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Everything posted by merlin

  1. Agreed Absolutely - on the button, huge support, under-achieving club....
  2. So what you're saying is you want a return to Communism, Stalin and queuing for bread then? I don't see many bread queues in Germany - do you..?? They are FAR from Communists, and if ever the UK looked like facing Communism and Bread queues it was under the last load of morons...ID cards for all, Huge Debts in Public Sector etc etc....
  3. Agree with this - Holland have been very scrappy compared to their great sides of the 70s whose football was superb. However, the Dutch will happily live with this if they win the tournament at last and who can blame them? The failure of 1996 by NUFC resonates with us all in the same way that the Dutch blew it, esp in 1974, so I will be pleased for them if they win - sadly, I think Germany will do it if they get past Spain and to be fair, they would be deserving winners this time. In 74, they hardly got a kick in the second-half but this team looks a better match for Holland - they have genuine flair rather than just being a workmanlike machine.
  4. The Germans have done far better in this tournament than anyone expected - even the German public, but I suspect that Loew was not surprised..... As I stated in an earlier thread, they have planned properly over the years, and there is far more co-ordination between the DFB and the clubs than exists in England with the FA and the PL, whose interests are only the same when it comes to getting the fast buck in. As with their Industry, the Germans are far more organized and have a long-term plan ; in the UK almost EVERYTHING is done on the hoof and with only today in mind - you just have to look at how many UK companies are sold off to the highest foreign bidder(which usually means job losses further down the track - there is NO WAY that Germany would allow Daiimler-Benz or BMW to be sold to a foreign firm - no matter WHAT EU 'Competition rules' say. The Bundesliga is officially the best-run league in Europe and has far less indebtedness among its clubs than the circus that is the PL - their methodical, common-interest approach has paid dividends and for that, if nothing else, I hope they win the WC, although it would be a pity to see Holland miss out again after their 2 undeserved defeats of 1974/78. Of course, Spain may have something to say about all that in today's SF - nothing is guaranteed in football, but generally, the 7 P's apply - Proper Planning and Preparation Prevents Piss-Poor Performances....!
  5. merlin

    Jonas Gutierrez

    The Argentines produce some great players, but their teams always had a nasty streak until Menotti took over in 1974 and got them primarily concerned with playing rather than cynical fouls. There were some dire games involving Argie sides in the past ; apart from England's infamous WC game with them in '66, Estudiantes and Man U had a couple of seriously physical encounters in 1969 when Denis Law and Co were obliged to defend themselves. Brazil always feel that they have to be 'up for it' physically when they play Argentina and it is one of the biggest rivalries in World football. I thought their 78 team played some good stuff in winning, but my opinion of them will always be coloured by Maradona's handball in Mexico - I just wish Lineker had equalized with his header near the end of the match.... As individuals, Coloccini and Jonas have never reverted to some of the nasty tricks that their predecessors did and have usually behaved perfectly when playing for NUFC.
  6. Lots of ideas there, some familiar, some not. I can't see a winter break doing any good unless we reduce the number of games, which is the real issue. We play a lot of high-tempo, physical and competitive football, which means that the players need a lot of recovery time and aren't able to do much fitness work in the season. So they end up both tired and unfit at the end of the season. I think Capello has more or less admitted that his long preparation period made the problem of staleness worse. He'll learn from that. Capello prefers to be remote from the players, and allows his assistant Baldini to do the more pally stuff. I've read that Baldini was troubled by his father's illness and wasn't his usual cheerful self in South Africa. Capello has to create a happy working atmosphere and again I hope he's learned that. He will also have learned that if the players are spending weeks away with one another you can't afford to have any disruptive influences. The technical development of players has been a long-standing problem. We're never going to play like Brazilians but we can aspire to be more like the Germans and the Dutch. I think our best players compare favourably with theirs, but they tend to have technical ability more spread throughout the side. Their defensive players usually look far more comfortable on the ball than ours, and that can make quite a difference when retaining the ball or taking advantage of an opportunity to support an attack. Part of their training of young players is to give them experience in different positions, and they end up good all-rounders. I do wonder whether our players specialise too early and we end up with defenders who are technically limited. Good post - In 1992, I spoke to KK at SJP just after SJH took over the club and asked him, as a former player with Hamburg, why German teams and players were often better than their English counterparts and he replied that they were more prepared, as individuals, to return for extra training in afternoons in order to improve their skills. They had a better work ethic about the game than the players in English football. There is no physical reason why Germans or Dutch players should be better than English ones but if anything, the ridiculous rewards available in the Prem has made players MORE lazy than they were before. They have a perception that they are above criticism and are isolated from the fans - also, there is a lack of decent coaching at school level, and many schools have sold off sports fields and facilities. Some teachers are also guilty of a Politically correct approach to sport which discourages individual success and encourages mediocrity. All of these things - and more - will have to be tackled before there is any improvement in the English national side.
  7. merlin

    James Perch

    This - Perch looked good when he played at SJP but I would need to see him in several games before passing judgment - looked better than Simpson though and may benefit from the change of club after his years at Forest. If he cost less than 1.5m, it is worth the gambke.
  8. Capello may have faults, but not as many as his employers OR the crazy PL system. His record as a manager is beyond reproach except for the fact that he has nor managed at International level. In that respect, someone like Hiddink would have been a better choice but the FA didn't go for him when his Aussie contract was coming to an end as they should have done 4 years ago. Until the International side takes a higher priority as it does in Germany and the bling is taken out of the PL, there will be no change in England's WC record ; even Hiddink would have had a tough job getting this team to the Semis, but his performances with Holland, S Korea and Australia proved that he would have at least made a better fist of it. If Capello fluffs the changes needed to bring England up to a better standard, he should go after the Euro qualifying campaign.
  9. The EU is a disaster for most of the countries in it unless they are a) France or Germany, or b) a country that is permanently receiving contributions from it(unlike the UK which pays approx 40m Pounds a day into the thing). Only politicians, Lawyers and multi-national firms want it. Even 51% of Germans now wish they had never abandoned the Mark for the Euro - look at the problems with Greece, Portugal & Spain... There is much more, but as this is a football site, that is what the topic should be about ; in that sense, I have no brief for Euro teams because they ARE Euro teams, but I do admire the Germans for excellent preparation of their side and for taking the necessary measures to improve things after the poor showings of 10 years ago - they also have, officially, the best-run league in Europe without over-paying under-talented players as do the PL. As for the exit of S.American sides, Brazil were not widely fancied under Dunga's management even in Brazil itself and Argentina under Maradona were an accident waiting to happen ; they only just qualified at the final fence and with the players they have that in itself is an indictment of the unpredictable egotist managing them. In 1982, Brazil were beaten by Italy after a defensive error late in the game when a draw would have taken them through - they were acknowledged as probably the best side not to win the tournament but they still went out ; that is football..... They WILL be back again and will remain the side to beat - they have too many good players and a huge footballing population and tradition not to. Their population is twice that of Germany and more than 3 times that of Argentina. The Argentines themselves will also continue to produce enough good players to remain serious challengers at World level and it is to England's shame that with almost a third more people than Argentina it has only won the WC once and rarely looked like repeating that feat.
  10. merlin

    Our Forwards

    I agree, but think Best is worse - I also don't think Lovenkrands will cut it in the Prem. Interesting that some on here defend him, yet question whether Boyd would 'do it' in the Prem. Boyd scored more goals for Rangers than Lovenkrands, so where does THAT logic come from ? Only Carroll looks to me as if he could be a threat, but even he is still very raw by Prem standards ; he WILL frighten defenders in the air, but needs a really decent striker alongside him to take advantage of this. Would keep Shola before Best...Shola even has a better scoring record in the Prem than Lovenkrands, who, lets face it, is even older... Sadly, funds do not allow big buys, and strikers are big buys if they are any good.
  11. All of this is long overdue - Football has been living in Financial Cloud Cuckoo Land for years now and it should be a correctly managed and funded business. Nobody who follows NUFC should complain about this fiscal tightening because the clubs with the biggest support bases will be the most successful - they will attract the most inward flow of funds, both from fans and advertising. A business can only succeed if it attracts customers and sells its 'product' - if NUFC has even a modicum of success, the club cannot fail to benefit from the new rules. People like Abramovitch will either have to declare that the funds they have given to their clubs actually belong to the club, or that the funds are loans and that looks very suspect under the rules of solvency.
  12. Ginola was part of a great side, but the fact was that the side was NOT built for long-term success. Ginola was 28 when he arrived at SJP, and by the time he was sold, he was over 30 as was Sir Les. Beardsley was 36. Dalglish was right to want to rebuild the side and he was very unlucky with the injury to Shearer at Everton in pre-season 97-98. We can all speculate, but I would bet that Tomasson would have been great alongside Big Al - he was NOT a target man, and because the club were a PLC by this time, Sir Les had to go to balance the books, which proved a disaster after Shearer's injury. Dalglish re-started the Reserves and Juniors and recruited players like Hamman. Given and Solano - yes, there were failures as well, but I still reckon it would have worked out if Shearer had not been injured. The media hated KD because he was non-committal with them and they had had it easy with KK, but the players DID like Dalglish - even a top NE journalist told me that, although he personally didn't get on with Kenny. He was fired 2 games into the 98/99 season after we hadn't even lost a match, and the so-called 'Sexy Football' of his successor got off to the worst possible start when we got hammered at home by Liverpool...... Ginola was a cracking winger at his best - I remember him tormenting Boro to distraction at SJP early in 95/96 ; that great strike at Liverpool to put us 2-1 in front in April 96 ; that thunderbolt strike at SJP which was our second in the 5-0 over Man U, and an amazing shot into Arsenal's top corner early in a game at SJP which left Seaman grasping at thin air.....great memories, but whilst he was right in some of his comments, he was wrong to blame KD totally for what happened - the club had changed, SJH had gone, and it wasn't going to be easy for any manager. There is a long way to go before anything LIKE these times return to SJP - if they EVER do, although the current financial problems in football may just help in the long run because of the great support NUFC attract.
  13. There has been some speculation on rumours sites that Wheater may be joining NUFC from Boro, the deal to be done of Friday for 4m ; has anyone heard this and what would be your views if it went ahead? These things are often way off beam, but it would seem that either Hughton does not rate the current CDs too well or that Taylor is def going. Apparently, Wheater can also play RB, so maybe there is something in it. One thing is for certain - if Wheater joins NUFC he will win one contest straight away - ugliest player on the books and that takes some doing..! Joking aside, he is a very committed player(I use the term loosely..).
  14. Yes, but the difference is that he usually gets PAST the FB after he's done it - and that is the object of a winger's game. The work needs to be completed by a decent cross and although SWP is not the best at that, he is far better than any we have on the books now. Good crosses pulled back from the bye-line are the most dangerous in the game for defenders to deal with.
  15. Not talking about the prices of the players, imo SWP is simply a far greater player. Faster, better technique and greater end product. Totally agree.
  16. merlin

    José Mourinho

    Mourinho has proved himself among the greatest of the World's managers - bar NONE. This thread is pointless, he would just laugh at it if he knew because he is about to make himself one of the richest managers in the game - and deservedly so. All those accusing him of arrogance should look closer to home - is he any worse than SAF, whose constant questioning of Refs decisions/time-keeping etc is legendary ? Or Wenger's constant refusal to see incidents in which his players have been offenders ? A huge tragedy that SBR was never asked to approach him to come to SJP as his replacement.
  17. Unbelievable that anyone would compare NUFC to this great club - they leave us standing when it comes to trophies, ability to sign top players and world-wide renown. Maybe Athletic Bilbao are similar - very regional passionate support and win very little ; they also sell their best players...! Bilbao are a very successful club, it's just that their adherence to their principles have prevented them from continuing this success in this day and age. They have won 8 leagues and 23 cups, fourth and second best in Spain respectively, and are one of only 3 clubs to have always been at the top flight. Unfortunately, we ARE in 'this day & age'...Newcastle United have won the English League 4 times, the FA Cup 6 times and the Uefa Cup once. The difference is that it is not 'adherence to principles' which has stopped NUFC being successful in the modern age, it is more a case of not having any...!
  18. merlin

    Club statement

    Agree that the statement was less than reassuring, especially if we were looking for better news regarding the finances, but at least it does a job dampening down some of the more damaging speculation (even more so when you include the bizarre bonus 2nd statement). Tend to disagree. They are still keeping everyone 'guessing about monies available', and they have done the vast majority of their 'deals on the quiet' (looking at the agent centric section of the statement they will apparently continue to do their best to keep it that way too). It was still idiotic to bring up the subject of 'no funds for players from capital' etc - there was NO need whatsoever to mention it. IF they actually DO make a signing before anyone is sold, Agents and selling clubs will not believe a word they say in future.
  19. Unbelievable that anyone would compare NUFC to this great club - they leave us standing when it comes to trophies, ability to sign top players and world-wide renown. Maybe Athletic Bilbao are similar - very regional passionate support and win very little ; they also sell their best players...!
  20. merlin

    Club statement

    The whole truth is that the club shouldn't have made ANY 'statement' apart from reassuring fans that there would be continuity and a more professional approach to handling the media/transfer speculation etc. They have made a rod for their own backs by talking about money which is naturally going to be seized on by the fans and media - everyone knew that there wasn't going to be a fortune available but they have made it sound worse. When Harry Catterick was in charge at Everton, they handled all their transfers in a very secretive manner - players were actually at a press conference before anyone knew anything about it ; at NUFC during the same period, we had CONSTANT speculation in the Press about this or that player, most of which never materialised on our books at all. The club seemed to think that the fans needed a constant diet of news about poss transfers which made it all worse. The club should have kept everyone guessing about monies available and done their deals on the quiet - the Press don't like it but tough - pleasing them hasn't done the club much good over the years...
  21. merlin

    Club statement

    In any case, talking about '5 year plans' reminds me of 2 things - firstly the Soviets after the War when they had '5 year plans' for everything including the Moskvitch.....the Russkies are still waiting for the Kremlin's challenger to VW.... Secondly, Sunderland once had a manager called Alan Brown who had the misfortune to be in charge there when NUFC were winning the Fairs Cup - Brown also had a '5 Year plan' for Mackem success by bringing through the likes of Colin Todd, Bobby Kerr and Billy Hughes etc...the Mackems got relegated and it wasn't until Bob Stokoe took over 4 years later that they won the FA Cup and got promoted. Brown wasn't there long enough to see his 5 Year Plan work because he was fired after they went down....
  22. Whilst I would NEVER switch to following another club, I have some sympathy for those who are thinking of witholding ST money. I did this during late 80s because I wanted the Board out - in the end, they WERE forced out by SJH's takeover but also because they were in the mire financially - I chose the games I wanted to see but after they had conned us over Beardsley & Gazza(waiting to sell the players until AFTER the STs had been sold, there was no way I would give them a season's money until I saw what they were going to do with the team. The current situation is a bit different because Ashley owns the club outright whereas the McKeag board didn't ; nobody we know about is even THINKING about buying NUFC as SJH was, so there is little chance of changing things in the foreseeable future - in addition, many Prem clubs have financial problems now, and it will be interesting to see how much is spent this close season by all but the best-run clubs. Ashley has been up-front about the lack of transfer fund unless the club sells to buy so at least you know what you are going to get..... I am not in the UK any more so therefore don't have the dilemma, but I have sympathy with some of half a heed's views ; I accept that the club has to try to live within its means but a club which can get the home crowds that NUFC command should at least be able to strengthen the team to ensure that the club is not relegated next season. It's a personal decision and those who are going to be stretched for cash(as many will be after the politicians have finished playing musical chairs and feathering their own nests)over the next few years are not to be derided for thinking twice.
  23. Now downgraded estimate to 30-32...probably not enough and also optimistic..
  24. This, frankly - and there's no guarantee he would even get THAT. The true answer is that he will get paid until they sack him, then they have to pay off the rest - he would get nowt if he walked .... Unless things are a lot different to 'what it says in the brochure' he will be gone by Christmas as he has no chance without a transfer kitty.
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