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Everything posted by Minhosa

  1. Priceless. KK walks out of St James "What are you lot doing here? Am I due for an interview or something?" SkySports Fella "Well, we're all here in response to todays big news Kevin - anything to tell us?" KK "Oh that news. Yep - Joey's had a lovely day, we've all sang happy birthday to him, Mike bought him a cake from marks and sparks, and the lads chipped in for a copy of Jailhouse rock - they're a bunch of kidders!" "Anyway, watch out, I need to reverse my motor - See you's tomorrow lads - keep up the good work"
  2. I tell you what I'll miss. Its the 'have a go' mentality. I'm happy to be tore a new asshole away at Arsenal when we can grab a point at Old Trafford. I'll miss the 'free flowing' footballing mentality, even if he hasn't cracked it quite yet. I'll miss the honest positivity. It's funny you mentioned 'Ramos' earlier because he crossed my mind too. I think we'll go for Redknapp and get him this time should KK be gone. Gutted.
  3. This damages the new Board's credibility hugely in my eyes. The Allardyce thing - fair play they needed to make a call and did. The initial lack of investment - fair play they needed to have a good long review of the finances The further lack of investment - a bit of a worry but strong rumours of big bids is reassuring. The KK departure - if this happens a huge percentage of people will lose confidence in them. We need stability. We need consistency. We do not want to go back to the old days.
  4. The club need to put out a statement on this asap. They need to realise that this story is both worrying for fans and also damaging to the clubs reputation.
  5. Lets be sensible here about the 'Wise will take over' thing; 1. He quit Leeds cos he didn't want the pressure of life in public eye and getting shit off fans; 2. He is (through choice) based in the South. That's so he can spend more time with his family. 3. He's not stupid. He wouldn't take the job cos he'd be on a loser from the first press conference. Get a grip folks. Rant over.
  6. Good enough for me then. Gutted it's ended like this.
  7. I can only imagine he's spat his dummy and it hasn't gone down well at all with MA. I didn't think I'd be seeing this for a good while. Fuck me, I need a drink.
  8. I don't think he'll ever do one. Hasnt he already done one which explained why he walked first time round Sorry, should have explained, I don't think he'll bother again. Too old for the hassle. He'll disappear when he leaves us (whenever that may be!)
  9. Don't...............just don't. Come to think of it..............he was bigging up the fans at the weekend. .............................Wipes beads of sweat from forehead, tries to control shakes, shakes ever-reddening face in angst (actually, just like this ) and starts to get funny looks in office. 2+2 = 125, shirley?
  10. 1. Why assume we'd all want to drive Ashley out? 2. We'd probably never know if he was sacked or walked of his own accord. 3. KK has always been volatile and has a history of spitting his dummy out. 4. I'd take Big Mike over Big Fred any day of the week. There is a strong argument that the club is working towards making itself more sustainable whilst trying to do it's best in the short term.
  11. We really shouldn't be jumping to conclusions about why the meeting is taking place, who the bigger bellend is etc until we hear more tbh.
  12. Do you think? I'm not sure it'll be untenable. In fact, I don't think it changes his position at all. Granted, he'll be Mr Unpopular and he'll take plenty of stick but if he replaces KK with someone of an appropriate stature (big if, obviously) people would quickly learn to live with the decision. Fickle game. I think, more fundamentally, the inability of the club invest in proven quality or sign enough players to make our squad strong enough to field a very very good eleven throughout the season is as much of a concern.
  13. Daniel Cousin from Rangers to Hull on a 3 year deal. SSN.
  14. A year's a long time in football. When all the headlines have gone away and the Manc hysteria has died down lets just see what exactly they are all about. Reserves judgement with a bit of 'meh' thrown in...............
  15. i would assume 'cisco' saying as its short for francisco Ooh, conflicting opinions. I hope it's 'cisco' so we can sing something based on the thong song. Personally, I'll wait until I hear David Pleat pronounce it for the definitive answer. Good idea. Nisto is it then.
  16. Everton strongly rumoured to have had an interest too. Also, talk of 'bids' earlier in the summer being rejected. Obviously Villa would have been one bidder but perhaps there were more?
  17. Minhosa

    back barton

    Agree 100%. He'll have my support so long as he's wearing our colours AND, from a commercial viewpoint, you do not just write off a £5m asset because it's given you some trouble.
  18. Minhosa


    I cancelled them last year due to shite coverage, shite commentators and because they were, and will be for a long while, a million miles behind Sky. Wankers.
  19. Wouldn't surprise me in the slightest. We need a big man, Keegan is a fan, he wouldn't cost the earth, is due a move etc etc. I wouldn't be too upset with Heskey to be honest if his signing was coupled with a couple of other good ones.
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