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Everything posted by Conjo

  1. Classing Nolan as a failure this season is horeshit. Yes, his general play stinks, but his goals have been to valuable to put him in that category. That's not IMO, that's a fucking fact bitch!
  2. Conjo


    http://img.skysports.com/09/03/218x298/andy-carroll_1992162.jpg http://www.candylandstore.com/prodimage/ca00054-lg.jpg
  3. Surprise attack? Dirty Ric Flair-like tactics? surely only if he had a folding metal chair to thwack him round the back of the head with while Staylor was bigging himself up to a crowd of physio's... WWNUFC...a new Sky 1 series in the making Disappointed if he didn't slam him through the Spanish announce table tbh. Jerry Lawler: "Did you say jawbreaker? What is that not as good as a slobberknocker..?" Jim Ross: "No, but it has slobberknocker potential."
  4. Hes the type of forward who rapes defenders like Colo for breakfast, so we would at least be sure he wouldn't score against us. Other then that, there isn't much positive to say.
  5. Conjo

    Jonas Gutierrez

    wow, just wow. A set of supporters who actually seem to know what they are talking about? Highlighting Gutierrez, Enrique and Guthrie as our best players, and Nolan as our worst. Well I'll be....
  6. Conjo

    Phil Brown

    http://img80.imageshack.us/img80/6679/dowie.jpg Not only is he his god damn handsome self, but he looks really confident on the task at hand :lol:
  7. This is what really gets to me. The two players we generally think is our best players, and rightfully so, are generally portraited as our worst players by fans and media who don't follow us that close. I voted for Colo, btw..
  8. The irony of that post is fantastic. Double morals ftw
  9. This thread is gutless and spineless. If you have a problem with someone, you should tell them to their face, not this cowardly talking behind their back bullshit on a forum. Fucking wankers. The lot of you.
  10. Didn't know they paid that kind of money for him. Probably out of our range then. :-[
  11. Would love to see him in the prem, but I think he's a little too light weight He is very small, but he had spunk in his game, and went in many challenges against players over a head higher than him. He might take some time adjusting to the physicality in England, but size isn't everything, and he would get alot of freekicks in dangerous areas.
  12. Don't know how realistic it is, but Pablo Piatti really caught my eye yesterday for Almeria. He worked both flanks, worked hard, neat passing, good technique, dribbling and scored a goal. This is the only game I've seen him play, so can't say too much. Can't be to expensive considering he plays for Almeria...?
  13. Kudos for that man! It really is a testament to your character that you were able to do that He will get what he deserves in the end.
  14. Thanks again for you help earlier. Arrived at Almeria 3 hours before the game started, got nice seats and some food. Really enjoyed the match. Lot's of good chances for both sides, but At.Madrid will have to feel let down considering they had two shots in the crossbar, and two one on ones where Forlan really should have got them in front. Thankfully I got myself an Almeira scarf before kick-off, so I could join the celebration two minutes before full time Edit: Anyone else seen much of Pablo Piatti? Really liked the look of him today. Fast as lightning, worked hard, put some nice balls into the oppositions area and scored a goal. Would like to see him in black and white next season!
  15. Got my computer back from repair a couple of hours ago. Nearly had to send it back again there
  16. Never thought about that before, but it would be excellet to have good ol' Jim Ross commentating a PL match
  17. Conjo

    La Liga 09/10

    They can buy Cesc when Xavi is too old to play.
  18. Don't know i it's been posted somewhere already, but here it goes: http://www.teamtalk.com/football/story/0,16368,2483_5937887,00.html Gerrard amazed by penalty refusal Liverpool captain Steven Gerrard has blasted Howard Webb's "crazy" decision not to award the Reds a penalty in Wednesday's defeat at Arsenal. Gunners midfielder Cesc Fabregas admitted after the match that he had handled Gerrard's stoppage-time free-kick but Webb did not spot it. Television replays suggested the incident was outside the area anyway but Gerrard was left fuming at missing out on a chance to salvage a point. "The referee told the Liverpool wall in the first half that if anyone raises their arms above their waist he was going to give a penalty," said the England midfielder. "So for some crazy reason he didn't give it. He told me after the game he hadn't seen it. "It was unbelievable and I can't believe he didn't see someone raise their hands in the wall. "We know over the course of a season sometimes you will get decisions and sometimes you won't, but something so clear as that was hard to take, especially with the referee being Howard Webb. "I would say he is one of the best referees in the league so I am very surprised he didn't see it."
  19. Conjo

    Female Referee

    Blow my whistle baby Blow my whistle baby Open up and put it in Let's begin Blow it like you mean it blow Yes, yes let me hear you say (Woo woo) Louder (Woo woo) Let me hear you say (Woo woo) Louder (Woo woo) Is that what you call loud
  20. Conjo

    Female Referee

    She'll give out a red card at least once a month?
  21. Conjo

    Female Referee

    Your avatar fits nice in with being the OP.
  22. Wigan is a better platform for him to develop anyway. We know that, he knows that. Plus they are in PL. No brainer really, unless you have some kind of connection with Newcastle.
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