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Everything posted by Minhosa

  1. Can anyone name a better keeper we've had? Who has been as consistent over a number of years?
  2. Yes youre right, it doesn't make the slightest bit of difference, I'd go as far as to say its good business practice, and all good companies should do it. The puzzling thing for me is that the new people have cancelled the agreement instead of taking full advantage of this best business practice, I think theyve dropped a massive bollock but theyll have to live with that decision. You could be onto something there, Mick. I wonder how much Sports Direct are paying us in advertising revenue. There is a vast difference in NUFC not making any advertising money out of Sports Direct and actually paying money for an empty warehouse.........that happened to belong to the Chairmans brother. Spending season ticket holders money on a fucking scam involving family. Nice. Sorry like. Its Ashleys club.........he own's it and he's not answerable to various shareholders like FFS was. Nor has he spent season tickets holders money on stuff without integrity. If he want's to stick a banner on the empty roof of one of the stands I couldn't give a fuck tbh.
  3. Minhosa

    Alan Smith

    Because a dog couldn't win a pen in the last minute of a game nor could it draw in 3 opposition defenders to give Viduka space? Only a guess like...................
  4. Have to say his distribution was really poor today. He's yet to stand out, thats for sure.
  5. I must have BooBoo. I don't disagree that he looked better the Oba and Smith but then they were both really poor imo today. I didn't see him scoring at the end tbh (and he did do well to stick it away) but I'm yet to see him really dominate in a game and bully opposition a la Shearer.
  6. My thoughts exactly Keefo. It isn't gonna be pretty, possibly at any stage under BS BUT, I still firmly believe we'll be a better club, on and off the field, as a result of his tenure. It's been a while since I've had that confidence in any one individual.
  7. Hate to say it but (as much as his contribution was vital in terms of the goals) I didn't think he stood out today. Now, I appreciate that sounds fucking stupid........he's a forward, he's paid to score goals and he did. However, I think his best days are behind him and we'll struggle to get much out of him for the cash he'll be picking up following his free transfer. I can get my head around his importance in a 4-3-3 as a figurehead and can therefore completely understand his signing I just can't see him playing regularly and contributing consistently. He turns up every 3 or 4 games.
  8. Excellent post Brummie. The level of expectation is high but the reality is that it's the first season for;- - The Manager - The Chairman - The Owner - Half the first team We must accept that this is a transition season and, whilst it is gutting to lose to shite sides like Derby, we've got to be prepared to look at the bigger picture and accept there'll be disappointments along the way. Hey ho. Lets keep our heads up.
  9. Minhosa

    Alan Smith

    Look who's back from under his rock... and in this thread as well... who'd have thunk it? Parody. Yes - exactly what I was thinking. If Smith had of scored a couple today, he'd have been nowhere to be seen. Mr Negative.
  10. Minhosa

    Obafemi Martins

    Well Terry Mac is always scribbling notes for the subs before they go on. I didn't realise he could even write so maybe they aren't getting the credit they deserve? That wasn't a note on tactics it was a tip for the racing on boxing day. "toonhavepaidmefor years" in the 2.30 at Redcar.
  11. Anyone know if the Man Utd game is on TV today? Think that game kicks off at 12.
  12. His injuries have been significant and (mainly) as a result of challenges rather than constant little niggles a la Carr/Duff etc though. I think once he gets a run, he'll be a regular. Granted, you're correct it would be taking a risk to some extent. He's just what we need imo.
  13. I'd love to see Ashton playing for us. He'd be strong in a 4-4-2 with a little fella playing off him and even better in a 4-3-3 imo. Can't see West Ham letting him go unfortunately.
  14. Minhosa


    Weren't we in for him during the summer or was that just paper-talk?
  15. Spelling mistakes have increased since the club have stopped writing his stories for him. Somebody at St James' must have had a spell check function and he's not got that luxury on his typewriter.
  16. How old are you? Cheers How old are you? Cheers I'm 27. Ta That was going to be my guess when he said he got his first season ticket aged 12 which was apparently 15 years ago. Mate, had I seen that post from him before I made my own I obviously wouldn't have asked him. Get it? You're clutching at straws in an attempt to appear smart, problem is, you aren't at all smart. Eh? Is that aimed at me?
  17. Good post HTT. It's abundantly clear who has an agenda on here.
  18. Thats the way it goes HTL when you've got someone harp on about how many games they've seen and refer to me as 'son'. Zero respect due I'm afraid.
  19. How old are you? Cheers How old are you? Cheers I'm 27.
  20. Very childish. Why did the ex board attract you to the club BTW ? Much as I said I wouldn't bother replying to you again, I have to ask this, as I think its hilarious you admit this is when you started supporting the club They didn't attract me. Supporting my local side did. When exactly did you expect someone to 'own' their own first season ticket - given I was 12 at the time? I know kids could run around the streets in your day but times had changed by the time I was a lad. Those questions? I thought it might help if I kept reminding you? What with your age and that. Oh, and Matron will be around at 5pm for your dinner, so just reply after she's wiped your mouth and washed your hands. showing how childish you are again ....... Anyway, I accept you are young, but as you can't therefore accept that others have seen more than you so can tell you something ..... can't help you any further I'm afraid. Any chance of those original questions being answered? Didn't think so. Another few for the 'too hard file'. Just post a few smilies and talk some bull about 'facts' and hope nobody notices that you're against the ropes. By the way, hows the plan for buying Leeds going? Oh, sorry I'm just being stupid................there wouldn't be a fucking plan Freddie would there? Plans and strategies are for losers..........not geordies. Tell you what son, you find me a manu or Liverpool fan who are bothered about money spent on stadiums when they are buying top quality "trophy" players, or a Chelsea fan bothered about Abramovic's backround, then tell me who is stupid ? What you talking about 'dad'? I didn't mention anything about Stadiums or trophy players. Christ, it must be your age - your forgetting whose who on here Granda. By the way, you've spent 62 days of your life posting on this site according to your stats. Christ, 62 days trying to argue your case and finding hardly anyone to listen or respect your 'FFS' views. So much to offer yet so little respect for the elder statesman. Shame.
  21. Very childish. Why did the ex board attract you to the club BTW ? Much as I said I wouldn't bother replying to you again, I have to ask this, as I think its hilarious you admit this is when you started supporting the club They didn't attract me. Supporting my local side did. When exactly did you expect someone to 'own' their own first season ticket - given I was 12 at the time? I know kids could run around the streets in your day but times had changed by the time I was a lad. Those questions? I thought it might help if I kept reminding you? What with your age and that. Oh, and Matron will be around at 5pm for your dinner, so just reply after she's wiped your mouth and washed your hands. showing how childish you are again ....... Anyway, I accept you are young, but as you can't therefore accept that others have seen more than you so can tell you something ..... can't help you any further I'm afraid. Any chance of those original questions being answered? Didn't think so. Another few for the 'too hard file'. Just post a few smilies and talk some bull about 'facts' and hope nobody notices that you're against the ropes. By the way, hows the plan for buying Leeds going? Oh, sorry I'm just being stupid................there wouldn't be a fucking plan Freddie would there? Plans and strategies are for losers..........not geordies.
  22. Very childish. Why did the ex board attract you to the club BTW ? Much as I said I wouldn't bother replying to you again, I have to ask this, as I think its hilarious you admit this is when you started supporting the club They didn't attract me. Supporting my local side did. When exactly did you expect someone to 'own' their own first season ticket - given I was 12 at the time? I know kids could run around the streets in your day but times had changed by the time I was a lad. Those questions? I thought it might help if I kept reminding you? What with your age and that. Oh, and Matron will be around at 5pm for your dinner, so just reply after she's wiped your mouth and washed your hands.
  23. Ashley is paying for Shepherds financial mistakes at the minute. No-one can dispute that oh dear. If Ashley the businessman had paid due diligence when he took over, he would have known about the clubs accounts, or maybe he did and saw it as part of the overall package to buy the club ? What do you think, or are you one of those daft enough to suggest that he's done it for charity. FFS you really don't have a clue do you? He'll be paying more than he could have been as a result of the poor financial decisions made by Shepherd & Co . Of course he'll have know about the clubs accounts etc., and of course he's bought the club as a package, but the cost of repairing the damage done is money which could have been spent elsewhere, ie on the team. IF he had looked at the clubs accounts, and found them in perfect order [not very common in football, as I've explained and you are trying to ignore because it suits you].....do you think he would have bought the club for 130m quid ? Laughable. Work it out. Fact is, he's bought the club for 200m plus, and if he sells it on, he'll get his money back. This is kids stuff. But it won't increase in value if he doesn't back his managers to try and compete with the top 4 clubs, like the last board did. THIS is a nailed on fact, and you can convince yourself as long as you like that it isn't true, but unfortunately in the real world, it is true. Clearing the unmanagable debt will have cost him money that could have been spent elsewhere. Re the bit in bold, what are you talking about? What am I trying to ignore? Of course he'll back the managers, nowhere have I suggested he won't! Keep lecturing me about how finance and company valuations and purchases work though, because I clearly don't know anything about it. Do you sit at home and argue with yourself about stuff you haven't said? eerrr......... if the club had not had a stadium debt to clear, it may have cost him 200m to buy ? Get it ? Or do you think the club should have left the capacity at 36,000 mackems.gif Are you suggesting that the clubs debt has solely arisen because of the stadium expansion? (There's that smiley again) Also due to wasting money by Souness. However, we could have sat back, balanced the books, and got relegated rather than allow Roeder to buy Martins for instance. Do you understand this ? Do you realise that the vast majority of football clubs have debts ? Would you prefer us to put balancing the books before showing ambition ? We? Now who has the Agenda? We, as in you and Bruce?
  24. Those questions NE5? You can put them in the 'too hard file' if you like, but just let me know. Too many smilies. Why don't you sing some Freddie songs next time you are at the ground - thats presuming you're still allowed in.
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