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Everything posted by Chris_R

  1. You forgot: - He was always down the quayside getting pissed.
  2. I remember when Beardsley was at Newcastle. He always stayed back after training until literally every single person who wanted an autograph had one, even if it took him hours to get away. Met him in Asda at Gosforth once when he was a player here as well, and even though he was just out shopping he was happy to stop and have a chat. Not really adding anything new here, but there you are.
  3. Reminds me of Ginola. Clearly remember him taking corners with both feet.
  4. To save me reading 53 pages, what exactly did Van Persie do? I know him and Krul have had some kind of run-in, but people on here are slating Van Persie and I'm not sure what for. What have I missed?
  5. Chris_R


    Any specific players menioned?
  6. Chris_R


    Been removed now. What did it say?
  7. That's some Mensa-level maths from the Telegraph there, there's no fooling them is there?
  8. Indeed. Could have gone down briefly to draw attention to the contact, but no need to act like you've been shot in the neck. That said, if it guaranteed the dismissal and subsequently the rescuing of a point, I'm not complaining!
  9. Chris_R

    Shola Ameobi

    Great cameo today, but let's put him back in storage again until next season.
  10. Chris_R


    Be interesting to see this. According to FM, they've been relegated 8 times in the last 40 years. How many victories over us in that time? I've tried google but can't get any relevant search results.
  11. Chris_R

    Alan Smith

    Bingo. We're talking about a multi-millionaire who's been paid thousands of pounds every week for the last 10 years. He's not skint, he's not struggling for cash, he's been paid circa £14m from NUFC alone since he signed for us. If he's still putting money before playing football then he's a greedy c***. He values earning money above actually playing football. He's scum. Remember Assou-Ekotto coming out a year ago or so saying he had lost the love for the game and was only in it for the money. Oh, how everybody though the honesty was refreshing. Can't remember anybody calling him money grabbing scum. If he was content to sit on the bench and continue to get paid for doing nothing the you'd have a point. He's earning his money by playing. He may not like his job as footballer but at least he's doing it. Completely different to Smith tbh. Just because the manager does not pick him ahead of first choice players? You must hate all back up players for taking money from the club..? I hate the fact he takes £3m out of the club every year and gives precisely nothing back in return. I resent him for it and I'm quite happy to admit it. I hate the fact he takes £3m out of the club every year too, and I can't wait for him to leave at the end of the season and the money to be invested in better players. The fact he offers nothing back in return is a choice by his manager; he makes himself available for selection but the manager estimates (correctly) that he has better options at his disposal. I don't resent the player concerned for this as I think most people would not give up the majority of their wages for another, more satisfying job, despite what they say on an internet forum. I certainly wouldn't. If that makes me a c***, so be it. I would. I'd want to play as much football as my body would allow. I'd look at my bank balance of several million pounds (steadily accumulating over the last 12 years) and make a decision that playing football was more important than earning even more money. Id want to go back to my home town club and try to help them back into the Premier League. I don't understand his or your way of putting money before playing football. What's most important for a footballer ffs? What a ridiculous argument. Do you define someone solely by their job? Would you say "I don't understand his or your way of putting money before stacking shelves. What's most important for a shelf stacker ffs?" All these people getting indignant are fucking idiots IMO, suggesting that he should be playing football at literally any level rather than earning £60k/week simply because "he's already earned enough". Look: If football's THAT important to him, he can wait until June then go play it with extra money in his pocket. He can play until 40 if he wants, trawling round the Sunday leagues, it's not like he's got some kind of fucking time-limited opportunity to play football over the next 6 months that will never come round again in his life. However he's only got 6 more months in his entire life where he can earn this kind of cash. He'd be a fucking idiot to walk away. Don't misunderstand me. I was against Alan Smith joining this club, and I've hated every time I've seen his name on the teamsheet, he's a millstone round the neck of the club and I'll be delighted when he's gone. But to suggest he has some kind of moral obligation to walk away is fucking barmy. We gave him the contract, and if I was him I'd do exactly what he's doing. So would all of you, and saying "Oh no not me, I'd walk away because I love football so much" (Which people inevitably will) is not going to convince me one single bit.
  12. Chris_R

    Papiss Cissé

    And that, Shola, is ninety percent of the f***ing problem! Well, you're f***ed there then. UL.
  13. Give him a new contract that says he can leave for £15m then. But only to PSG.
  14. Chris_R


    Milner - Sold for £24m Downing - Sold for £18m Young - Sold for between £15m rising to £20m 3 of the most expensive 4 were sold on at very large profits, which makes the £95.9m above a little redundant.
  15. Chris_R

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    I don't get the problem with Ben Arfa losing the ball - As long as he does it in the right areas, that is. If he's fucking about in his own penalty area, someone needs to have a word with him but if he's looking to unlock the opposition in the final third then I'm glad he's taking chances. Most of the time we welly the ball up field we lose possession Most of the time Ryan Taylor swings a cross in from deep, we lose possession Most of the time anyone tries anything that might unlock the opposition, we WILL lose possession. It's fucking inevitable. You have to take these chances though to try to score goals, it's what the game is all about. Ben Arfa running at his man is no worse or more risky than a Ryan Taylor cross or a hoof up to Shola and Best. If he's losing the ball when running at his man in the final third, then bloody good. Because sooner rather than later he'll beat his man and we'll end up creating a great chance.
  16. So Ben Arfa scores what pardew himself describes as the best goal he's ever seen, and it's still not enough to get a game. f***ing tragic. Wouldn't blame him for slapping in a transfer request, it's clear there's nothing he can do to get in the side.
  17. Chris_R

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Despite how we're brought up in Newcastle, I have heard that it's possible to go out without getting shitfaced.
  18. Disregarding the release clause speculation, Pardew has managed to belittle Redknapp with ease and also, to some extent, the journalists who posed/agreed the line of questioning. It was an extremely subtle warning, which also served as a means to alert the media that Redknapp should not be talking about Newcastle players. - How's he belittled Redknapp? He's tried to, but it's a pretty hollow response to someone who may have just successfully tapped up your best striker. I doubt Redknapp will give 2 shits about this supposed "belittling" if he ends up with Ba out of the deal. That's all he cares about, not his reputation as a nice, honest chap. - A warning? How can we warn someone against buying a player with a release clause ffs? All we can do is sit here and shit ourselves, maybe offer him a new deal and try to buy out the clause. - And everyone already knows that Redknapp shouldn't be talking about other players, Pardew's hardly the first manager in the world to notice it. We know it already, the media know it already, Redknapp knows it already and everyone in the bloody country knows it already, but he's made a career out of doing this. I'm not suggesting we should just allow him to say and do whatever he wants without at least trying to give a response, but to say it's "10-0" to Pardew is ridiculous. Redknapp is winning this one, as he always does, and all Pardew's done is to try to save a little face by saying a watered down version of what we all already know - Ie that Redknapp's a weasley little shitebag who should be in jail, and that he's tapped up a ridiculous number of players in his time and should be done for it and thrown out of football.
  19. Pardew 10, Redknapp 0. Erm, how? Worrying really. It all points to there being a clause and that Redknapp is sniffing about, and we're utterly powerless to stop him. It's probably more like Pardew 3, Redknapp 197. Ba has shown already at West Ham that he's happy to leave a club after 6 months if a better offer comes along, and has shown that he (or his agent) is savvy enough to include release clauses to allow this to happen. Starting to think we're fucked, tbh. Again.
  20. cabin fever, who does he play for ? is he a striker ? Fever Cabin is a 17 year old left winger/striker that plays for Montpellier. No chance he will sign for nufc when all the top clubs in Europe are after him. #prodigy get hatem on the phone to him. "Hey, come to Newcastle and you can sit on the bench with me and Davide Santon. It'll be brilliant! You can join us as we spend 80 minutes a week crying as we watch Obertan fuck up our attack and Ryan Taylor fuck up in defence. You'll definitely not be playing as Leon Best's got your shirt, he couldn't hit a barn door with a banjo so you'll have someone to cry watching too." Who could resist such an offer?
  21. Chris_R


    Given their shit support, I've always read "FTM" as "Find The Mackems"
  22. Fuck knows why people always have the GK at the top and then the rest of the team upside down so the left back is on the right and the right back on the left. I'm not having any of that shit: Best Ba Ben Arfa Cabaye Tiote Jonas Santon Williamson Coloccini Simpson Krul
  23. Chris_R

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Yeah, so 'special' that you'll play Leon Best ahead of him. And Shola f***ing Ameobi. f***ing facepalm-tastic. And on the wing, we get the likes of Obertan and even Sammy Ameobi ahead of Ben Arfa. Now if Ben Arfa isn't a winger, what the f*** posesses Pardew to think that Sammy Ameobi is? You can't give me this "He's not a winger" s**** then play Sammy Ameobi there, a bloke who may well go on to become a good player for us but who is about as similar to a winger as he is to being an elderly fat white female midget. I'm getting exasperated, I am.
  24. Makes bugger all difference what fee we get if we don't reinvest it. We'be still got nearly all the Carroll money to spend yet.
  25. Chris_R


    You can get windows from anywhere. The correct course of action would have been to make him his cuppa and present it to him in that cup.
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