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Everything posted by Chris_R

  1. 20% posession after 30 minutes ffs. That's an utter joke.
  2. We're fucking shit, aren't we? Maybe it was Jones making Bruce look bad, not the other way round.
  3. So fucking loads of our players are not in their best position. Surely that's football management 1-0-1, get the right players in the right positions? It's like THE basic thing. Harks back to seeing Shola on the fucking wing.
  4. I mean I'd change things around too, but Darlow up top is quite radical.
  5. I mean on one hand fair enough, but on the other hand ASM apparently basically won't train at all so surely if you're picking based on that.....?
  6. Maybe it's some kind of 4-2-3-1? -------------Wilson Ritchie------ASM-------Fraser -----Longstaff----Hayden Manquillo--Clark--Lascelles--Krafth -----------Darlow Still shit. I mean I'd waaaaay prefer it quite a bit different, more like this: -------------Wilson Murphy------ASM-------Almiron -----Willock----Hayden Manquillo--Schar--Lascelles--Krafth -----------Darlow Anyway, let's see. He's not here for long, we've just got to suck up the next couple of matches. But I want it on record that I said after his interview yesterday that I wasn't exactly inspired!
  7. Yeah but Delia drinks all that away.
  8. So? You forgetting we're filthy rich now? This is spot on, but maybe Lampard was really keen but we've pied him off, and this is him saving face?
  9. I'd label the attack as many things, but to complain about not being shown "respect" is just laughable. You earn respect, you don't demand it. The paying public are not your subordinates, you're not some better class of human that everyone else must kowtow to. Anyone has a right to not respect anyone else, and especially if it's based on you serving up years worth of shit football that they're paying to watch, failing to competently do the job that they indirectly employ you to do. He absolutely should not be throwing cabbages at you (as amusing as it is), but he's got every right on Earth to not respect you, you fucking gimp.
  10. Don't even have to play the first team. Just be blatantly corrupt about it and play the U18s behind closed doors against a local side. Fuck them.
  11. Chris_R

    Graeme Jones

    Everyone saying how well he came over in the interview, but I'm less happy tbh. Although he said a lot of positive things and was measured, he was maybe too measured and there was a lack of enthusiasm or passion. He also seemed very much a Bruce man - My hopes for Jones came from wishing that he was hired against Bruce's wishes and was being held back by Bruce and not allowed to shine. Seems maybe that wasn't the case and we've already seen much of what Jones can bring to the table. Hope I'm wrong and that was just him being polite and trying to remain level and calm in his first interview, and either way its only a couple of games, but still he didn't exactly inspire me that we're going to see much different.
  12. Chris_R

    Kevin Keegan

    I don't think I will ever tire of listening to Keegan talk about Newcastle.
  13. It might be helpful if just some of the media outlets would stop expecting us to judge our football manager on his merits as a human being and start expecting him to be judged on his merits as a football manager.
  14. What, by giving everyone days off? Some fucking genius level planning that is.
  15. Well the game was mostly shit, but I can't deny that I shed a tear after we scored the first goal. That's the most I've celebrated a goal in years, and it just felt like such a release of emotion to finally give a shit again about us. Aside from the result, we've got just a handful of decent players and really need a complete overhaul in January. Bruce is not the man to oversea this and needs to be gone by the morning.
  16. Expect we'll get battered, but it's just nice to be able to hope for a win again, because the result actually matters for once.
  17. I doubt it either, but it's the impression it gives and it's the story that other clubs and the media will run with. We really should not be doing it. We should not be giving them free ammunition. But whatever, I've said my piece on it.
  18. Chris_R

    Kevin Keegan

    As long as it's not Leicester's.
  19. Chris_R

    Kevin Keegan

    They should have him in charge of getting signings done. Just get him in to talk to the new manager, players, their agents etc. Make any prospective new arrival sit in a room with King Kev for a couple of hours, and he'll walk out with a signed contract from them.
  20. I agree. I just don't think we should give them free ammo by dressing up in fucking tea towels. You can not give a shit what people think whilst still not actively sabotaging our image. Plus, let's be honest, whilst I've tried to come at it from the angle of protecting our image, ultimately it is distasteful. No matter how anyone might say "I'm celebrating Saudi culture not the regime" it's clearly NOT the image it gives out, and frankly it's a shit image because they've got a fucking terrible human rights record that we should in no way be venerating or normalising. People are absolutely right to be aghast at fans waving Saudi flags, those fans need to get some self awareness and stop being idiots. This is not a country we should be putting on a pedestal.
  21. If you live in a little bubble of just Newcastle, and only post here and don't talk to other fans in real life, and don't read newspapers, sure. For the rest of us it is our problem though. Some of us give a shit about how we're perceived.
  22. That's the entire point though - other fans and the press absolutely will think that about us And you blame alcohol in advance but it's not like you can get drunk and just stumble across a tea towel or a Saudi flag, this takes a level of planning and intent. And it makes ALL of us look like the very worst things the press and other fans say about us. The people watching us, other fans and media, are looking to humiliate us. Let's not help them.
  23. If you think "Don't do anything that might embarrass us on an international stage" is arbitrary, we're not going to get anywhere, ever. But surely it's just common sense? And so incredibly easy to do. In fact it takes effort and planning to do the embarrassing stuff, actual thought has to go into it. Maybe just put the tea towel back down and don't take it to the ground? We've been humiliated and mocked as a fanbase too many times, don't give them free shots in a day the whole world will be watching. And if anyone does, it's perfectly fair for the more sensible fans to try and protect our reputation by calling this shit out and challenging it.
  24. Again, it's about perceptions. You might be "jokingly" waving a Saudi flag but the media and other fans will just paint it as "Newcastle fans support murdering regime, want success at all costs, only after the money" etc Just don't give them the chance to do that to us? It's not like it's difficult to NOT wave a Saudi flag. It's easy to avoid doing these things. And some of our fans may think "I don't care what people think about us" but plenty of us do care, strongly, so that's where other fans' anger comes in. Let's be united and just maybe not do shit that could make us look stupid on an international stage?
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