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Everything posted by Chris_R

  1. I'm not sure why everyone's so surprised or happy that Duff's said he'll stay. He's on £60k a week, and has done nothing to justify that. He'll not earn anywhere near that amount anywhere else, he'd be mad to leave. I doubt we could sell him even if we tried, never mind get someone to match his wages.
  2. Put Viduka on a pay-as-you-play contract. £30k for every match he plays. If he plays all season then it's money well spent. If he's out injured forever then we're losing nothing. I'm sure Villa did that with Paul McGrath years back and it worked for them.
  3. I'm moving to Bournemouth in October (New job) so I'll probably get to a lot more away games than home games from next season. It'll be strange as I normally don't go to many away games, only home ones.
  4. Chris_R

    A decision

    This. Said all week that I planned to just tune in to the TV at 6pm and see what's happened. However I'm now off into town soon, find a pub somewhere and commence drinking. Whatever the result, I don't think I'll be very sober when I come in.
  5. He's really gone up in my estimation over the last month. If we'd had a team with half as much determination and drive as him then we'd not be in the shit we are right now.
  6. Nice to see that 22% of the forum are utterly deluded.
  7. We're 0-0 with 4 mins of the allotted 3 minutes injury time played. The mackems have already lost and Hull have won, when Martins smashes one in from 30 yards that goes in off the crossbar to keep us up and send the mackems down. I'd die a happy man at that point.
  8. "We didn't like this league anyway"
  9. The 2 seconds after Viduka put the ball in the net on Saturday. I actually thought for a moment we might get out of this shitty mess. Then the ref disallowed it and I was sent crashing back to reality.
  10. Chris_R

    Jonas Gutierrez

    Whilst I'm not saying he's a great player, I think part of the problem is that he's consistently played on the left when he's right footed. Then everyone bitches on about his poor delivery. If we played him on the right he'd have a much better chance of being able to put a decent ball into the box. Not saying he WOULD put a better ball in but at least we'd get a better idea of whether he was capable or not.
  11. Or was told he wasn't starting so went off in a sulk.
  12. Agree with that, word for word.
  13. Look, if I'm late for work 3 times I'll be down HR getting a formal warning, never mind getting a fine. If after that I keep being late then I'd run the risk of being fired. And I'm sure most of us would face exactly the same there. Does it bother me? No. It's called having responsibilities and being professional about my job. And if I earned twice in a week what I currently do in a year then I'd make damned sure I was early never mind on time every single day.
  14. Has Lovenkrands managed to do anything other than just lose the ball so far? Oh, and it's just become shooting practice for Liverpool now. Could be a cricket score.
  15. We just aren't testing James enough. I can't see where we're going to score from. We don't look like a team with goals in us.
  16. Selling 2 of our only players who could run with the ball and beat a man in Milner and N'Zogbia without replacing them adequately has condemned us to the Championship.
  17. Suddenly we look like a team. We'll probably still get beat but if Shearer takes note for the next game there's a sliver of hope.
  18. 4 strikers on now. Well, one's Alan Smith. Straight away Martins makes an impact.
  19. Awful game. 1-0 down and in all honesty the way we've played we're lucky to have scored 0.
  20. No pace No creativity No running (Apart from Jonas) I can accept a lack of quality, but there's no excuse for this. They're just jogging round the pitch and whenever they get the ball it's like they've been given a fucking grenade with the pin out. Time will tell if we go down or not, but one thing's for certain: We deserve to.
  21. Worst - Selling Sir Les
  22. Q.P.R are not making it public atm due to it being sensitive information Surely that's not relevant, as their ex manager has made it public already.
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