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Everything posted by Minhosa

  1. Isn't the fee for fat frank quoted at being about £7m due to his contract being up next season?
  2. Minhosa

    Viduka's future

    James, Forgive me if I'm wrong but wouldn't residual value come into that thinking somewhere? I.e: Even though Smith ended up having a shitter, he'd still get us at least £4m back. So, over the course of the players career, if you add in the purchase cost and wages etc and then take off the likely fee we'd get back, the actual cost to NUFC is more realistic. Just looking over one season, especially when last year was shite, might also skew the figures? Another example, being if Ameobi goes for circa £3m, he'd probably work out cost neutral or we'd have made money on him. The problem with Viduka is the fat signing on fee, the hefty wages and the even heftier backside. In my opinion.
  3. Don't know if anyone is interested by Turkey can be backed inplay at 6.5/1 on Skybet. I've just had a dabble as their big odds in a two horse race.
  4. Minhosa

    Viduka's future

    Didn't want him and voiced concerns last year about his god awful injury record and his inability to turn up for 3 matches in a row. Some people may remember I was peddling the services of James Beattie ahead of Viduka for the shear fact he would command half of Viduka's salary and he had a major point to prove after flunking at Everton. I stand by that view. Beattie would've been the better investment. He may not have Viduka's class but what good is class when your a fat lazy get signing only to top up your pension?
  5. Nigel Pearson appointed new Leicester manager.
  6. I've never been a fan of paying over the odds for players but on this occasion I'd f*** Arsenal over by offering £15m for him. I doubt Wenger would match that given the Nasri is nearly through. and then the player would say i'd rather go to arsenal leaving zenit to take decide on arsenals offer. if they reject it,it's unlikely he'd come here knowing arsenal want him. Owen? If Arshavin is ready to leave he'd come imo. owen...desperatly needed to come home and get regular football. arshavin aint in that position. arshavin would come if we were the best option for the player. if arsenal are in for him i'm not confident. If Arshavin is ready to play overseas he's going to have to move this summer really (certainly next summer would pretty much be his last chance to play at a top club imo as Zenit would want big dollar and he'd be coming up to 29 by then). So, if he's ready to move we may be assisted by the supposed deadline set by Zenit of 20th June as it puts pressure on us to make a move. Get a deal accepted by Zenit and we're ahead of the game. In truth, we should have had this all agreed before the Euros, as he was only ever going to get more attention due to his performances. I was hoping Russia went out early on.
  7. I've never been a fan of paying over the odds for players but on this occasion I'd f*** Arsenal over by offering £15m for him. I doubt Wenger would match that given the Nasri is nearly through. and then the player would say i'd rather go to arsenal leaving zenit to take decide on arsenals offer. if they reject it,it's unlikely he'd come here knowing arsenal want him. Owen? If Arshavin is ready to leave he'd come imo.
  8. I've never been a fan of paying over the odds for players but on this occasion I'd fuck Arsenal over by offering £15m for him. I doubt Wenger would match that given the Nasri is nearly through.
  9. He'll think it's warm as fuck here tbh. He'll need his speedo's for the Geordie winter.
  10. Fair enough - I had forgot about his comments re; premier league experience tbh. You could well be right. If we do take a chance on someone outside of those parameters I hope it's with Arshavin as I can see him being a major success in our league. He's a grafter, has a lovely turn of pace, see's a through ball (Which, incidentally, none of our current crop can) and he can link up play well. It helps that he doesn't look a soft shite (see Luque, Emre and Viana) too.
  11. I would think Arshavin could play either left wing, left centre mid, left sided attack of a 4-3-3 or perhaps through the middle. He's good enough to 'make' a position for though imo. The Gambling Gorilla - I'm interested in what you say about him not looking like a Keegan signing - what makes you think that?
  12. Everton have an easy start and easy end to the season. They will be a cracking bet to be top by September imo.
  13. The thing is Fatty, you can't take the glory of a few good seasons at Bolton and then not take responsibility for your time at Newcastle. You had more financial backing in one summer than ever at Bolton and you blew it because your idea of football is bastard head tennis.
  14. How much does it cost to allow their publication?
  15. Hope this is more a signing aimed at giving the squad some depth OR improving the quality of the reserve side than KK looking at putting this kid into the first team. Not good enough to shift us to the top six, so if not for one of the reasons above, why bother?
  16. I'm sure they are. If you look at most of the top performing sides over the last few years, they've had a policy of mixing youth with experience.
  17. The french performances as a whole haven't done us any harm at all if we are interested in this kid. I'd still chance it personally but try to pay more of the transfer fee based upon performances and european qualification etc. He has the physical attributes to make it in the EPL, I'm just now sure he has the awareness/intelligence.
  18. No it isn't ancient, I'm not talking about the player being too old to play. I just mean that it seems Newcastle don't want to spend big on players over a certain age. It might not be true but it seems likely that they want to buy players who can do well for the club but also keep there value over the term of there contract incase the club decide to sell. Buy a 24 year old for £11 million and if he does reasonably well at the club you can sell for significantly more if you decide to sell in a few years. With a 27 year old a few years takes hm into his 30's and that usually means a big drop in value. I understand exactly what you're saying. I would think though if KK really wanted him, he'd push to make it happen. Thing is, if Arshavin could propel us say 3 places up the league for the next two seasons there's £3m in finishing money straight away before we consider the financial incentives of europe etc. He's the kind of player that I think would always have some residual value in his home country purely because he's been that good and played there for a while, similar to Emre in that respect.
  19. Minhosa


    Seems to me someone is on a mission to cause bad feeling between Big Mike and the fans. I think Ashley should have him shot. As they say in russia........ Adopts dodgy moscow accent.......... "if you remove the man, you remove the problem" Caddy, Auf Wiedersehen Pet.
  20. How old is Woodgate? Genuine question btw. Edit - just checked and he was 28 in January and went for £8m. Only £3m more for a (relatively) injury free Arshavin.
  21. Please, please, please let this be true.
  22. Very impressed with him too. Where does he play his club football - this is the first time I've seen him.
  23. agree. It's a statement of intent and despite what impression I've gave, not really what I'd do if it was my own choice, given his age. There are other ways of making statements of intent, and like us, they are in a position whereby it could propel them quite a lot. You can't argue with his determination to get into the top clubs as quickly as possible. Like it or not, this is our competition, as the title of the thread says. Agree, it certainly shows Thaksin's determination to break into the top four but it's just not the way I would do it and, unless it's properly thought through, it's not actually a sustainable stategy imo. Best to see where we all stand at the end of the summer window. Personally, I'd prefer to sign modric or arshavin for 30% of Ronny's wages and a shite load less hassle I'd guess.
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