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Everything posted by Chris_R

  1. Threw away any chance of winning that game with a shocking starting lineup and a shocking tackle from Nolan. Really should have had Jonas and Martins on from the start if there was even the tiniest chance they could have managed 60 minutes each. So for me today: Harper: 6 Couple of decent saves but Everton didn't really test him. Kicking was pretty awful, needs to improve. Enrique: 8 Strong as an ox, fast, and generally had a great game. OK, he's no Ronaldo with the ball at his feet but that's not his job. Bassong: 8.5 Never put a foot wrong. Another accomplished display. Coloccini: 7 Played OK, but definitely the shakier of the 2 DCs. Saylor: 7 Played well, agree with those saying he looks better at DR than at DC. Duff: 0 Did nothing, gets no marks. Rightly subbed at half-time. Raylor: 6 for his outfield work as he's got no real pace, 8 for his threat with dead balls. 7 Overall. Butt: 4 Jogged round a bit, looked generally out of his depth. Watching Butt play is like watching your dad get up on the dancefloor. Maybe he had the moves once, but now it's just embarrassing. Nolan: 6 for a tidy contribution up to about 35 minutes, but then loses all 6 for being a spastic. Overall 0. Løvenkrands: 5 Showed a good turn of pace but didn't really get involved. Plus missed a sitter. Ameobie: 1 - Just fuck off. Please. Ambled round the pitch at what amounted to a slow jog looking totally disinterested. 6'4" yet can't win a header and is about as strong as a glass of water. I could accept all that if he scored goals but after 246 games now he's got 50. For a striker, that's shit. For a striker that offers nothing else to the team, that's simply unacceptable. Jonas: 6 Livened things up a bit for 15 minutes, then disappeared mainly due to lack of service. Needs to work on his final ball. Martins: 6 Again, no service other than a few long balls pumped up to him but despite being about 5'8" he still won more headers than Amadonkey. Smith: Still looks as good now as the day he signed for us. 3.
  2. How did you manage to spend £8 on a £3 programme? They're robbing bastards those programme sellers. Twice I've had one try to short change me. But to get short changed by a fiver is admittedly impressive!
  3. Well, they do have to watch Sunderland. It's not that good a deal!
  4. Chris_R


    I was watching it with the missus and we lost a few seconds in the buildup, when it came back on (Before the goal) I said "Wouldn't it be funny if they'd missed the winner". Then 5 seconds later Everton score, now I find out some people DID miss the winner. Shambles!
  5. Private planes are still ok to land aren't they? Private planes and planes from abroad still going, UK internal planes aren't. Highly doubt that, private planes can do whatever the f*** they want Fly underwater? Why not? http://blog.modernmechanix.com/2008/06/27/denmarks-amazing-submarine-plane/
  6. Was fantastic yesterday. Defensively he was awesome, not so great going forward but I can live with that if he's so solid at the back. I really don't know what he's done to annoy Kinnear but if one of them has to go then I pray to god it's not Enrique.
  7. I can't spot the mistake? Been looking for 5 minutes now. look at the headline under the photo Spot on! I thought it was that they've listed him as 24, when he's only 22.
  8. You can draw anyone in the cup, you know.
  9. Pointless including Dyer in that list, he'll still be out injured.
  10. A couple of years ago I'd have been gutted about this deal, but £6.5m plus Taylor for a player who consistently underperforms and sulks is very good business IMO.
  11. Good signing, delighted he's in. Need more though. We'll be getting well over £4.5m for Shay so let's see the rest re-invested as well because we desperately need it.
  12. Changed my vote: 4 -> 8 It's hard to have any level of optimism at the moment.
  13. Just submitted mine: 1) Does Joe Kinnear have the final say on transfers? 2) If Joe Kinnear does have the final say on transfers, why did Keegan not? 3) If Joe Kinnear doesn't have the final say on transfers, why does he keep telling the press that he does? 4) Joe Kinnear is claiming he's been offered a long-term contract. If this is the case, isn't it a sign of how far this club has fallen in the last 5 years? 5) Why has it taken you so long to open your mouth and speak to us? How do you react to fan's opinions that they've been treat with utter contempt by the board and especially yourself since you took over? Doubtless none of that will get through the sift, but it's got to be worth a try.
  14. Chris_R

    Where do you sit?

    I normally sit (stand) in the singing section, love a bit of atmosphere even though I'm not one of the kids anymore. I don't have a season ticket though, work too many weekends, but go whenever I can. The only place I've never sat / stood in all my time of going to the matches is the East Stand. I keep promising myself I'll get a ticket there one day for a cup game or something, but it never seems to happen.
  15. Surely the correct answer is 2006? Intertoto cup.
  16. Well that's Shay gone. Can't imagine Harper would sign again if Shay wasn't already as good as out the door. Just hope we get a good midfielder in now, either with the cash for Given or as part of the deal. If that happens, it's a net positive effect on the team.
  17. While Shepherd was splashing the cash, it was unsustainable. The debt we were in would have had to be paid back sooner rather than later and I don't see how that was going to happen without us doing a Leeds. So although Ashley hasn't brought Kaka or Robinho to Newcastle, he's steadied us, cleared the debts and stopped us going under. Just because he refuses to put the club into more debt or spend more of his own money doesn't make him worse than Shepherd. Fat Fred had us on a one-way ticket to oblivion and anyone who can't see that needs their head read. Ashley has done a lot wrong since he came here and I'm no blind fanboy, but this is a no contest for me. Ashley pretty much saved the club.
  18. Chris_R

    Kinnear Out

    Whilst I agree with him to an extent, the "They're not my players" comment is unlikely to get the dressing room behind him. Bit of a daft comment really, it's the transfer window now so why not do something quietly to start making them your players and shut the fuck up?
  19. Wank. That's us out. Not looked like scoring all game. Or last game for that matter.
  20. Never like to see us buying players of that age. If he comes cheap (Couple of million tops) then fair enough, but if we're spunking all our budget on someone who'll be plodding round like Nicky Butt in a couple of seasons then it's not such a good idea.
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