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Everything posted by Minhosa

  1. That's exactly where I'm at.
  2. Agreed - I think along very similar lines tbh. Saka/Foden/Sterling running in the channels could impact their CB's too imho.
  3. Oh aye. Great job that that dickhead has chirped up. Really reliable.
  4. I had over 17.5 They ended on 17. Obviously. Bastards.
  5. Agreed - of the two, you'd have to go under.
  6. Will Morata definitely start for Spain?
  7. That's a great article from him. I think he's a class act as a bloke. Don't particularly rate him as a manager (wouldn't have given him the job, wouldn't want him anywhere near NUFC etc) but nobody can argue that he doesn't carry himself with real grace and dignity.
  8. Fans would love?!? I'd prefer Danny fucking Dyer to that cunt.
  9. Agree that its generally not a good idea to go back over......
  10. Are there many examples where a manager returning to an old club has worked well?
  11. Minhosa

    Graeme Jones

    'Reet young Phil, forget aaall that fancy Dan shite Pip Godola's been teaching ye, I just want yee to get oot there and mek a difference, alreet Son'.
  12. I thought Reguilon was their starting LB?
  13. Rafa's departure was the straw that broke the camels back for me. That was the day when he stopped pretending we were a football club and he confirmed that he's only interested in making up the numbers. Appointing a man like Steve Bruce, with zero credibility, to take the reins was rubbing salt in the gaping wounds. I was there at Fulham away and vowed not to return under Ashley. As tough as it is not to be able to take my sons and immerse them in the culture/experiences I had as a kid during the KK years, I know I can sleep at night with a clear conscience. I'm not funding the 17th place mission any longer. I couldn't attend and support this ownership financially, morally or in any other way.
  14. I loved how he was planning on walking around all 4 corners and then cut the corners as soon as the boos started. Ha Ha Ha. Coward.
  15. Given the choice between having that enter my lugs or popping to Israel and having a rocket through them, I'd be checking the amber list.
  16. Every day of the week and twice on a Sunday. He's a completely different breed to them two knackers.
  17. Appreciate they aren't just one bloke but it looks to me like they're essentially rearranging the tins of beans until a nice new supermarket owner comes along. That's fine but just be clear with folks that you're not anti-ashley, you're happy to work with Charnley and the wider PL and willing to play the game knowing that you'll only achieve minimal results. Don't jump on the back of major bad news such as Rafa leaving signalling to supporters that there is some opportunity to influence change when you're not willing to protest. As for this thing they're getting Caulkin to front, again, you're reliant on an owner willing to give up a % for fan representation. If you've got that type of owner, you probably don't need the seat at the table. They're willing to listen anyway. So it's either a glorified charity donation or it's a future PR win for the new owner. Either way, making fuck all difference to the here and now.
  18. There's not been a bigger issue facing the club in 13 years. What's the point in clearing up the milk aisle and toilets when the supermarket is on fire? As a collective, I can't understand how none of them seem to want to use their apparent unity to drive change. That won't be done when you're in an ongoing relationship with the club. The only change that matters is Ashley Out.
  19. There's been rumours of us talking to Townsend but I'm not sure if they're from reliable sources or not. You could easily see the Bruceosaurus signing them other two. This year's Hendricks.
  20. You say that like it's a deal breaker for them but perhaps it's not. Perhaps many of the members would prefer to shell out a few million each for a greater likelihood of us going nowhere/being relegated under Ashley and Bruce. Give Spurs a choice of us with Saudi or without and them having to shell out £5m of the Kane monies and I reckon they'd opt for the latter.
  21. What a dickhead. One of the reasons I've never been able get behind any of the NUST rhetoric is that they're so compliant with the club. Folks like him are literally part of the problem and are only involved for ego inflation purposes. You only have to hear him on the various platforms to realise he's all about the sound of his own voice. Should have always been a demonstration element to it and not have people like him above nodding along to the sound of the clubs beat.
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