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Everything posted by GeordieDazzler

  1. GeordieDazzler

    Jacob Murphy

    Rafa's comments worked
  2. Renato Sanchez to AC? They are doing mental business this year!
  3. Benfica strips are the best man, simple, classy.
  4. His star faded rather quickly like
  5. It's France Football tbf, still probably bullshit like
  6. Monetero seems to either be unplayable or anonymous
  7. Is he any good? A quick Wikiscout doesn't really tell me anything
  8. One link on newsnow saying we are struggling to pay £12m for Delph and the next saying were gonna pay £52m for Bas Dost
  9. Thought Lukaku would go for more than 75 in the current market. Not saying he's worth it, just thought it would be even higher.
  10. They can both fuck off like Edit: Boro and Derby that is
  11. I said last Monday, clearly I meant this Monday
  12. Chile man just hit the fucking target man!
  13. Milan and Everton are currently winning the transfer window like
  14. Werner from the Thomas Müller school of looking very German.
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