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Everything posted by Chris_R

  1. Delighted with the midfield, WP Chris Hughton. I just hope we reward his team choice with a good result and performance. Shame about Lovenkrands missing out, but if nothing else this gives us a chance to see a bit more of Leon Best, who frankly I know very little about. Sure Peter will get on for the last half hour.
  2. Following Newcastle was never a choice, my father supported them (Though he stopped going to the games in the 60s/70s when things went down hill and never went back) and they were the local team. To me, there wasn't an option to support anyone else. I was no more able to chose which team to support than I was able to chose the colour of my eyes or the shape of my nose.
  3. Agree 100%. If Smith walks back into this team (Butt's still out AFAIK so I'm discounting him) or if we revert to 1 winger or 1 striker, then Hughton will go right down in my estimation. We need to be making teams fear us, going at them and looking to win. If we go to 18th placed Derby looking for a point and a clean sheet, then what the hell does he plan to do away to Man U next season (All being well with promotion ofc)?
  4. Bobby Robson charity match and the Barcelona win. Other than that, seen pretty much all the good games since I was a nipper. Living in Bournemouth now though, so doubtless will miss more than I see for the foreseeable.
  5. The LAST thing we need in midfield is a defender. Look at how we played last night without any cloggers in the centre and 2 proper wingers, something I've been crying out for all season. The very idea of reverting to Butt / Smith or even worse Hall in the middle of the park makes my blood run cold.
  6. Because if I were there I wouldn't have left early? I just dont get how anyone can say that unless they're there, that's all. Sorry, that's utter bullshit. I've never left a game even 1 second early, I don't have to have been there tonight to have an opinion on people leaving early.
  7. Brilliant, absolutely delighted. Been saying all season that we need to make other teams worry about us, rather than us worrying about them. This is the one game we've even attempted to do that, and the result speaks for itself. If Smith or Butt get back into this team for the next game or if we play just one winger, then Hughton wants shot with shit.
  8. If Smith or Butt get back into this team after this performance tonight, I'll explode in apoplectic rage.
  9. Fuck me, this is terrific stuff. Really pleased for Lovenkrands, should have started and has hopefully made that point with his performance since coming on.
  10. That's hardly something that's specific to tonight though! Agree with the rest though, 100%
  11. Fucking brilliant!! Finally, we attack a team, and we're spanking them 3 nil after 15 mins! LEARN FROM THIS MR HUGHTON!
  12. Get in! Just managed to get the commentary working as the goal went in.
  13. I think it's entirely possible (Note: Not "likely", just possible) that he'd chose Newcastle over Wigan. Sure, we're behind them in the league. But this is the first time in many, many years that this has been the case, we're likely to go up and we have a much bigger stadium and support than they do. League position is just a snapshot, it doesn't show everything. No harm whatsoever in matching their bid and seeing if he fancies us instead.
  14. Yeah, must admit I nearly pooed my pants when I read that!
  15. Will Ashley be beaten by DW? That actually might really help our chances of getting him. Ashley might pull out the stops just to stop Whelan getting him.
  16. The one thing we have in our favour is that I'd think he would be given an awful lot more first team football here than at West Ham, Fulham or Wigan. We're crying out for a new forward and he fits the bill perfectly, if he went to any of them then he'd doubtless find himself in the reserves or just getting the occasional 15 mins at the end of matches. 4 months in the Championship with us in which to show what he can do as a first team regular, help get us up then start next season as a first choice forward, playing in front of 52000 in the Prem. We'll always be a big club, Wigan never will be and the likes of Fulham will do OK until they lose Hodgson, and I'm surprised he hasn't already had a better offer after what he's done there then they'll be back to scrapping round at the bottom again. West Ham are not exactly setting the world alight at the moment and if we go up, they could just as easily go the other way and if Moses went there, he could be swapping 4 months of Premier League football for life in the Championship again. That's my bit of optimism for the day!
  17. Not sure what Sunderland has got to do with this?
  18. If i am not mistaken Lambarse said we would buy players outright in future instead of instalments bucking the trend set by the rest of the football world If I'm not mistaken, he's said a lot of things that have since been shown to be utter crap. That sour faced prick couldn't lie straight in bed.
  19. I'd take Ambrose or Moses, definitely. Ambrose would be decent cover, has shown he can do well in this league and wouldn't cost the earth. Exactly what we need at the moment. A mate at work is from London and a Palace fan, he's been raving about Moses all season and reckons he could be quite special. Of course Moses may well get better offers, but it sure can't hurt to try.
  20. Just read this - all I can say is "FUCKING GET IN!" Finally, a right winger. And a pretty decent one too. Know it was only 1 game but thought he was the best player on the park by a mile when they played us at St James Park earlier this season. Really excited for Wednesday now.
  21. Chris_R

    Nicky Papavasilou

    I always thought he was a canny player, never knew why he disappeared so quickly after his arrival.
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