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Everything posted by Minhosa

  1. Cheers Spence - I'll bow to your greater knowledge and whack a wedge on.
  2. There is no question - I'd rather have our side than theirs. Our weaknesses are far easier to address. Bent is their biggest asset and one of their biggest problems. That's the conundrum they're gonna have to face.
  3. I appreciate that this is probably not what the majority think BUT upto the first goal either team could have won the game on Sunday. I think the occasion had them struggling before the game and gave us a massive psychological advantage. The fact that we got the first goal meant they rolled over. Simple as that. They'll continue to nick wins this season and won't go down. They'll not pull up any trees either. It depends on what Bruce is being judged against - if Quinn, or rather Short, has said that the target is Europe for example then he may well get the heave ho. If they're happy to plod along and finish 14th every year then he'll probably be ok. Given the money they've allowed him to spend though you'd think they're striving for more than 'same as before' in which case the pressure may be ramped up which would intensify the significance of a derby day mauling.
  4. Barton, imho, was s**** at least Beresford (especially in the early days) offerred something in attack. Niether of them were anywhere near top drawer though. That team with Enrique and Beye would've won the league. Hence my sig. Fair play mate - I view with av's off. Enrique and Beye are the best fullbacks we've had in my years of following the club.
  5. I remain in two minds as to whether or not this I agree with the stance of the club on this issue. I can see both sides of the argument. Hughton did a great job getting us promotion in some style in the end, but there wasn't much to say he (or the players at his disposal) would be good enough to compete in the Premier League. Certainly lots on here were expecting a major struggle and very possibly relegation again. In that case why commit to a new contract on Premier League wages? It makes sense to wait and see what happens. The part which is up in the air is how Hughton and the players react to that uncertainty. It could easily have led to apathy in the squad and players not being picked causing turmoil etc. Luckily, to date it appears it's brought them together and they want to fight for each other and prove themselves worthy of new contracts etc. Long may it continue, but it's a risky policy. I can see what you're saying Dave and understand the argument on both sides however surely the club should have recognised the achievement of last year which, in Hughtons case, was done on the cheap. Also, if they're worried about committing to a premier league salary without any guarantees of survival, surely they could build in a relegation clause docking CH's wages by the same as the rise? For me, it just seems MA is running the club in the same way he does Sports Direct, which has never had a consistent management team and has always been marred by Directors falling out with him. I don't think Llambias has any say in the clubs direction other than making sure the pies are hot and the beer cold. At the end of the day Chris Hughton signed a contract that runs until next summer and agreed the wages on offer to get the club promoted. He fulfilled his part of the contract and the club fulfilled their part by paying him the agreed sums of money. Now we are in the EPL it makes sense that he be given until the end of his contract to earn a better deal. If he succeeds he will be well rewarded in Jan/next summer. If he fails then the club do not have to honour a lengthy contract like Fat Sams mega deal of £6m, which could have been better spent on new players. I can see both sides of the argument and I think, for the club, they're getting a lot of unfair press because we've had some decent results. If we had of lost on Sunday questions would be getting asked about CH's ability and, no doubt, he will be questioned when we play poorly throughout the season. My argument is more along the lines of.....................we are doing well, players seem very united, all going well for the first time in the Ashley reign and, for the sake of a low risk financial decision, we could further enhance the feel good factor around the place whilst not taking much of a punt. The Ashley approach of not spending money if you don't have to seems to be winning this one - hopefully it doesn't come at a cost.
  6. Barton, imho, was shite at least Beresford (especially in the early days) offerred something in attack. Niether of them were anywhere near top drawer though. That team with Enrique and Beye would've won the league.
  7. carr was like many players we've had, often ordinary but i've seen many players have worse games and not take half the stick. That is true like. Once a players tarred, it takes something big to come out of it and change their reputation. Nicky Butt's the only player I can think of that had a renaissance with the fans before being s*** again. Darren Peacock did it a fair few years ago. Warren Barton another. centre partin never regained anything near his earlier popularity, and again it was the fickleness of a section of the crowd rather than any real loss of form that started it. He was another that we overpaid for which meant expectations were high before he'd kicked a ball. He was shite though. I used to sit in the leazes back then and he got a boatlod of stick but had a bit of a renaissance - albeit more a result of people taking the piss than because he'd suddenly found a bit of form.
  8. carr was like many players we've had, often ordinary but i've seen many players have worse games and not take half the stick. That is true like. Once a players tarred, it takes something big to come out of it and change their reputation. Nicky Butt's the only player I can think of that had a renaissance with the fans before being shit again. Darren Peacock did it a fair few years ago. Warren Barton another.
  9. carr was like many players we've had, often ordinary but i've seen many players have worse games and not take half the stick. True (he was fucking garbage mind) but Simpson (who is also nothing special and gets a fair bit of stick) is easier to abide knowing the lads not on £50k a week and 15 and a half stone.
  10. Too true. Let alone the difference in wages - which must be fucking huge.
  11. Minhosa

    Players in public

    Did it look a bit charred?
  12. Babayaro was a heartless bastard. At least the rest wanted to be footballers the fuking coward. Harsh on Babayaro that. He was terrible for us, but I'll always respect him due to the fact that he played a game for us, just days after he had lost his brother. It was the only game he could be bothered to play FFS. After that and months before that we couldn't get him on to the pitch though happily accepting £35kpw. I think it might have been more than that per week sadly. Disgraceful waste of money. It's frightening to think how much we've spanked on fees and wages over the last ten years - christ, some of the shite we've had at this club makes me shudder. At least we're generally getting value for money nowadays - even if the clubs is run by Beavis & Butthead.
  13. Babayaro was a heartless bastard. At least the rest wanted to be footballers the fuking coward. Harsh on Babayaro that. He was terrible for us, but I'll always respect him due to the fact that he played a game for us, just days after he had lost his brother. I'm with TT - heartless bastard. Clearly no love for the game.
  14. Did we ever find out the actual fee? I'd be surprised if it was over £900k given the state of Portsmouth's affairs at the time. Bargain.
  15. I remain in two minds as to whether or not this I agree with the stance of the club on this issue. I can see both sides of the argument. Hughton did a great job getting us promotion in some style in the end, but there wasn't much to say he (or the players at his disposal) would be good enough to compete in the Premier League. Certainly lots on here were expecting a major struggle and very possibly relegation again. In that case why commit to a new contract on Premier League wages? It makes sense to wait and see what happens. The part which is up in the air is how Hughton and the players react to that uncertainty. It could easily have led to apathy in the squad and players not being picked causing turmoil etc. Luckily, to date it appears it's brought them together and they want to fight for each other and prove themselves worthy of new contracts etc. Long may it continue, but it's a risky policy. I can see what you're saying Dave and understand the argument on both sides however surely the club should have recognised the achievement of last year which, in Hughtons case, was done on the cheap. Also, if they're worried about committing to a premier league salary without any guarantees of survival, surely they could build in a relegation clause docking CH's wages by the same as the rise? For me, it just seems MA is running the club in the same way he does Sports Direct, which has never had a consistent management team and has always been marred by Directors falling out with him. I don't think Llambias has any say in the clubs direction other than making sure the pies are hot and the beer cold.
  16. Do it. Better still get a fake parking ticket and fold up an A4 bit of paper stating '5-1 and you couldn't even get a game!' then place inside said ticket, stick it under his wiper so the next time his 'driver' gives him a lift he'll be handed that little beaut.
  17. I'm in the Arsenal end for this one. Going there on a high gives us a bit of hope tbh - my concern is going there to shut up shop and/or play a high line. We've got to go with the same attitude of WBA and try for the win imho. If we get mullered the sunderland victory buys everyone involved a good bit of time so its not exactly a high risk strategy.
  18. That, or the ability not to propagate lazy stereotypes in an effort to appear to have a knowledgable viewpoint. In fairness to Minhosa, after that howler, he did come up with some pretty accurate gems later on in the thread - which makes me think he's not an idiot who can't see what's actually happening on the pitch (so his Nolan post is even more mystifying). I can see that with hindsight the post looks ridiculous, especially when taken out of context with my post made a few minutes later, but my concern at the time was that the match was being played at such a high tempo if they continued to win more possession in the middle with their extra man etc we could get stung. You've got to remember Stu that each post made in a match thread is literally people calling it how they see it live and with no time for detail. I can see it looks fucking stupid now but it made sense to me at the time
  19. I think it may have had something to do with his brown kegs after Enrique flexed the guns.
  20. Wouldn't be too sure about that tbh. At least at home he doesn't seem to be that. He absolutely is.. If he gets injured we fall back to playing Smith.. Makes a world of difference to the way our other players can operate on the pitch I guarantee you. Our midfield is so much more balanced with Tiote in,it's unreal. He is the sort of player who doesn't get the headline performances, but is crucial to a team's stability.. My thoughts exactly. Before the season I might have argued Enrique was (due his overall immense-ness and our lack of depth in that area) but Tiote's position is so important to our overall play and losing him for any length of time would mean a significant change in quality of most of our possession. Without a proper water carrier we would constantly give possession away and subsequently invite pressure onto ourselves against most opposition.
  21. Arguably our most important player.
  22. Where did Keys get that story about the Board wanting an internal appointment and Hughton wanting an external one?
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