUFC fans but, now, right now we can be proud again and that means far more to me than having 6 new faces through the door or a DOF/CEO appointed. I firmly believe the new owners are trying. Making mistakes along the way? Undoubtedly. A club that tries? Without a doubt. That's all we've ever wanted. From the shame of being NUFC fans with no hope to season tickets next season, whichever league we're in, whoever is on the pitch and whoever is in the dugout. I'm all in again and it's the best feeling ever.
  12. Honestly, my overriding emotion/feeling is one of HUGE gratitude. Like I genuinely don't know when this feeling of gratitude will wear off because all I can think of how lucky we are not to have Ashley anymore. I HATED my football club for years. I railed against my own team under Pardew, Bruce and many others. I believe happiness comes from gratitude and I'm absolutely bouncing to be free of Ashley and to have, what appears at this stage, genuine owners with good intentions. Surely, this was what we all dreamed of? It's wayyyyy too early to wake up lads.
  13. Was it? Genuine question btw. If I'm honest, I didn't foresee the unreasonable expectations at all. At least, not this soon. Did these people think we'd just turn into prime Man City within a fortnight? I'll tell you what doesn't help at all, this 'Richest Club in the Woooorrrld' narrative. We might have wealthy owners but nobody knows their full intentions and nobody knows their end game so I really think it gives an awful impression and starting point for the likes of PCP to do business from. I'd be trying to correct that narrative if I was them. Overall, I can't begin to wrap my head around those people moaning about 'only 2 signings', DOF taking too long etc. Check yourselves man. They've bought the shell of a football club with no soul, heart or infrastructure. Rome wasn't built in a day. They appear to have nothing but good intentions. We clung on to hope during the Ashley era, surely we can have faith now? Surely that's the easiest thing in the world? I do appreciate the view that we're all so much more passionate about our club now. And I get that, with that passion, comes a desire to be better now but we've got to look at the bigger picture. The future is bright so let's enjoy the journey.
  14. Have to say the tone of some of our fanbase since this takeover has been a little bit entitled or perhaps ungrateful which is really disappointing. Have they magically forgotten the last 14 years as if they didn't happen? I'm still bouncing around on cloud nine tbh. The change in communication, the positive noises coming from the club, the togetherness and the very fact that they are already 'trying' is more than we've ever had under Ashley. If relegation comes then so be it. I'd still intend on making the most of the season to rebuild, enjoy seeing the new signings settle etc. I'm absolutely thrilled they had the tenacity, perserverance and desire to get through negotiations with Ashley (which NOBODY likes), to battle the PL with the odds stacked against them and the balls to take the risk when we were staring down the barrel of relegation. They'll obviously make mistakes (I've got reservations about Howe for example) but, fuck me, I'd take relegation with this lot than 17th place under Ashley. Let's not forget ourselves.
  15. Looks like BA Baracus there tbf.
  16. Totally agree and have just posted similar.
  17. If/When we go down that will be because of two things imho: 1) The shitshow they inherited and we mustn't forget they had the balls to complete on the deal knowing this was a very real risk. They'll have my eternal gratitude for doing so. 2) They've made the wrong call on the manager. I don't think they will let us down in the market this month. I think they'll find us 4/5 players and that's huge tbh. So, in essence, they got one decision wrong. Shame but shit happens and I've always said that I'd take relegation with genuine owners over 17th place with Ashley and I stand by that. Relegation doesn't have to be the end of days scenario we feel it might be at this stage either. We regroup, get a new manager, invest in the squad and come up ready like Wolves/Leeds etc did.
  18. That's where I am albeit feeling slightly conflicted about being there
  19. What's the Charnley reference regarding?
  20. Have to say, I think thats really unfair. They've been a revelation in terms of comms, their clearly working their nuts off trying to get business done in what is a horrible month to do it + every fucker adding a massive Saudi premium. They've brought in a current England international and a forward they didn't even know they needed when the window opened. I remain very grateful to them.
  21. It's not unthinkable tbf and, either way, he'll soon become quite the shadow on Howe's back tbh.
  22. You'd have to think there is a huge temptation from the owners to do just that. He's the one they wanted all along.
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