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Everything posted by GeordieDazzler

  1. Miss of the season from Sidwell
  2. yeah Baky Kone i think he was called...or Boka or sumthing. He was brilliant edit: Arthur Boka (Strasbourg, France), VfB Stuttgart tbh
  3. I've always been under the impression that Babel is vastly overrated.
  4. Would want Baines, but we very obviously dont have they money. Piquonne would be great, better for us than Babel.
  5. USA play Mexico like ded soon dont they? :-[
  6. http://img2.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/a56729c4f3.jpg
  7. Babels goal record isnt fantastic either.
  8. And thats from the official site
  9. I thought his preferred position was CF but he has been forced to play on the wing/wing forward role because of players like Huntelarr
  10. Already got four goals and a couple of assists. Surely he would have jumped at the chance to come here on loan, if Glenn had had the nouse to recognise a talented and available striker. As he's shown so far at Fulham he would have offered 10x as much as Rossi's dismal contributions. I think he wanted to live in London for the most part tbh
  11. Well he's got talent but has been a bit inconsistant at his current club which has a wealth of attacking players. Sounds a bit like the situation with Martins before we bought him. He gets played out of position alot doesnt he?
  12. Where s the training ground exactly? Benton, near coach lane. One of me mates lives next door to him.
  13. Yeah you already sent me them on TT http://ave-it.net/models.jpg
  14. Glad you like it... http://i116.photobucket.com/albums/o14/ehnjii/futbol/skljdlasdks.jpg http://i116.photobucket.com/albums/o14/ehnjii/futbol/545.jpg
  15. http://img64.imageshack.us/img64/4095/rooney5dv6fo.jpg
  16. And these countries are producing the best players in the world??? Actually, I would rather us signing players from the odd countries than those from popular countries like Brazil, France etc. Chances are that the cream from Brazil, France etc have been taken by other more popular clubs. Those elites from less popular countries, while could be less skillful, could be more competitively minded and ambitious. http://eur.news1.yimg.com/eur.yimg.com/ng/sp/empics/4306731
  17. almost every interview in Chron for the last month seems to have be Milner
  18. Nobby doesnt live in Jesmond, he lives right next to the training ground more or less.
  19. Fantastic assist by Kazenga last night
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