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Everything posted by Minhosa

  1. Not bothered. Happy to have him off the books if it means a few more grand we can offer to someone coming salary-wise.
  2. How much does it cost to buy the publishing rights?
  3. Minhosa

    RIP sale thread.

    Major turning point in the history of both clubs. They went off and found the best manager in Europe that was available and we eventually appointed Souness. FML.
  4. Not a transfer as such but Paolo Maldini close to joining Chelsea's coaching team. Could teach Terry a thing or two.
  5. Minhosa

    Mackem bassas

    Revenge is a dish best served cold.
  6. What do you think he's improved on since he's been here?
  7. Inter? Inter Dubrovnik or something? Or is there another Inter I've not heard of?
  8. Who are they kidding?
  9. Dunno but there's ITK's saying we've bid £1m for Kevin Nolan Fuck it we'll help you out and let you have him in a straight swap for either Bentley, Bent or Huddlestone. You'd owe us one mind.
  10. At the top level it's instinct. He's not going to improve much now. Also, Shola trained with Shearer for donkeys years and he's still................a donkey.
  11. In what way is it an awful argument? Those keen to have him back will all be moaning about him as soon as the old tricks start again. If you think we'd not all be in here having the same whinges and moans about Shepherd after 6 months of his second tenure then you're hugely optimistic. He's not intelligent enough to have reflected on his tenure and learnt anything imo. A leopard can't change it's spots. The argument stands, just because Ashley is s****, we should not forget the sense of relief most fans had when he'd stitched the fat b****** up whilst he was on his back in hospital. Well done for completely changing the subject. My point is that no one has forgotten what he was like. And saying that we have reaks of pompous, self satisfied assumption. I'd rather be pompous and self satisfied than have amnesia bonnie lad.
  12. I don't think he'd score more than 15 goals. He doesn't have the intelligence to time his runs, he won't appreciate being man marked most games and he doesn't make use of his pace and never has since he signed for us. In my opinion he's never developed into the player he could've been with his raw athleticism. He's possibly lost half a yard since he signed too. I'd rather save the 60k a week and chance my arm with a proven 'Championship' level forward until we're playing in the top league again. He's an expensive luxury that we could well do without nailing his colours to our mast. See also Duff, Smith, Shola etc etc
  13. In what way is it an awful argument? Those keen to have him back will all be moaning about him as soon as the old tricks start again. If you think we'd not all be in here having the same whinges and moans about Shepherd after 6 months of his second tenure then you're hugely optimistic. He's not intelligent enough to have reflected on his tenure and learnt anything imo. A leopard can't change it's spots. The argument stands, just because Ashley is shite, we should not forget the sense of relief most fans had when he'd stitched the fat bastard up whilst he was on his back in hospital.
  14. Minhosa

    RIP sale thread.

    http://uk.eurosport.yahoo.com/12062009/63/businessman-plans-magpies-bid.html I'll be pleased with this over the Profitable lot and even more pleased if the little buddha's not involved as one of the 'four entrepreneurs'. I fear this is "Team Shepherd" and hope I am wrong.
  15. No way. People are very quick to forget; - Hands in the til - Spouting his daily propaganda through his floppy cheeked pal by bending him with his programme job - Poor appointments - Worse - going behind their backs with signings - All of his 'Geordie Nation' bollocks. Yes, we're all hurting from Ashley's shocking tenure but this is true frying pan and fire stuff in my opinion. Never go back. Never forget.
  16. Minhosa

    RIP sale thread.

    At least one man will be happy. Anal will get his job back next season. In fact, he might get them both back.
  17. Minhosa

    RIP sale thread.

    Five groups are showing interests.But I'm afraid it will end up with nothing. I think the Omani was someone putting 2 + 2 together, this Profitable Group are clearly a bunch of bluffers and I'd rather drink my own piss everyday than endure a return to the 'good old days' of Freddie reigning over us. Leaves the Africans and the Ham Shanks. FML.
  18. Not specific to a game but the memory of walking upto St James an hour before a home game, the place buzzing with anticipation, enthusiasm and good feeling. We would go to home games thinking a draw would be a bad result. An absolute fortress at one stage.
  19. Ben Sahar linked to Sevilla for 800k. Anyone think he'd be worth a look?
  20. Ridiculous. Makes me think they're worried about not getting a buyer. The Manager needs to make these calls. How does this poxy agency know the values of such players? Crazy.
  21. I can see Al walking away if its Freddy That is what would happen.
  22. One of the only ones worth keeping.
  23. I flew into Heathrow last Friday and followed him out of baggage reclaim (he was with all of his family - load of them - on their way to watch the cup final). Not what I expected in the flesh - very tall and skinny as owt. I thought he'd be bigger built. Anyhow, nothing to do with your posts, so I'll bugger off out of here!
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