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Everything posted by GeordieDazzler

  1. The Fat One Targets a 'Northern club". http://football.guardian.co.uk/News_Story/0,,2214481,00.html?gusrc=rss&feed=5
  2. http://www.messengernewspapers.co.uk/display.var.1845741.0.barton_set_for_summer_trial.php
  3. Tony would you like to write the "Who The Fuck Are ...?" article on Liverpool?
  4. Nope, started and scored for the first team in his last game.
  5. That curry hell is a big no no! Hate curry. Cheesy chips from Salt & Pepper on Percy St are the best. Or Get Stuffed on ST Marys Place. That is my only concern. Obviously that combination curdles in your stomach, especially the cream/soda water. But I have been in there for Newcastle games before quite a few times and there always seems to be daft games on and everyone just laughs so might give it a go. If it was all that minus cream it would be piss easy to do. But I suppose that is the fun part of it, making people throw up If memory serves me rightly they do provide a bin just in case? Seen similar stuff in the Sports Cafe, but hate that place. Fuckin rip off. Yeah, if you try make sure you aint wearing your best gear. The way people throw up is Little Britain-esqe. Goldie got two 2-pint jugs and mixed them all together and then drank from the jugs, he just managed it like.
  6. He did aswell. Looked very good. Think someone mentioned him the game before aswell. a scout was up there from newcastle mainly wanting to watch toni from italy and hutton from scotland If we sent a scout to watch Toni then that is Roeder esque. If Roeder turned down the chance to sign Toni for £1m which I massivley doubt he should be shot.
  7. it that like curry hell? Pints of Cream, Guiness, Fresh Orange and Soda all downed one after another. And yes they're still doing it. 99% of people throw up, but Goldie the resident goon there did it before the Derby and held it down.
  8. The article then goes into total shite.... Either our scout is thick as fuck or Anal's making stuff up.
  9. fucking hell, do people even watch our matches?
  10. http://www.saopaulofc.com.br/modules/news/images/leandro_no_travessao.jpg http://i17.tinypic.com/71gzn78.jpg
  11. Wiki reckon's that Arshavin is.
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